

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-07-02 09:37:12 / 个人分类:英语


Japan's all-star speed eater suffers professional injury51Testing软件测试网wT ~%g0hL+jx&Z


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G8e+cNj!w\0A Japanese man who set a world record by eating dozens of hot dogs within minutes has suffered a severe jaw injury due to his rigorous training, making his next title uncertain.

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yaw.i:L6l0Takeru "Tsunami" Kobayashi said he can only open his mouth to make a gap the size of a fingertip after being diagnosed with jaw arthritis.51Testing软件测试网WHE4hE5Ho%U&R

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In an entry on his blog entitled "Occupational hazard," Kobayashi said his jaw refused to fight any more.51Testing软件测试网6g-Q]R1_g \

"I;P|@W7DsYaV0The injury occurred only a week after he started training to win his seventh straight title at the annual hot dog eating event.


He said he feels ashamed that he couldn’t notice the alarm bells set off by his own body. He was continuing his training and bearing with the pain but finally he destroyed his jaw. 51Testing软件测试网*ZSK0Ll N\/u?2A
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A Japanese man who set a world record by eating dozens of hot dogs within minutes has suffered a severe jaw injury due to his rigorous training, making his next title uncertain. 日本保持吃热狗世界纪录的大胃王近日下巴严重受伤,估计参加下次比赛就悬了。
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2b2m;o0KsSZ0rigorous- severe; exact 严格的, 严厉的
:U4F9{ b{ U0K+real0Antonyms: easy, easy-going, lax, lenient, loose, mild, slapdash
v9VS)eh[0a rigorous program to restore physical fitness. 恢复身体健康的严格计划
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Takeru "Tsunami" Kobayashi said he can only open his mouth to make a gap the size of a fingertip after being diagnosed with jaw arthritis. 日本大胃王表示呢,现在他的下巴被诊断患有严重的关节炎,现在嘴只能打开指尖那么大。51Testing软件测试网 Xf-u2lBm
d9| pM@W%[0arthritis- 关节炎 (quiz of the day)51Testing软件测试网(^pM3?V S1j @
Inflammation of a joint, usually accompanied by pain, swelling, and stiffness, and resulting from infection, trauma, degenerative changes, metabolic disturbances, or other causes. It occurs in various forms, such as bacterial arthritis, osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis.  
L0^Q5WK&b`P0In an entry on his blog entitled "Occupational hazard," Kobayashi said his jaw refused to fight any more. 这老兄在自己的blog里面写了一个文章,叫做“职业危机”,表示自己的下巴已经拒绝工作了。51Testing软件测试网C5bB@i|1gdp
1G!C!y4d1^T6x0Occupational hazard- Condition surrounding a work environment that increases the probability of death, disability, or illness to a worker. 危险;冒险;公害
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The injury occurred only a week after he started training to win his seventh straight title at the annual hot dog eating event. 开始训练一周之后,下巴就受伤了
KAR2V|&oRe'f0straight连续的51Testing软件测试网t:wGW6L C
-Uninterrupted; consecutive: sick for five straight days; their fourth straight victory.

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)x@3p}Ig['j0He said he feels ashamed that he couldn’t notice the alarm bells set off by his own body. He was continuing his training and bearing with the pain but finally he destroyed his jaw. 大胃王表示非常遗憾和后悔,自己没有注意到身体的警报,一直忍痛坚持练习,最终造成了严重的关节炎。

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set off  引起51Testing软件测试网Wy%i&D0c'O ta

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D8p6C~l,LHZ0Goal II: Living the Dream IV

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-P\c9~ ^@(~Z_F0If you leave a message, we'll call you back.51Testing软件测试网-bj6P&y5I4l4QAd*|
Hey, it's me. You know I'm not good at this, but before I go out tonight and play the biggest game of my life, I wanted to call you because I need you to hear me out. Everything has turned inside out since I came here. And all this money......I don't need it. Without you it's nothing. I finally met my mom. It's still hard to take in. It'll take a long time. But I think it might be fine now. I won't make excuses for what I've done. All I can say is I'm just so sorry for treating you like I did and for pushing you away. I've been a total jerk. I know I took my eye off the ball, but I want to make things right. I love you. Please call me. And, well, let me know if I can see you. I just want a second chance.
b*WC.^,c:e2u0This is it, quite simply the biggest club game on the planet. Champions League final. Real Madrid against Arsenal and it's in the Bernabeu. Real Madrid feeling it's destiny to get their name on this trophy yet again in their own back yard. What a galaxy of stars we've got on show here. So many match winners on show, Bill. I wonder which one will be the one to take that trophy home. Will it be Thierry Henry, Fabregas, or TJ Harper? Look at Real Madrid, so many fine players: Beckham, Zidane, and, of course, the inform Gavin Harris. You listen to me. You watch yourself.


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/X&J(s%n&Adve0“Everything has turned inside out since I came here.” 自从我来到这里后,一切矛盾都爆发了
t?0T8Sy0Turn inside out反常,衣服返穿51Testing软件测试网*s? `'ofh g*o.V
to wear sweater inside out  把衣服穿反了

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“I finally met my mom. It's still hard to take in. It'll take a long time.” 我后来去见了我的妈妈,还是有点难以接受 还需要时间来接受51Testing软件测试网 s T9gn5VO]u
Take in51Testing软件测试网f-?#D@Q
接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗

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“I know I took my eye off the ball, but I want to make things right.”  我当初只知道关心足球,不过我会改变这一切的
V Fen8P7JUU;f0Take one's eye of the ball: Lose your sight on your target 迷失了我的方向
%w4e7Xv B,z8c0To keep one's eye on the ball是集中精力的意思(这个常用语原先是来自球类运动,如网球、高尔夫球、垒球等。你一定要把眼睛看准了才能打到这些球。)51Testing软件测试网Dl5R#`1T:]Y
Eye opener51Testing软件测试网8l3_&],y3{;[8@1MON
V"k*sOx)H^A5j0另一意思是:开阔了眼界。请听下面这个例子: Seeing those color films the astronauts took off the earth on their flight to the moon was certainly an eye-opener. I never realized how beautiful and how lonely our planet looks hanging there in space.
!g5I"~x%v B,k'H0 “看到宇航员在登上月球时拍的那些有关地球的彩色照片真是开了眼界。我从来也不知道我们的地球在空间是这么美丽、这么孤单。”

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“Look at Real Madrid, so many fine players: Beckham, Zidane, and, of course, the inform Gavin Harris.” 再看看皇马的超级阵容,贝克汉姆 齐达内
z5q1g0C+~'D \'p VL0当然也少不了著名的加文.哈里斯

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“Real Madrid feeling it's destiny to get their name on this trophy yet again in their own back yard.” 皇马队对在主场赢得冠军信心满满
/i;Y p5qx9C C0A prize or memento, such as a cup or plaque, received as a symbol of victory, especially in sports.奖品,奖杯
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Keep your head above water 避免麻烦
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Stay out of trouble, especially financial difficulties; also, keep up with work or other demands.51Testing软件测试网#G.L(sC%[,v \0p$@N

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eg:The work's piling up, but I manage to keep my head above water.51Testing软件测试网|0u#@ xD'Eg

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Note:51Testing软件测试网t_@|@H u3Yx


Keep your head above water的字面意思是让你的头保持在水面上,这里指避免陷入麻烦,也可以说可以完成某些工作或者满足某些需求。51Testing软件测试网ckJSNgVs2S9N

9bb wt@'DM2F1~r)Z"D0例:虽然工作堆积如山,我还是能游刃有余。


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