

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-07-06 09:26:26 / 个人分类:英语

}EY[!]0食人鱼---看似凶险,实则胆小?51Testing软件测试网 br9y mJMt8o
"Vicious" piranhas are really wimps

y1aM#oU'k0According to a recent scientific study, despite their fearsome reputation, piranhas are wimps that gather in large groups to protect themselves from predators.  51Testing软件测试网M&i2_'oA%@3Z2]

)i` zsH7pfo k0Rather than aggressive killers, research shows piranhas are omnivorous scavengers, eating mainly fish, plants and insects.51Testing软件测试网*hK2sn!|Q!T

51Testing软件测试网 f~@ G.kQI+q

Piranhas face constant attack from predators including river dolphins, a relative of the crocodile known as caiman, and bigger fish.


h/Bn(h^q0Scientists said piranhas’ cautious behavīor is crucial to avoid being eaten. It’s primarily a defensive behavīor.

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According to a recent scientific study, despite theirfearsomereputation, piranhas are wimps that gather in large groups to protect themselves from predators.51Testing软件测试网o QBk PN;y~.H
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piranha-  The piranhas or pira?as are a group of carnivorous freshwater fish living in South American rivers. In Venezuelan rivers they are called caribes.51Testing软件测试网;n V3S0q @:~
iV3oZ m GN+p{0南美洲的一种食肉的淡水鱼。亚马逊流域,它们通常15—25厘米长,具有尖利的牙齿

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Wimp- To be timid or cowardly. Usually used with out: wimped out and refused to jump off the high diving board. A coward, someone who is weak, 儒弱的人,胆小鬼
n6^H5~x&[/J&\ ]0Predator  掠夺者; 捕食其他动物的动物, 食肉动物51Testing软件测试网O+O)K&D*T8db5L
1. An organism that lives by preying on other organisms.
O5_OOk(Y,LH02. One that victimizes, plunders, or destroys, especially for one's own gain.

f8lgI|0Rather than aggressive killers, research shows piranhas are omnivorous scavengers, eating mainly fish, plants and insects.
(nOW6q2CO|/z0w$Mn0与其说是好斗的杀手,不如说他是 什么都吃的杂食动物51Testing软件测试网1MX x1b$V
omnivorous  杂食的肉和蔬菜都吃的Taking in everything available: 无所不吸收的,什么都喜欢的:
pR$b+a lc01. Eating both animal and vegetable foods.
(W:C(JP5_&]6`)[~BR7r02. Taking in everything available, as with the mind: an omnivorous reader.

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Piranhas face constant attack from predators including river dolphins, a relative of the crocodile known as caiman, and bigger fish.51Testing软件测试网)K~(v^'o&Lg

%d7T)x!b(S3Se[1Z0Scientists said piranhas’ cautious behavīor iscrucialto avoid being eaten. It’s primarily a defensive behavīor.51Testing软件测试网n;wDH,Z3@`
defensive protective, watchful 更多是出于自我防卫


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Legends of the Fall III

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%bq-kbsU0Dear Susannah: The horror of this place is indescribable. Nothing is as I thought it would be.
4d n qhH7d$c H|~z0Keep your distance! Keep your spacing!51Testing软件测试网*GK-|x{j0i B(Tq
Tonight, as I prayed for the souls of those who died so terribly...yet so bravely...I admit that I also prayed for personal glory. Is that wrong to want to distinguish myself gloriously... in combat as my father did? Tristan and Alfred watch over me so carefully... I may never get the opportunity.51Testing软件测试网_ BS bM lf
Iy2D$pZRK{ hG0God damn it!
,PjY-f8_'Zq%q/o!\0- Where are you hit?51Testing软件测试网!}~8_ dL7m`c
- It's just a scratch.51Testing软件测试网 {+C+Im}"^y)~:u
Susannah, I see now... not that my father was right, but that I was naive.51Testing软件测试网;?G-X#M)Y?5JW p9E
- Let me up, damn it!
]V zF.{:`'rNt!Im4o0- Stay down!51Testing软件测试网 v!MsYW
Fall back!
.SM X p_Q8qb;{Zw0Still, we place our bodies in God's keeping. We go into battle honorably...full of confidence...with His name on our lips.51Testing软件测试网Ji L[BeS
- We're pinned here.
G,t7ON%v"[8sv0- We'll wait.
#w6v7_:O kwMvO0- Give him a hand.
RBHv&yXC0- Help him down.51Testing软件测试网df8A.c-h6hQ
Goddamn.51Testing软件测试网 r'i%SflA3a5f+j)@
Susannah: I try to guard against despair... but there are moments when it seems that all human decency is broken down. Alfred will recover from his wounds...but he and Tristan seem to have drifted apart, or worse. I cannot understand it. I miss you more than you can imagine. You are all that is clean and cool and pure. I close my eyes and think of you. I now regret that we listened to everyone and waited to marry. Even more, I regret that I left before we could be together... as we planned, my beloved. Please stay on at the ranch and wait for me. Don 't let Father worry. I know God's mercy will protect me... aided considerably by Tristan... who seems to be in France less to fight the Germans... than to act as my nursemaid. Be well, my love. Your own, Samuel.
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r6LM2x6EM:n c [5k0“The horror of this place is indescribable. Nothing is as I thought it would be.”51Testing软件测试网{;r2z DV_ ts
Indescribable51Testing软件测试网\ u{o p,hW{
Impossible to describe: 无法形容的

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“Is that wrong to want to distinguish myself gloriously... in combat as my father did?”
{W)J l0Vh+Kc0Distinguish
Nb!l I]"m~ ukg0To perceive as being different or distinct. 区分,辨别51Testing软件测试网i#roK*xBc3L
Can you distinguish the different musical instruments playing now? 你能区分出正在演奏的各种不同的乐器吗?51Testing软件测试网7Sn]Y`$k
To cause (oneself) to be eminent or recognized: 使杰出,使著名:51Testing软件测试网c{&^lSk V
They have distinguished themselves as dedicated social workers. 他们作为全心全意的社会工作者而出人头地

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“Alfred will recover from his wounds...but he and Tristan seem to have drifted apart, or worse. I cannot understand it.”51Testing软件测试网`TJ D9S|tj)B
To regain a normal or usual condition, as of health. 恢复再次回到正常或平时的状况,如健康的恢复

$lz+r-Tx sN5rZ0“We're pinned here.”
AC W.^K5]|0To hold fast; immobilize:使不能动;固定
'o6j"m;PL;p h2?0In the accident he was pinned under the car.车祸中他被压在汽车下,动弹不得。

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(W*R#?k'` v051Testing软件测试网L&D;C2GG,z,^ XJ"@|)}

It means to understand something new.

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eg: Sabah is a good student. She catches on quickly.51Testing软件测试网&Z'o4z3l,l/w



51Testing软件测试网Jl V+Y:U|2P

Catch on的意思是理解、明白。

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TAG: 英语




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