

  • 2007-07-06

    2007-07-06 09:26:26

    "Vicious" piranhas are really wimps

    According to a recent scientific study, despite their fearsome reputation, piranhas are wimps that gather in large groups to protect themselves from predators.  

    Rather than aggressive killers, research shows piranhas are omnivorous scavengers, eating mainly fish, plants and insects.

    Piranhas face constant attack from predators including river dolphins, a relative of the crocodile known as caiman, and bigger fish.

    Scientists said piranhas’ cautious behavīor is crucial to avoid being eaten. It’s primarily a defensive behavīor.

    According to a recent scientific study, despite their fearsome reputation, piranhas are wimps that gather in large groups to protect themselves from predators.
    piranha -  The piranhas or pira?as are a group of carnivorous freshwater fish living in South American rivers. In Venezuelan rivers they are called caribes.

    Wimp - To be timid or cowardly. Usually used with out: wimped out and refused to jump off the high diving board. A coward, someone who is weak, 儒弱的人,胆小鬼
    Predator  掠夺者; 捕食其他动物的动物, 食肉动物
    1. An organism that lives by preying on other organisms.
    2. One that victimizes, plunders, or destroys, especially for one's own gain.

    Rather than aggressive killers, research shows piranhas are omnivorous scavengers, eating mainly fish, plants and insects.
    与其说是好斗的杀手,不如说他是 什么都吃的杂食动物
    omnivorous  杂食的肉和蔬菜都吃的Taking in everything available: 无所不吸收的,什么都喜欢的:
    1. Eating both animal and vegetable foods.
    2. Taking in everything available, as with the mind: an omnivorous reader.

    Piranhas face constant attack from predators including river dolphins, a relative of the crocodile known as caiman, and bigger fish.

    Scientists said piranhas’ cautious behavīor is crucial to avoid being eaten. It’s primarily a defensive behavīor.
    defensive protective, watchful 更多是出于自我防卫



    Legends of the Fall III

    Dear Susannah: The horror of this place is indescribable. Nothing is as I thought it would be.
    Keep your distance! Keep your spacing!
    Tonight, as I prayed for the souls of those who died so terribly...yet so bravely...I admit that I also prayed for personal glory. Is that wrong to want to distinguish myself gloriously... in combat as my father did? Tristan and Alfred watch over me so carefully... I may never get the opportunity.
    God damn it!
    - Where are you hit?
    - It's just a scratch.
    Susannah, I see now... not that my father was right, but that I was naive.
    - Let me up, damn it!
    - Stay down!
    Fall back!
    Still, we place our bodies in God's keeping. We go into battle honorably...full of confidence...with His name on our lips.
    - We're pinned here.
    - We'll wait.
    - Give him a hand.
    - Help him down.
    Susannah: I try to guard against despair... but there are moments when it seems that all human decency is broken down. Alfred will recover from his wounds...but he and Tristan seem to have drifted apart, or worse. I cannot understand it. I miss you more than you can imagine. You are all that is clean and cool and pure. I close my eyes and think of you. I now regret that we listened to everyone and waited to marry. Even more, I regret that I left before we could be together... as we planned, my beloved. Please stay on at the ranch and wait for me. Don 't let Father worry. I know God's mercy will protect me... aided considerably by Tristan... who seems to be in France less to fight the Germans... than to act as my nursemaid. Be well, my love. Your own, Samuel.

    “The horror of this place is indescribable. Nothing is as I thought it would be.”
    Impossible to describe: 无法形容的

    “Is that wrong to want to distinguish myself gloriously... in combat as my father did?”
    To perceive as being different or distinct. 区分,辨别
    Can you distinguish the different musical instruments playing now? 你能区分出正在演奏的各种不同的乐器吗?
    To cause (oneself) to be eminent or recognized: 使杰出,使著名:
    They have distinguished themselves as dedicated social workers. 他们作为全心全意的社会工作者而出人头地

    “Alfred will recover from his wounds...but he and Tristan seem to have drifted apart, or worse. I cannot understand it.”
    To regain a normal or usual condition, as of health. 恢复再次回到正常或平时的状况,如健康的恢复

    “We're pinned here.”
    To hold fast; immobilize:使不能动;固定
    In the accident he was pinned under the car.车祸中他被压在汽车下,动弹不得。



    It means to understand something new.

    eg: Sabah is a good student. She catches on quickly.


    Catch on的意思是理解、明白。




  • 2007-07-04

    2007-07-04 09:35:53

    Man pays $4.88 for plasma TV at Wal-Mart

    While Wal-Mart is known for dropping its prices, someone took the ad campaign seriously.

    A 23-year-old man dropped the price of a plasma television from $984 to $4.88. Police arrested him on a charge of felony theft.  以。。。罪名起诉

    According to police reports, the man carried a 42-inch Plasma TV to a self-checkout aisle after switching the original price tag of $984 with one for only $4.88.

    Wal-Mart Loss Prevention officers witnessed the alleged transaction and called police.

    He told officers that he purchased a TV from another store and planned to return that one and keep the one he purchased for only $4.88 from this store.

    While Wal-Mart is known for dropping its prices, someone took the ad campaign seriously.
    沃尔玛(Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.)来自美国,是全球最大的公司(以营业额计算),属世界性的连锁企业。沃尔玛主要涉足零售业。 山姆会员商店\
    A 23-year-old man dropped the price of a plasma television from $984 to $4.88. Police arrested him on a charge of felony theft. 以大宗盗窃的罪名起诉
    plasma television A display in which sets of parallel conductors at right angles to each other are deposited on glass plates, with the very small space between the plates filled with a gas; each intersection of two conductors defines a single cell that can be energized to produce a gas discharge forming one element of a dot-matrix display.
    Plasma VS LCD

    felony - A serious breaking of the public law: crime, illegality, misdeed, offense.
    theft - The act or an instance of stealing; larceny. 盗窃行为
    Thefts are listed as misdemeanor or felony. Misdemeanor is a theft of less than $500 value。 the penalty for felony theft is imprisonment for 1-10 years. ...
    <美>(=misdemeanour)[律]轻罪, felony theft, 重罪
    Prison break, baseball card  
    Part II
    沃尔玛预防损失的办公人员看到这笔可疑的交易, 报警

    According to police reports, the man carried a 42-inch Plasma TV to a self-checkout aisle after switching the original price tag of $984 with one for only $4.88.
    Wal-Mart Loss Prevention officers witnessed the alleged transaction and called police.
    Loss Prevention - Loss prevention is a form of private investigation into larceny or theft. The focus of such investigations generally includes shoplifting, embezzlement, credit fraud, and check fraud.
    transaction An agreement between a buyer and a seller for the exchange of goods or services for payment.

    He told officers that he purchased a TV from another store and planned to return that one and keep the one he purchased for only $4.88 from this store.



    The Legends of the Fall 燃情岁月/秋日传奇

    Clip 1

    Some people hear their own inner voices... with great clearness... and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy... or they become legends. Tristan Ludlow was born in the Moon of the Falling Leaves. It was a terrible winter. His mother almost died bringing him into this world. His father, the Colonel, brought him to me. I wrapped him in a bearskin and held him all that night. As he grew into a man...I taught him the great joy of the kill...when the hunter cuts out its warm heart and holds it in his hands...setting its spirit free. Colonel Ludlow had three sons...but Tristan was his favorite. I had had sons too. But they were gone now... forever. It was a very bad time. The Colonel had tried to help the People... but it was no use. So he decided to go his own way. He wanted to lose the madness over the mountains, he said... and begin again.
    "Lose the madness, "he said. And so we lived for many years... and the boys grew strong. Alfred was the older brother... old even for his years. Samuel was the youngest. There was nothing these brothers would not do for him. They watched over him like a treasure. One year--I am an old man and cannot remember the year. But it was the Moon of the Red Grass... when Isabel Ludlow, their mother... went away for the winter. She said the winters were too cruel for her. She said she was afraid of the bears. She was a strange woman anyway. That spring, though, she did not return. And, after that, she did not come much to see us. Alfred wrote her many letters... but Tristan refused to speak of her. His world was here with me. Every warrior hopes a good death will find him... but Tristan couldn't wait. He went looking for his.

    “I wrapped him in a bearskin and held him all that night.” 我用熊皮把他包起来。
    To cover, envelop, or encase, as by folding or coiling something about: 包起来,缠绕覆盖、包裹或装箱,如通过折叠或缠绕某物:
    wrapped my head in a scarf.用头巾裹住我的头
    wrap it up!

    “As he grew into a man...I taught him the great joy of the kill” 享受捕猎的乐趣

    “She said the winters were too cruel for her.” 冬天对她太残忍了。
    Disposed to inflict pain or suffering. 残暴的倾向于强加痛楚或痛苦的

    speak of 谈及,说到



    zone out

    Definition: To lose all concentration; to slip out of normal consciousness, and have nothing on your mind.

    Steven:After working six hours straight, I zoned out in front of my computer screen.

    Parrot:Guess you are too tired. I think you need to take a couple of days off.

    Etymology: A 'zone' is an area or place. If you 'zone out', you mentally drift away from the place you are currently, and go off into empty, dreamy space.

    词源:“zone”一词是指面积或地方。如果你“zone out”,就是你的头脑游离了你现在所处的位置,而到了一个空空的梦幻空间。

    Synonyms: space out
    同意词:space out


  • 2007-07-02

    2007-07-02 09:37:12

    Japan's all-star speed eater suffers professional injury

    A Japanese man who set a world record by eating dozens of hot dogs within minutes has suffered a severe jaw injury due to his rigorous training, making his next title uncertain.

    Takeru "Tsunami" Kobayashi said he can only open his mouth to make a gap the size of a fingertip after being diagnosed with jaw arthritis.

    In an entry on his blog entitled "Occupational hazard," Kobayashi said his jaw refused to fight any more.

    The injury occurred only a week after he started training to win his seventh straight title at the annual hot dog eating event.

    He said he feels ashamed that he couldn’t notice the alarm bells set off by his own body. He was continuing his training and bearing with the pain but finally he destroyed his jaw. 

    A Japanese man who set a world record by eating dozens of hot dogs within minutes has suffered a severe jaw injury due to his rigorous training, making his next title uncertain. 日本保持吃热狗世界纪录的大胃王近日下巴严重受伤,估计参加下次比赛就悬了。
    rigorous - severe; exact 严格的, 严厉的
    Antonyms: easy, easy-going, lax, lenient, loose, mild, slapdash
    a rigorous program to restore physical fitness. 恢复身体健康的严格计划

    Takeru "Tsunami" Kobayashi said he can only open his mouth to make a gap the size of a fingertip after being diagnosed with jaw arthritis. 日本大胃王表示呢,现在他的下巴被诊断患有严重的关节炎,现在嘴只能打开指尖那么大。
    arthritis - 关节炎 (quiz of the day)
    Inflammation of a joint, usually accompanied by pain, swelling, and stiffness, and resulting from infection, trauma, degenerative changes, metabolic disturbances, or other causes. It occurs in various forms, such as bacterial arthritis, osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis.  
    In an entry on his blog entitled "Occupational hazard," Kobayashi said his jaw refused to fight any more. 这老兄在自己的blog里面写了一个文章,叫做“职业危机”,表示自己的下巴已经拒绝工作了。
    Occupational hazard - Condition surrounding a work environment that increases the probability of death, disability, or illness to a worker. 危险;冒险;公害

    The injury occurred only a week after he started training to win his seventh straight title at the annual hot dog eating event. 开始训练一周之后,下巴就受伤了
    straight 连续的
    -Uninterrupted; consecutive: sick for five straight days; their fourth straight victory.

    He said he feels ashamed that he couldn’t notice the alarm bells set off by his own body. He was continuing his training and bearing with the pain but finally he destroyed his jaw. 大胃王表示非常遗憾和后悔,自己没有注意到身体的警报,一直忍痛坚持练习,最终造成了严重的关节炎。

    set off  引起



    Goal II: Living the Dream IV

    If you leave a message, we'll call you back.
    Hey, it's me. You know I'm not good at this, but before I go out tonight and play the biggest game of my life, I wanted to call you because I need you to hear me out. Everything has turned inside out since I came here. And all this money......I don't need it. Without you it's nothing. I finally met my mom. It's still hard to take in. It'll take a long time. But I think it might be fine now. I won't make excuses for what I've done. All I can say is I'm just so sorry for treating you like I did and for pushing you away. I've been a total jerk. I know I took my eye off the ball, but I want to make things right. I love you. Please call me. And, well, let me know if I can see you. I just want a second chance.
    This is it, quite simply the biggest club game on the planet. Champions League final. Real Madrid against Arsenal and it's in the Bernabeu. Real Madrid feeling it's destiny to get their name on this trophy yet again in their own back yard. What a galaxy of stars we've got on show here. So many match winners on show, Bill. I wonder which one will be the one to take that trophy home. Will it be Thierry Henry, Fabregas, or TJ Harper? Look at Real Madrid, so many fine players: Beckham, Zidane, and, of course, the inform Gavin Harris. You listen to me. You watch yourself.

    “Everything has turned inside out since I came here.” 自从我来到这里后,一切矛盾都爆发了
    Turn inside out反常,衣服返穿
    to wear sweater inside out  把衣服穿反了

    “I finally met my mom. It's still hard to take in. It'll take a long time.” 我后来去见了我的妈妈,还是有点难以接受 还需要时间来接受
    Take in
    接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗

    “I know I took my eye off the ball, but I want to make things right.”  我当初只知道关心足球,不过我会改变这一切的
    Take one's eye of the ball : Lose your sight on your target 迷失了我的方向
    To keep one's eye on the ball是集中精力的意思(这个常用语原先是来自球类运动,如网球、高尔夫球、垒球等。你一定要把眼睛看准了才能打到这些球。)
    Eye opener
    另一意思是:开阔了眼界。请听下面这个例子: Seeing those color films the astronauts took off the earth on their flight to the moon was certainly an eye-opener. I never realized how beautiful and how lonely our planet looks hanging there in space.

    “Look at Real Madrid, so many fine players: Beckham, Zidane, and, of course, the inform Gavin Harris.” 再看看皇马的超级阵容,贝克汉姆 齐达内

    “Real Madrid feeling it's destiny to get their name on this trophy yet again in their own back yard.” 皇马队对在主场赢得冠军信心满满
    A prize or memento, such as a cup or plaque, received as a symbol of victory, especially in sports.奖品,奖杯



    Keep your head above water 避免麻烦

    Stay out of trouble, especially financial difficulties; also, keep up with work or other demands.

    eg:The work's piling up, but I manage to keep my head above water.


    Keep your head above water的字面意思是让你的头保持在水面上,这里指避免陷入麻烦,也可以说可以完成某些工作或者满足某些需求。




  • 新概念英语第二册(第五课)

    2007-03-26 10:04:34

    Key words and expressions

    garage   n.  修车厂


    Silbury  锡尔伯里

    Pinhurst 平赫斯特

    pigeon  n.鸽子

       It's not my pigeon. 这不是我的过错=None of my busness.

    message n.信息


    cover v.越过


    distance n.距离


    request n.要求,请求

    spare part 备件

    urgent  adj.紧急的


    Lesson 5  No wrong numbers  无错号之虞

    First listen and then answer the question.听录音, 然后回答以下问题.

    What doesNo wrong numbersmean?


    Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. Up to now, Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private 'telephone' service.



        詹姆斯.斯科特先生在锡尔伯里有一个汽车修理部, 现在他刚在平赫斯特买了另一个汽车修理部. 平赫特离锡尔伯里只有5英里, 但詹姆斯.斯科特先生未能为他新的汽车修理部搞到一部电话机, 所以他买了只鸽子. 昨天, 一只鸽子把第一封信从平赫特带到锡尔伯里. 这只鸟只用了3分钟就飞完了全程. 到目前为止, 斯科特先生从一个汽车修理部向另一个发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件. 就这样, 他开始自己的私人电话业务.


    Language points

    Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury.



    The bank is about 5 minutes’ walk away(prep.).



    Yesterday,a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury.

    (carry a message:传递信息)

    The bird covered the distance in three minutes.


    Up to now,Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other(garage).

    ( up to now:“到现在为止”一般和现在完成时连用

    Reauests for (prep.)

    Make a request for sth:“请求要

    Request (sb) to do sth:要求某人做某事;请求某人做某事

    On/upon request “因请求”


    In this way,he has begun his own private ‘telephone’ service.

       (in this way=by way of this:以这样的方式

         Postal service:邮政业务;passenger service:客运业务;pick-up and delivery service:上门取送业务

    Key structures and useage】 

    Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.


    Yesterday,a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury.The bird covered the distance in three minutes.


    Pinherst is only five miles from Silbury,but Mr.Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons.

       (but:表示转折; so:表示结果。)


  • 新概念第二册(第四课)

    2007-03-23 09:41:27

    Key words and expressions

    exciting    adj.  令人兴奋的

    receive a letter  收到信

    firm         n. 公司,商行

    a great number of 许多

    different    adj.不同的

    Alice Spring   艾利斯.斯普林斯

    Darwin  达尔文                           这三个是澳大利亚的地名

    Perth  柏斯

    abroad    adv.  在国外


    Lesson 4  An exciting trip  激动人心的旅行

    First listen and then answer the question.听录音, 然后回答以下问题.

    Why is Tim finding this trip exciting? 


    I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.



        我刚刚收到弟弟蒂姆的来信, 他正在澳大利亚. 他在那儿已经住了6个月了. 蒂姆是个工程师, 正在一家大公司工作, 并且已经去过澳大利亚的不少地方了. 他刚买了一辆澳大利亚小汽车, 现在去了澳大利亚中部的小镇艾利斯斯普林斯. 他不久还将到达达尔文去, 从那里, 他再飞往珀斯. 我弟弟以前从未出过国, 因此, 他觉得这次旅行非常激动人心.



    Language points

    He is working for a big firm.

       ( firm=company 公司,

    但是指法律时只能用firm law firm:法律公司)

    He has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.

    ( a great number of + 可数名词 a great many of + 可数名词;

    A great amount of +不可数名词


    Ega great many of people

        A great amount of money


    My brother has never been abroad before,so he is finding this trip very exciting.

       ( 去过什么地方 have been to someplace


    ü         Have you ever been to Hong Kong?

                   Have you ever been there?

    ü         He has been to the south. 他去过南方。


                   He has gone to the south. 他去了南方。



    My brother has never been abroad before,so he is finding this trip very exciting.

       ( go abroad 出国

          Travel abroad 到国外旅行

          Study abroad 到国外留学

          Live abroad 居住在国外

          Find + n. + adj. 觉得怎么样

          Take a trip to 去旅行


    Key structures and useage】 


    Have/has + 过去分词 构成



    I have just arrived by train.


    He has already left.


    I haven’t heard from him since then.


    The train has not arrived yet.


    The weather has been good so far.



  • 新概念英语第二册(第三课)

    2007-03-22 10:21:56

    Key words and expressions

          send a postcard 寄明信片

      spoil   v.  使索然无味,损坏

      Italy(Italian)  意大利

      make a decision 做决定

      single   adj. 唯一的,单一的


    Lesson 3  Please send me a card  请给我寄一张明信片


    First listen and then answer the question.听录音, 然后回答以下问题.

    How many cards did the writer send?


    Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!



        明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁. 去年夏天, 我去了意大利. 我参观了博物馆, 还去了公园. 一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语, 之后还借给我一本书. 我读了几行, 但一个字也不懂. 我每天都想着明信片的事. 假期过得真快, 可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片. 到了最后一天, 我作出了一项重大决定. 我早早起了床, 买来了37张明信片. 我在房间里关了整整一天. 然而竟连一张明信片也没写成!


    Language points

    Postcards always spoil my holidays.


    I visited museums and sat in public gardens.

    (public gardens 公园,比较具有观赏价值 Italy gardens;park:比较大)

     A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian.

       (say a few words 说几句;

    have a word with sb.和谁讲句话)

    Then he lent me a book.



    On the last day I made a big decision.

       ( come to a decision

          Arrive at a decision

          Reach a decision

     做决定(make a decision


    I did not write a single card.


    Key structures and useage】 

    动词带双宾语 lendsendgivebringmakeleaveshowget

    Ø         He lent me a book.

                  直接宾语 间接宾语

    He lent a book to me.

                          直接宾语通过介词 to表现出来

    Ø         He sent me a card.

    He sent a card to me.

    Ø         Please give him another chance.

    Please give another chance to him.

    Ø         He brought his son a present.

    He brought a present for his son.

    Ø         Can you get me a few stamps.

    Can you get a few stamps for me.

    Ø         She made me a breakfast.

    She made a breakfast for me.

    Ø         His uncle left him some money.

    His uncle left some money to him.

    Ø         She showed her friends her new dress.

    She showed her new dress to her friends.




  • 新概念英语第二册(第二课)

    2007-03-21 09:56:06


    Key words and expressions

    stay in bed 呆在床上不起来

    look out of the window 向窗外看

      look(vi.):表示看的动作; 后面一定要加介词

     see(vt.) : 表示看的结果;  后面直接加宾语

       watch : 表示观看; 后面直接加宾语, 但宾语一定是能够活动的东西





    Language points

    ★I never get up early on Sundays.


    ★I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.


    ★What a day!=What a day it is!



              eg.He is causing a lot of trouble



                    动词:is causing

                    What (a lot of) trouble( he is causing)!


    ★I've just arrived by train.


    ★It was my aunt Lucy.

      (是谁时用“It was...”句型)

    ★I'm coming to see you.


       同样的用法还有 : go,come,leave,arrive,land,meet,die,start,return,join...)

    ★Dear me!

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  • 新概念英语第二册(第一课)

    2007-03-20 10:17:05


    1.新概念第二册PDF版笔记.pdf 下载
    4.新概念英语论坛《新概念英语》资料补充版.chm 下载

    § Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话


      Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. "I can't hear a word!" I said angrily.
      "It's none of your business," the young man said rudely. "This is a private conversation!"



    New words and expressions 生词和短语

    private   adj.私人的 

      如果妈妈想看你的信, 你可以说 : It's my private letter.

      如果陌生人想进你的房子, 你可以说 : It's my private house.

       private life 私生活

      由此引申出privacy n.隐私 : private life 私生活

       It’s privacy.这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的)

      新东方是private school(私立学校), 与此相反, 公立学校是public school.所以, private的反义词是public.

       eg.public 公众; public letter 公开信; public place 公共场所

       private还有一个值得注意的意思 : 普通的.

      如 : private citizen 普通公民:I’m a private citizen.

       private soldier 大兵;

      我们熟悉的《拯救大兵瑞恩》就是《Private Ryan


    conversation  n.谈话

       subject of conversation : 话题(天气是英国人最喜爱的话题)

      几种谈话 :

       1talk 内容可正式可不正式, 也可以私人 : Let’s have a talk.

       2conversation 一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不正式: They are having a conversation.

       3dialogue 对话, 可以指正式国家与国家会谈 : China and Korea are having a dialogue.

       4chat 闲聊, 就是北京人说的” , 说的是无关紧要的事.

       5gossip 嚼舌头, 说长道短

       have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词


    seat    n.座位 

      这个词很重要, 考试常考.

       have a good seat,这里的seatplace(指地点不错), 而不是chair.

       take a seat/take your seat 坐下来, 就坐

      下面这个句子在口语、电影里很常见 : Is the seat taken?(这个位置有人吗?)


      考点 : 作为动词的seatsit的区别

       sit--vi; seat—vt

       eg: He is sitting there.他住在那儿.

       You seat him.你给他找个位置.

       seat sb 让某人就坐,后面会加人

       eg: seat yourselft.

             Seat him.


    play   n.

    loudly adv. 大声的

    angry  adj. 生气的

       cross=angry ;   I was angry.He was cross.

       annoyed: 恼火的;

      程 I was annoyed.

      度 I was angry/cross.

      加 I was very angry.

      深 be blue in the face : I am blue in the face.(脸色都青了, 相当生气了)


    bear(bore,borne)  v. 容忍


       I can't bear/stand you

       endure[in5djuE] :忍受,容忍

       put up with :忍受

       I got divorced(离婚).I could not put up with him



       put up with=bear=stand

       bear n.  white bear

       bear hug :热情(热烈)的拥抱

       give sb a bear hug


    business  n. , 生意

       business man :生意人

       do business: 做生意

       go to some place on business:因公出差

       I went to Tianjin on business.

       thing  可以指事情,也可以指东西


       It's my business (指私人的事, 自己处理的事)

       it's none of your business 不关你的事。



    go to the theatre

    see a film=go to the cinema

    go to the +地点  表示去某地干嘛

    go to the doctor's 去看病

    go to the dairy  去牛奶店

    go to the + + 's 表示去这个人开的店

    go to the butcher's 买肉

    go to school: 去上学

    go to church: 去做礼拜

    go to hospital(医院):去看病

    go to the Great Wall

    go home; home相连一定表示没有事情可做,回家休息

    I am at home 在家休息

    enjoy, enjoy oneself:玩的开心

    enjoy+sth :喜欢,从当中得到一种享受

    I like something very much./I love something.

    I enjoy the class.

    I enjoy the music.

    I enjoy the book.

    enjoy the dinner/film/progeam/game

    were sitting :当时正座在

    过去进行时态 :过去的某个时间正在发生的动作



    The girl was reading a book in the garden.A boy came to her.

    got :变得,表示一种变化,got angry

    I am/was angry 是一个事实

    I got angry:强调变化过程

    It is hot.

    It got hot.


    turn round:转头

    not pay any attention = pay no attention

    表示注意,pay attention; 对什么加以注意,pay attention to sth

    not any=no

    I could not bear it./you./the noise.

    I can't hear a word.

    美音:肯定I can [kAn] 否定,I can't[kAnt]/,它的/t/是吞进去的, 在读音上很难区别, 只能根据上下文来定



    如果问何时何地,是一个固定搭配  when and where


    ahead of : ...前面 (+时间、位置)(动态的行为)

    ahead of time

    He goes ahead of me.


    5 ______ did the writer feel? Angry.

    a.Where b.Why c.How d.When

    (5) ...c...

    how ——对一个方式、状态提问




    where    ——用介词,地点

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