越来越觉得自己走测试这条路是对的,越来越觉得自己适合做测试,这么久以来兴趣一直在激发我前进,一直在寻找下一个站点,我相信测试路上我一定会走的很远,我的测试道路一定会很宽阔,努力就有收获,也希望还在测试路口迷惘的朋友,不要再犹豫了,因为你的犹豫不决,会使你错过很多~~~~~喜欢就去just do it ,因为只有尝试了才知道自己适不适合,喜不喜欢。如果一味的问别人,永远找不到最终的答案。因为每个人的感觉不一样,每个人的情况不一样,每个人的前提条件都不一样,你会得到不同的答案,这样只能会使你更迷茫~~~~


  • 常用口语

    2009-08-13 15:14:10

    Make some recommendations to a visitor to Shanghai.给去上海旅游的人一些建议。

    1.Wow, I can't believe I'm in Shanghai! What should I do first?

    2.Have you eaten lunch yet?

    3.Not yet. What do you recommend?

    4.Do you like spicy food?

    5.I love spicy food!

    6.You should try the Hunan cuisine at Dishuidong.

    7.Sounds great! Where is it?

    8.It's at 56 Maoming Road. I'll write the address down for you.

    9.Thanks. What would you recommend I do in the afternoon?

    10.Do you like museums?

    11.Sure, I love museums.

    12.The Shanghai Museum has a fantastic collection of ancient Chinese art.

    13.Cool. I'll probably be there all afternoon.

    Ending a conversation.结束谈话。

    A:Oh,it's getting late. I've got to run.It was nice talking to you,karren.哦,很晚了,我得走了,很高兴跟你谈话,凯瑞。

    B:Thanks,Tim.Nice meeting you,too.谢谢你,Tim.我也很高兴认识你。

    A:I guess we'll see just around.我想我们应该会再碰面吧。

    B:Ye,I hope so.well.Take it easy.是啊,希望如此。呃。。那你就保重啦。

    A:You too.你也是。


    1.Actually.I have another appointment.我还有其它的事。

    2.I've got to run.我得走了。

    同义词句:I'd better go.我得走了。

    I'd better be on my way.我得走了。

    I've got to get going.我得走了。

    3.It was nice talking to you ,karren.很高兴跟你谈话,凯瑞。

    间接用语:Good to have met you.很高兴认识你。

    Nice meeting you.很高兴认识你。

    4.Take it easy.保重。


    Take care.保重。

    see you later.改天见。


    So long.再见。

    Stay in touch.保持联络。

    Keep in touch.保持联络。

    Let's meet at some time.改天再出来聊吧。 
    初次见面 meeting someone for the first time 


    A:Excuse me,is this seat taken?对不起,这里有人坐吗?

    B:Er...no, go ahead 呃...没有,您请便吧

    A:You work upstair,right?I think I have seen you before.I'm Karren,Karren Brown.

    你公司在楼上对吧?我好像见过你,我是凯瑞,凯瑞 布朗。

    B:Nice to meet you ,Karren.I'm Tim Wang.很高兴认识你Karren,我是Tim Wang。

    A:Happy to know you ,Tim.很高兴认识你,Tim。


    1.Excuse me 对不起

    补充例句:Excuse me.对不起,借过一下。

    Excuse me,does this bus to go the train station?对不起,请问这班公车有到火车站吗?

    2.Is this seat taken? 这里有人坐吗?

    同义词句:Is anybody sitting here?这里有人坐吗?

    Could I sit here?我可以坐这吗?

    Excuse me, have you got the time?对不起,请问你知道现在几点吗?

    Er,could you help me ,I'm looking for...呃,可以请你帮个忙吗?我在找...

    Do you need any help?需要帮忙吗?

    Are you new here?你是新来的吗?

    3.go ahead你请便吧


    go right ahead.当然

    feel free 不用客气

    not yourself out 请便

    4.Nice to meet you很高兴认识你

    Glad to know you很高兴认识你

    Good to know you很高兴认识你

    Please to meet you很高兴认识你

    Happy to know you很高兴认识你


    It was nice to see you ,take care.很高兴见到你,保重

    Best wishes to you both. 祝你们俩无比幸福

    I owe it all to you. 全是托您的福。

    It's your fault. 全让你给搞砸了。

    No, man. You're the one who blew it. 不,老兄,你才是败事的一个。

  • Bug状态流程

    2009-08-07 15:25:16







    New 为测试人员新问题提交所标志的状态。
    Open 为任务分配人(开发组长/经理)对该问题准备进行修改并对该问题分配修改人员所标志的状态。Bug解决中的状态,由任务分配人改变。对没有进入此状态的Bug,程序员不用管。
    Reopen 为测试人员对修改问题进行验证后没有通过所标志的状态;或者已经修改正确的问题,又重新出现错误。由测试人员改变。
    Fixed 为开发人员修改问题后所标志的状态,修改后还未测试。
    Closed 为测试人员对修改问题进行验证后通过所标志的状态。由测试人员改变。
    Rejected 开发人员认为不是Bug、描述不清、重复、不能复现、不采纳所提意见建议、或虽然是个错误但还没到非改不可的地步故可忽略不计、或者测试人员提错,从而拒绝的问题。由Bug分配人或者开发人员来设置。
    A-Crash 错误导致了死机、产品失败(“崩溃”)、系统悬挂无法操作;
    B-Major 功能未实现或导致一个特性不能运行并且不可能有替代方案;
    C-Minor 错误导致了一个特性不能运行但可有一个替代方案;
    D-Trivial 错误是表面化或微小的(提示信息不太准确友好、错别字、UI布局或罕见故障等),对功能几乎没有影响,产品及属性仍可使用;
    E-Nice to Have(建议) 建设性的意见或建议。
    5-Urgent 阻止相关开发人员的进一步开发活动,立即进行修复工作;阻止与此密切相关功能的进一步测试
    4-Very High 必须修改,发版前必须修正
    3-High 必须修改,不一定马上修改,但需确定在某个特定里程碑结束前须修正
    2-Medium 如果时间允许应该修改
    1-Low 允许不修改
    功能模块(Subject):TD中需在Test Plan页中定义好Subject,才能在Defects页中使用。
    问题描述、附件附图 请参见后面第四部分‘Bug描述要求’的有关内容。
    处理意见:开发组长/经理(或具体Bug分配人员) 在审核新Bug时、将Bug分配给开发人员解决前,需要给出该Bug的处理意见。
    Fixable 可修改。表示Bug可以被修复或更正
    Duplicated 重复。表示该Bug已经被其它测试人员找出来了(‘纯粹’重复),或者开发认为原因是相同的(但从测试来看,认为出现的地方有所不同、表现有所不同等)
    Postponed 延后。由于时间、进度、重要程度或者技术/需求等方面的原因,认为不能解决、须延期解决、或者本版不做留待到后续版本解决的Bug。
    By Design 因设计结构问题无法修改。测试人员认为是Bug,不符合逻辑,也不符合用户的要求,但开发人员则认为是按照设计做的、只能如此处理,否则修改代价太大
    Can’t Reproduce 不可复现。不能重现(如因Bug出现的环境重现不了了),或以前出现的某个Bug自动消失了(可能是在处理其他Bug的时候把这个Bug 一并修复掉了)。
    Disagree With Suggestion 不同意所提意见或建议,不采纳
    Not Error 不是问题。测试人员提错了
    Won’t Fix 这个Bug是一个错误,但还没有重要到非要更正不可的地步,可以忽略不计
    1. 定为Duplicated的Bug,必须注明和XXXbug重复
    2. 测试人员对标明为Duplicated的Bug复测,需要XXXBug修改后方可进行
    3. 定期回顾Can't Reproduce,Postponed
    4. 定期整理By Design
    1-New Defects(或写成Defect) 新Bug
    2-Second Defects(或写成SB) 复测时新出现的Bug
    3-Faculative 偶发性
    4-Reappear 原来修改过的问题又重新出现
    5-By Requirement 需求要求但没有做的功能
    6-Suggestion 需求需要完善
    7-Differ With Requirement 与需求不一致
    8-By Design 设计要求但没有做的功能
    OK 正确
    PD 此问题悬而不决
    DV 有错误可以暂时不考虑
    NB 不是错误
    NR 不能复现的错误
    AR 需求不明确
    Calculate_error 计算错误,指计算过程中、计算结果错误。
    Data_error 数据错误,指非计算结果类的数据错误。
    Graphics_error 图形错误,指绘图、图形显示、图形编辑时发生的错误。
    Interface_error 界面错误
    Requirement_error 需求错误
    Function_error 功能错误
    Unknown_error 未知错误
    Requirement 由于需求的问题引起的缺陷
    Architecture 由于构架的问题引起的缺陷
    Design 由于设计的问题引起的缺陷
    Code 由于编码的问题引起的缺陷
    Test 由于测试的问题引起的缺陷
    Integration 由于集成的问题引起的缺陷
    F- Function 影响了重要的特性、用户界面、产品接口、硬件结构接口和全局数据结构。并且设计文档需要正式的变更。如逻辑,指针,循环,递归,功能等缺陷
    A- Assignment 需要修改少量代码,如初始化或控制块。如声明、重复命名,范围、限定等缺陷
    I- Interface 与其他组件、模块或设备驱动程序、调用参数、控制块或参数列表相互影响的缺陷。
    C- Checking 提示的错误信息,不适当的数据验证等缺陷。
    B- Build/package/merge 由于配置库、变更管理或版本控制引起的错误
    D- Documentation 影响发布和维护,包括注释。
    G- Algorithm 算法错误。
    U- User Interface 人机交互特性:屏幕格式,确认用户输入,功能有效性,页面排版等方面的缺陷
    P- Performance 不满足系统可测量的属性值,如:执行时间,事务处理速率等。
    N- Norms 不符合各种标准的要求,如编码标准、设计符号等。


    测试人员:可添加Bug、不能删除Bug、可添加注释评论(R&D Comments)、不可修改他人所提Bug、可调整:Bug概要(题目,Summary)、问题描述、附件附图(Attachments)、Bug状态、Bug级别、测试版本、测试产品、功能模块、测试状态、问题定位、复测状态、注释评论(R&D Comments)、复测人、复测日期、修改人

    开发人员/需求人员:不能删除Bug、可添加注释评论(R&D Comments)、可调整:注释评论(R&D Comments)、是否复现、Bug状态(不过无法直接标为closed)、问题描述、处理意见、待测版本、修改人、修改日期。可添加Bug。

    开发组长/经理/需求经理:除了开发人员的权限,还可调整:优先级别、责任人、Bug概要(题目,Summary) 、附件附图(Attachments)

    项目经理:可添加Bug、可添加注释评论(R&D Comments)、可修改字段:Bug概要(题目,Summary) 、问题描述、附件附图(Attachments) 、Bug状态(不过无法直接标为closed)、修改人、优先级别、问题定位、处理意见、注释评论(R&D Comments) 、是否复现、责任人、待测版本。也可删除Bug,但要与测试组长/经理协商。

    • 问题描述一般格式:问题描述时,建议分几步描述:模块或功能点=>测试步骤=>期望结果=>实际结果=>其它信息,可依实际情况调整; 
    • 单一:尽量一个报告只针对一个软件缺陷,报告形式应方便阅读。在主报告之后应注明不同的条件; 
    • 简洁:每个步骤的描述应尽可能简洁明了。只解释事实、演示和描述软件缺陷必要的细节,不要写无关信息; 
    • 再现:问题必须在自己机器上能复现方可入库(个别严重问题复现不了也可入库,但需标明); 
    • 复杂的问题应附截图补充说明或直接通知指定的修改人;考虑到网络数据传输效率,截图的文件格式建议用JPG或GIF,不建议用BMP;抓图可用TestDirector自带的功能,亦可用HyperSnap之类的专用抓图工具。 
    • 报告中不允许使用抽象词句:比如“有错误”之类; 
    • 有关操作系统特征问题:应在不同操作系统上进行操作,看是否能重现,并在Bug报告中标识; 
    • Bug描述示例: 
    实际结果:提示“输入的厚度应大于20” 例二(模块或功能点也可在‘功能模块’字段中规定,则Bug描述中就不必写了)
    实际结果:进入“比重调整”界面 例三(程序员知道期望结果的情况下)
    3.在F5中修改3240008的名称, 处于编辑状态
    实际结果: F5中变白板
    注:若3不处于编辑态切换则正常 例四(建议、需求类)
    注:所有项目采用TestDirector进行Bug管理,该工具能从测试步骤自动生成Bug报告,因此对于Bug描述要求在测试方案用例设计(在Test Plan页中)阶段就可以进行控制。
    • 结构清晰 
    • 复现故障再写报告 
    • 隔离Bug:更改条件复测 
    • 归纳:是否其他模块也有相同的Bug 
    • 比较:其他测试用例是否使用到此Bug 
    • 总结:报告的开头有Bug的总结 
    • 精简:不要有多余的步骤和语言 
    • 无歧义:语言明确 
    • 中立:无批评性语言 
    • 讨论:将要发出的报告送其他测试人员讨论 
    • 通过专业的技术测试出精确的Bug; 
    • 通过准确的文档报告Bug; 
    • 通过良好的沟通使Bug尽快解决。 

  • 软件质量与测试效果评估标准

    2009-08-06 12:00:27




    3 评价基准
    软件质量考核基准: 以最后测试组递交的测试总结报告中所提交的有效缺陷为考核指标。
    测试质量考核基准: 以软件试运行阶段用户发现的有效缺陷和非测试人员发现的有效缺陷为考核指标。
    有效缺陷: 经过评审确定为影响软件质量或发布的缺陷(包括:确定修改、暂缓修改的)建议性的E类缺陷不算有效缺陷。
    4 验收测试进入准则
    1) 软件产品通过单元测试、集成测试和系统测试。
    2) 测试组提交以下测试工件:测试计划、测试任务书、测试用例、测试报告、测试分析总结。

    6 软件验收测试合格通过准则
    1 软件需求分析说明书中定义的所有功能已全部实现,性能指标全部达到要求
    2 所有测试项没有残余一级、二级错误
    3 立项审批表、需求分析文档、设计文档和编码实现一致
    4 验收测试工件齐全(见验收测试进入准则)
    A类错误 B类错误 C类错误 D类错误 E类建议
    无 无 ≤2% ≤4% 暂不作要求
    6 测试质量合格须符合以下标准
    A类错误 B类错误 C类错误 D类错误 E类建议
    ≤2 ≤4 ≤5 ≤5 暂不作要求
     2) A类错误、B类错误为独立条件,C类错误、D类错误为组合条件

    A. Critical(致命),
    B. Serious(严重),
    C. Average(一般),
    D. Minor(改进).
    E. Enhancement(建议与新增)

    1. 死机,非法退出
    2. 死循环
    3. 数据库发生死锁
    4. memory leak
    5. 程序崩溃
    6. Data loss
    7. 造成网络堵塞或者瘫痪
    8. 对操作系统造成破坏

    1. 基本功能缺失
    2. 基本功能错误
    3. 程序错误
    4. 因错误操作迫使程序中断
    5. 程序接口错误
    6. 数据库的表、业务规则、缺省值未加完整性等约束条件
    7. 边界限制错误
    8. 安装引起的数据丢失
    9. 数据库设计未达到要求或需求规格
    10. 业务逻辑错误

    定义为不影响业务运营的功能问题, 具体表现:
    1. 格式错误
    2. 删除操作未给出提示
    3. 安装异常
    4. 界面设计不符合规范或者界面不整齐
    5. 变量命名不符合规范
    6. 归档文档格式模版不符合规范
    7. 界面校验错误或者提示信息与异常处理不符合
    8. 对异常没有本地处理,提示的异常是机器码
    9. 设计文档出现错误或者说明出现错误

    定义为:软件设计和功能实现等不合理需要改进, 具体表现:
    1. 辅助说明描述不清楚
    2. 输入输出不规范
    3. 长操作未给用户提示
    4. 提示窗口文字未采用行业术语
    5. 可输入区域和只读区域没有明显的区分标志
    6. 简单的输入限制未放在前台进行控制
    7. 拼写错误
    8. 界面字段定义不准确
    9. 设计文档出现书写错误
    10. 界面设计优化意见
    11. 设计文档中优化意见  

    B: 优先级别
    1-Resolve Immediately
    2-Give High Attention
    3-Normal Queue
    4-Low Priority

  • 惭愧

    2009-07-29 15:37:57

    惭愧啊, 最近挺忙的,都没有时候去新手上路尊点儿啦,有点小失职啊
  • crazy english--all--00 day

    2009-07-16 11:19:16

    目 录
    目 录

    第一部分 最常用的10个口语要素

    1. Sure! 当然!
    2. Really? 真的?
    3. Great! 太棒了!
    4. Sorry! 对不起!
    5. That’s OK. 没关系。
    6. All right. 好的;好吧。
    7. Thank you! 谢谢!
    8. No problem! 没问题!
    9. Forget it! 算了吧;不用客气!
    10. Good job! 太好了;做得好

    第二部分 日常交际口语要素

    第一节 问候

    1. Hi! 你好!
    2. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
    3. How are things going? 近况如何?
    4. Keeping busy? 近来忙吗?
    5. How are you doing? 你好吗?
    6. How’s everything? 最近怎么样?
    7. How have you been? 近来怎样;有什么进展吗?
    8. What’s new? 有什么新鲜事吗?
    9. What’s up? 近来忙什么?
    10. What’s happening? 怎么样?

    第二节 致谢与回答

    11. Thanks a million! 千恩万谢;实在非常感谢!
    12. Thanks for your work. 谢谢你的劳动/工作/努力。
    13. Thanks for everything. 谢谢你所做的一切。
    14. Thanks for your concern. 谢谢你的关心。
    15. Thanks for your cooperation. 多谢合作。
    16. Thanks for coming. 谢谢您的到来/光临。
    17. Thanks for your time. 谢谢你抽出时间来。
    18. It’s very kind of you. 你真是太好了。
    19. You’ve been very helpful. 你帮了大忙。
    20. My pleasure. 别客气。
    21. Forget it. 算了吧;别客气。
    22. You’re welcome. 不用客气。
    23. Anytime. 随时效劳。
    24. It’s nothing. 没什么。

    第三节 道歉用语

    25. Sorry./I’m sorry. 对不起。
    26. Sorry I’m late. 抱歉,我来晚了。
    27. I’m sorry to bother you. 很抱歉打扰你。
    28. I’m sorry to interrupt you, but… 很抱歉打搅你… …
    29. I’m sorry to bother you, but… 对不起,打扰你了… …
    30. Sorry, I wasn’t listening. 对不起,我刚才没听。

    第四节 祝愿与祝贺

    31. Good luck! 祝你好运!
    32. Have a nice evening. 今晚过得愉快!
    33. Take care of yourself! 多保重!
    34. I’m happy for you. 我为你感到高兴。
    35. Congratulations! 祝贺你!
    36. Cheers! 干杯!
    37. Give my regards to…. 代我向… …问好。
    38. I hope you like my little present. 希望你喜欢我送的小礼物。
    39. I hope you like the food. 希望你爱吃这食物。

    第五节 鼓励与安慰

    40. Cheer up! 振作起来!
    41. Hang in there! 别气馁;坚持下去!
    42. Don’t give up. 不要放弃!
    43. Keep trying. 继续努力。
    44. Go for it. 努力争取;为此而努力吧!
    45. Go ahead. 去吧;去做吧!
    46. Relax! 放松点!
    47. Be careful. 当心;小心。
    48. Don’ t worry! 别着急!
    49. Take it easy! 慢慢来;别着急;放松点!

    第六节 情感的表达

    50. I’m relieved. 那我就放心了。
    51. I’m surprised. 我感到惊讶。
    52. I was moved. 我很感动。
    53. I’m so sorry. 我很难过。
    54. It’s irritating. 真是气人。
    55. That’s enough. 够了。
    56. I’m speechless. 我无话可说。
    57. I’m lost. 我糊涂/迷惑了。
    58. I’m looking forward to it. 我等不及了。

    第七节 解释与说明

    59. No, it’s not that. 不,不是那样。
    60. That’s not true. 那不是真的。
    61. I didn’t mean that. 我不是那个意思。
    62. It’s the other way around. 恰恰相反。
    63. I have / had nothing to do with it. 那与我无关。
    64. Let’s not talk about it any more. 别再说这个了。

    第八节 诅咒与骂人

    65. Damn it! 他妈的;该死的!
    66. Shit! 他妈的;狗屁;扯蛋;要死;糟透了!
    67. Shut up! 闭嘴!
    68. Go to hell! 去死吧!
    69. Beat it! 走开;滚开!
    70. Get lost! 滚开!
    71. You big jerk! 你这个大笨蛋!
    72. ass 屁股;傻瓜;蠢货;讨厌鬼

    第三部分 评论性口语要素

    73. Great! 太棒了!
    74. That’s interesting. 很有趣。
    75. That’s funny. 真逗。
    76. Sounds good. 听上去不错。
    77. Great idea! 好主意!
    78. You did great. 干得好!
    79. Good job! 做得好!
    80. Way to go! 好样的!
    81. Not bad. 不错。
    82. Not too bad. 不算坏。
    83. That makes sense. 有道理。
    84. Not good. 不怎么好。
    85. Not too good. 不太好。
    86. That’s too bad. 真是太糟糕了。

    第四部分 应答口语要素

    第一节 肯定答复

    87. Right. 是这样。
    88. Okay. 好的。
    89. Sure. 当然;可以;不用客气。
    90. Exactly! 就是;的确这样!
    91. Absolutely! 当然可以!
    92. That’s right. 没错。
    93. I see. 我明白了。
    94. So do I. 我也是。
    95. So am I. 我也一样。
    96. Yes, please. 好的,请便。
    97. Yes, of course. 当然了!
    98. Yes, I’d love to. 是的,非常愿意。
    99. Sure, go ahead. 尽管去做。
    100. Sure, no problem. 当然了,没问题。
    101. Sure, why not! 当然了,为什么不呢!
    102. Sure, feel free. 当然可以,别客气。
    103. I think so too. 我也这么认为。
    104. I guess so. 我想是这样的。
    105. I hope so. 我希望如此。
    106. I’m afraid so. 恐怕是这样。
    107. I thought so. 我想也是。
    108. I told you so. 我告诉过你。

    第二节 否定答复

    109. No, never. 从来没有过。
    110. No way! 没门儿!
    111. No, not at all. 一点儿也不。
    112. Not yet. 还没有。
    113. Not really. 不见得;不怎么样。
    114. Not a chance! 不可能!
    115. Of course not. 当然不。
    116. I’d love to, but… 我很愿意… …但是… …
    117. I have no idea. 我不知道。
    118. I don’t think so. 我认为不是。
    119. Neither do I. 我也不。
    120. Neither am I. 我也不。
    121. I’m afraid not. 恐怕不是。
    122. I hope not. 我希望不是。
    123. I can’t believe it! 我不相信;简直不敢相信!
    124. Nonsense. 胡说。
    125. That’s garbage. 胡说。
    126. That’s stupid! 那是愚蠢的!
    127. Impossible! 不可能!

    第三节 中性答复(不能明确回答)

    128. I’m not sure. 我不清楚;我不确定。
    129. I don’t know. 我不知道。
    130. I don’t understand. 我不明白。
    131. Kind of. 有一点儿。
    132. Either is fine. 两者都行。
    133. Yes and no. 也是也不是。
    134. Probably. 大概是吧。
    135. It’s up to you. 由你决定。
    136. I have mixed feelings. 我的思绪混乱。
    137. Good question! 问得好!
    138. That’s a big problem. 那是很严重的问题;那可是件麻烦事。
    139. It’s difficult / hard to say. 很难说。
    140. It depends. 依情况而定。
    141. I’m thinking. 我正在考虑。
    142. I’ll think about it. 我会考虑的。
    143. I’ll sleep on it. 明天再说吧。
    144. I don’t know much about it. 我对此知之甚少。
    145. I don’t know what to say. 我不知该说些什么。
    146. If it’s OK with you. 只要你不介意。
    147. If it’s convenient for you. 如果你方便的话。
    148. If it’s not too much trouble. 如果不太麻烦的话。
    149. No wonder. 怪不得。
    150. A little bit. 有点儿。
    151. More or less. 或多或少。
    152. All the time. 总是。
    153. Most of the time. 大多数的时候。
    154. From time to time. 有时;偶尔;时常。
    155. For a long time. 很长一段时间。
    156. For a short time. 时间不长。
    157. For some time. 一段时间。
    158. For the time being. 暂时。

    第五部分 询问式口语要素

    159. You all right? 你还好吧?
    160. (Are you)feeling okay? 你感觉还好吗?  
    161. Are you following me? 你有没有听清楚;你听懂了吗?
    162. Really? 真的吗?
    163. Are you sure? 你确定吗?
    164. Are you kidding? 开玩笑吧?
    165. Are you serious? 你是认真的吗?
    166. Excuse me? 你刚才说什么?
    167. What did you say? 你说什么?
    168. What do you mean? 你什么意思?
    169. You mean…? 你是说… …吗?
    170. What’s that? 你说什么?
    171. What are you talking about? 你在说什么?
    172. Are you talking about…? 你是在说… …吗?
    173. Do you understand me? 你能懂我吗?
    174. Am I making sense? 你能听懂我说的吗?
    175. You know what I mean? 你明白我的意思吗?
    176. Am I right? 我没说错吧?
    177. Anything else? 还要别的吗?/还有其他别的事吗?
    178. Could I have some time? 给我一些时间好吗?
    179. How can I say this? 我该怎么说?
    180. Can I ask you a question? 我可以问你个问题吗?
    181. Can I talk to you? 我可以跟你谈谈吗?
    182. Don’t you think so? 你不觉得吗?
    183. Is that okay? 这样可以吗?
    184. What do you think? 你觉得怎么样?
    185. How do you like…? 你认为… …怎样?
    186. What’s… like? … …怎么样?
    187. What for? 作什么用?
    188. How come? 怎么回事?
    189. Why not? 为什么不?
    190. Can I make a suggestion? 我能提个建议吗?

    第六部分 引出下文口语要素

    191. Speaking of… 提起… …,说起… …
    192. That reminds me. 那倒提醒了我。
    193. So… 那么… …
    194. By the way. 顺便说一下。
    195. You know what? 你知道吗?
    196. I have an idea. 我有个主意。
    197. I have something to tell you. 我有件事要告诉你。
    198. (As) far as I’m concerned… 依我看,… … ;就我而言,… …
    199. In my opinion. 在我看来。
    200. I’m not finished. 我还没有说完。
    201. Wait a minute. 稍等。
    202. Let’s see. 让我想想看。
    203. Let me think. 让我想想看。

  • crazy english--all--8 day

    2009-07-16 11:17:01

    第五部分 询问式口语要素
    159.You all right? 
    A: Ouch! I hit my head.
    B: You all right?
    A: I don’t feel well. I want to go home.
    B: You all right?
    A: I’m going to stay up all night.
    B: You all right?
    ①You all right?(你还好吧?)
    ②You okay?(你好吗?)
    ③Are you okay?(你好吗?)
    ④Yeah, I’m fine.(是的,我挺好。)
    160.(Are you) feeling okay? 
    A: Are you feeling okay?
    B: Oh, so-so.
    A: Are you feeling okay?
    B: I’m a little dizzy. It will pass.
    A: I heard you were in the hospital recently, are you feeling OK?
    B: I was having some trouble with my back, but I’m much better now.
    161. Are you following me? 
    A: You need to work hard to get ahead in this company. Are you following me? 
    B: Yes, Sir.
    A: Make sure you pick me up at seven o’clock sharp. Are you following me?
    B: Don’t worry. I’m never late.
    A: I think that learning another language can change us as individuals – can change our world view, and even our personalities. Are you following me?
    B: Not exactly, Professor Lee. I’m not sure that I buy that idea.
    162. Really?
    A: I just got a raise!
    B: Really? That’s great!
    A: Did you know Kim quit school?
    B: Really? How come?
    A: I’ll never be late again. I promise.
    B: Really? I’ve heard that promise before!
    ②Are you sure?(你能肯定吗?)
    163. Are you sure?
    A: I saw Stone dancing in the street.
    B: Are you sure?
    A: I already paid for that.
    B: Are you sure?
    A: I locked the door when I left last night.
    B: Are you sure?
    ①Are you certain?(你肯定吗?)
    ②Are you positive?(你确定吗?)
    ③Are you confident?(你确认吗?)
    164. Are you kidding? 
    A: I’m going to swim in the pool.
    B: Are you kidding? It’s freezing.
    A: Does Mr. Lee play golf?
    B: Are you kidding? He’s a pro.
    A: Do you like Chinese food?
    B: Are you kidding? I love it!
    ①You’re kidding!(你开玩笑吧?)
    ②You’re kidding me!(你在开我玩笑!)
    ③You’re kidding, right?(你在开玩笑,对不对?)
    ④No kidding!(我是认真的!/真的!你不是开玩笑吧!)
    165.Are you serious? 
    A: I decided to move to Canada.
    B: Are you serious?
    A: I don’t want to take over my father’s business.
    B: Are you serious?
    A: I’m thinking of adopting a child.
    B: Are you serious?
    ②Do you mean it?(你是认真的吗?)
    166.Excuse me? 
    A: Don’t jump to conclusions.
    B: Excuse me?
    A: Cat got your tongue? (= Why don’t you speak up / say something?) 
    B: Excuse me?
    A: Do you know how stupid you are?
    B: Excuse me?
    ③Pardon me?(对不起。)
    ④I beg your pardon?(对不起,再说一遍好吗?)
    167. What did you say? 
    A: Do you like Spicy food?
    B: What did you say?
    A: What does WTO stand for?
    B: What did you say?
    A: What did you say?
    B: I said it’s all your fault,you jerk!
    ①Can you say it again?(你能再说一遍吗?)
    ②Say it again?(再说一遍好吗?)
    ③Excuse me?(对不起,没听清楚。)
    168. What do you mean?
    Kim’s Note: Women always use this sentence to men! Men usually answer with: “Exactly what I said!”
    A: It’s the kiss of death.
    B: What do you mean? 
    Kiss of death=something that destroys
    His endorsement will be the kiss of death.
    A: It was the last straw.
    B: What do you mean? 
    A: I’m going to sell the house.
    B: What do you mean? You didn’t even ask me!
    ①What does that mean?(那是什么意思?)
    ②What’s that?(你什么意思?)
    ③What’s that supposed to mean?(那是什么意思?)
    169.You mean…
    A: I’m having second thoughts.
    B: You mean you’re going to change your mind?
    A: I’ll take a rain check.
    B: You mean you’re not coming with us?
    A: That’s the name of the game.
    B: You mean you don’t even care?
    I can’t help it. That’s the name of the game.
    170.What’s that?
    A: My aunt is a doctor.
    B: What’s that?
    A: It runs in the family.
    B: What’s that? A bad temper?
    A: You can pay by credit card.
    B: What’s that?
    ①What is it?(什么?)
    ②What do you mean?(你是什么意思?)
    ③What does that mean?(什么意思?)
    171.What are you talking about? 
    A: We have over one hundred new employees.
    B: What are you talking about?(=It’s not true.)
    A: I had a girlfriend in America.
    B: What are you talking about? (=It’s not true.)
    A: If I don’t go, I’m going to be in trouble.
    B: What are you talking about? (=It’s not true.)
    What are you saying? (你在说什么?)
    172.Are you talking about …? 
    A: I’ve never seen such a smart kid.
    B: Are you talking about Mike?
    (你是在说Mike吗? )
    A: I usually buy it every month.
    B: Are you talking about CAE Magazine?
    A: We should tell her.
    B: Are you talking about me?
    ①Is it about…?(是关于……?)
    ②You mean…?(你是说……?)
    173. Do you understand me?
    A: Do you understand me?
    B: Yeah, sure.
    A: Do you understand me? 
    B: Uh, not really. Say it again?
    A: Do you understand me? 
    B: I think so.
    ①Do you understand what I mean?(你懂我的意思吗?)
    ②Do you understand what I’m trying to say?(你懂我的意思吗?)
    174. Am I making sense?
    A: Am I making sense? 
    B: Mostly. Let me make sure.
    A: Am I making sense? 
    B: No. Could you be more specific?
    A: Am I making sense? 
    B: I think I know what you are trying to say. But I disagree.
    ①Am I making sense to you?(你能听懂我说的吗?)
    ②Am I making myself understood?(你能听懂我说的吗?)
    ③Am I making myself clear to you?(你能听懂我说的吗?)
    175. You know what I mean?
    A: It’s like a dream come true. You know what I mean?
    B: Absolutely.
    A: It’s never too late to learn. You know what I mean?
    B: Yeah. I agree one hundred percent.
    A: There’s a first time for everything. You know what I mean?
    B: Yes. Thanks.
    ①Do you know what I mean?(你明白我的意思吗?)
    ②You know what I’m saying?(你知道我在说什么吗?)
    176. Am I right?
    A: So, you were used. Am I right?
    B: Exactly. I’m so hurt I could cry.
    A: That’s why you decided to stay. Am I right?
    B: You’re right. I hope I made the right decision.
    A: It’s a waste of time. Am I right?
    B: Okay. I see what you’re trying to say.
    Kim’s Note: Americans love all these sentences that seek agreement. Don’t let them become a habit though. Native speakers who constantly use these sentences are annoying and you will be too!
    177. Anything else?
    A: Pass me the salt, will you?
    B: Here you are. Anything else?
    A: Could you buy me a lipstick while you’re shopping tonight? 
    B: Sure. Anything else?
    A: Anything else?
    B: No, that’s everything.
    178. Could I have some time?
    A: So, what do you think?
    B: Could I have some time?
    A: We’re waiting for your answer. When are you going to tell him?
    B: Could I have some time?
    Can / Could you give me some time?(你能给我一些时间吗?)
    179. How can I say this?
    A: Why don’t you have a car?
    B: How can I say this? I just can’t afford one.
    A: Don’t you want to get married?
    B: How can I say this?
    A: What do you like about her? She’s so mean.
    B: How can I say this? There’s just something about her that’s sexy.
    ①How can I say this in English?(这个用英文该怎么说?)
    ②I don’t know how I can say this.(我不知该怎么说。)
    ③I don’t know how I can say this in English.(我不知道这个用英文怎么说。)
    180. Can I ask you a question?
    A: Can I ask you a question? 
    B: Sure. Go ahead.
    A: Can I ask you a question? 
    B: All right. What is it? 
    A: Can I ask you a question? 
    B: Hold on. I’ll be right back.
    ①May I ask you a question?(我可以问你个问题吗?)
    ②I have a question.(我有个问题要问。)
    ③Can I ask you a personal question?(我能问你个私人问题吗?)
    181. Can I talk to you?
    A: Can I talk to you?
    B: Sure. What is it?
    A: Can I talk to you?
    B: Of course. What about?
    A: Can I talk to you? 
    B: Uh, I’m kind of busy right now. What about later tonight?
    ①Can I talk to you for a minute?(我可以跟你谈一下吗?)
    ②Can I talk to you for a second?(我可以跟你谈一下吗?)
    ③You got a minute?(你有时间吗?)
    ④You got a second?(你有空吗?)
    182.Don’t you think so?
    A: This is very important. Don’t you think so?
    B: Absolutely
    A: He was so rude. Don’t you think so?
    B: Yeah. I think so too.
    A: She’s lying. Don't you think so?
    B: No, I don’t think so.
    183.Is that okay?
    A: We’ll meet at seven. Is that okay?
    B: No problem.
    A: I want to bring a friend of mine. Is that okay?
    B: Sure. Why not!
    A: We’ll meet here. Will that be okay?
    B: Yeah, I suppose.
    184.What do you think?
    A: Isn’t this your brand-new digital camera?
    B: Yes. What do you think?
    A: Who do you think is the best?
    B: Jane. What do you think?
    A: Maybe we’d better not tell her. What do you think?
    B: Hmm. I don’t know. That might not be a good idea.
    185.How do you like…?
    A: How do you like living in China?
    B: It’s very exciting.
    A: How do you like Chinese food?
    B: Oh, I love it!
    A: How do you like our English teacher?
    B: I don’t know. She seems a little difficult. I can’t always understand what she’s saying.
    186.What’s … like? ……
    A: What’s your wife like?
    B: She’s very active and social.
    A: What’s your office like?
    B: It’s nice and clean, but noisy.
    A: What’s the weather like in your country?
    B: We have a rainy season and a dry season.
    187.What for?
    A: Can I use your PC?
    B: What for?
    A: Come down to the kitchen.
    B: What for?
    A: You’d better save this money.
    B: What for?
    ①For what?(干什么?)
    ②For what purpose?(作什么用呢?)
    188.How come?
    A: I’m not taking this job.
    B: How come? 
    A: Cindy is not coming to work today.
    B: How come?
    A: I don’t like seeing her any more.
    B: How come?
    ②Why is that?(这是为什么?)
    ③For what reason?(什么原因?)
    189.Why not?
    A: I didn’t go to the hospital today.
    B: Why not?
    A: We didn’t talk about that issue.
    B: Why not?
    A: I haven’t finished my work yet.
    B: Why not?
    190.Can I make a suggestion?
    A: Can I make a suggestion? 
    B: Sure. Go ahead.
    A: Can I make a suggestion? 
    B: All right.
    A: Can I make a suggestion? 
    B: What is it?
    第六部分 引出下文口语要素
    191.Speaking of…
    A: I like having **.
    B: Speaking of parties, are you going to Linda’s birthday **?
    A: I love the weather in Hawaii.
    B: Speaking of the weather, don’t you think the weather forecast is unreliable?
    A: I met Mr. and Mrs. Lee there.
    B: Really? Speaking of Mrs. Lee, why did she quit her job?
    192.That reminds me.
    A: These direct mails 『(商店、非盈利机构等为招揽生意、募捐或征求会员等向人们投寄的)直接邮件』are a waste of paper.
    B: That reminds me. We’re running out of toilet (=bath) tissue.
    A: My mother called this afternoon.
    B: That reminds me. You have a package from her.
    A: The phone bill is big this month, isn’t it?
    B: That reminds me. I have to pay the electric bill, too.
    A: So, what do you think of my plan?
    B: Well, let me think. I’m not sure it will work.
    A: So, would you like to catch a movie?
    B: Uh, you mean tonight? I’m kind of busy.
    A: So, can I ask you a personal question?
    B: It depends.
    194.By the way.
    A: By the way, have you heard from John?
    B: No, not yet. I’m still waiting.
    A: Oh, by the way, Kim called me today.
    B: Really? What about?
    A: By the way, I fixed your computer.
    B: Oh, thanks! I’m lost without it.
    195. You know what?
    A: You know what? I’m really bored. 
    B: So am I. Let’s get out of here.
    A: You know what? You’re so lucky. 
    B: I know. I thank my lucky stars. I really do!
    A: You know what? I don’t really like him. 
    B: How come? I think he’s a great guy.
    196. I have an idea.
    A: It’s such a nice day today.
    B: I have an idea. Let’s go to the park.
    A: I can’t understand these directions.
    B: I have an idea. Let’s ask Jim, he’s an expert.
    A: We ran out of coffee.
    B: I have an idea. Let’s have tea instead!
    ①I have a thought.(我有个想法。)
    ②I know what.(我知道怎么做。)
    197. I have something to tell you.
    A: I have something to tell you. 
    B: Okay. What is it?
    A: I have something to tell you. 
    B: Shoot. I’m all ears.
    A: I have something to tell you. 
    B: Is it something serious?
    198. (As) far as I’m concerned…[
    A: Isn’t this cake good?
    B: It sure is! This is the best cake I have ever eaten as far as I’m 
    A: I think I’d better go.
    B: As far as I’m concerned, you all can leave now.
    A: What do you think of the new secretary?
    B: Not bad, as far as I’m concerned.
    199.In my opinion.
    A: What do you think of this sexual harassment case?
    B: In my opinion, this is the beginning of a new era.
    A: What do you think of cloning?
    B: In my opinion, it does more harm than good.
    A: Don’t you think Kevin is too harsh on his son?
    B: He’s a model father, in my opinion.
    200.I’m not finished. 
    A: Okay, I understand
    B: I’m not finished. I have a lot to say!
    A: Okay, okay, that’s enough.
    B: I’m not finished. You’re going to listen to me for once!
    A: So, are you going to move out?
    B: No. I’m not finished.
    ①Let me finish.(让我把话说完。)
    ②Hear me out.(听我说完。)
    201.Wait a minute.
    A: Laura and I went to the same college.
    B: Wait a minute. Did you say Laura?
    A: I saw this painting when I was in New York.
    B: Wait a minute. When were you in America?
    A: See you later, Dad.
    B: Wait a minute. Where are you going?
    ①Wait a second.(等一下。)
    ②Hold on.(稍候。)
    Kim’s Note: These are some of the most useful sentences in English. You will find countless opportunities to use them every day. In America everyone is always in a rush, so it can be extremely useful to know several ways to tell someone to wait.
    202.Let’s see.
    A: Do you have time tomorrow afternoon?
    B: Let’s see. Yes. What about 2:00?
    A: How many envelopes have we got?
    B: Let’s see. Twenty-two.
    A: What time did you hear the noise?
    B: Let’s see. Around eleven, I suppose.
    203.Let me think.
    A: What is the phone number again?
    B: Let me think.
    A: Do you have any books about American history?
    B: Let me think. 
    A: Do you know anyone who is looking for a job?
    B: Let me think.

  • crazy english--all--7 day

    2009-07-16 11:03:24

    第二节 否定答复


    109. No, never. 
    [ ]

    A: Have you ever been to America?
    B: No, never.

    A: Have you seen the Great Wall?
    B: No, never.

    A: Did you think you’d pass the test?
    B: No, never. I don’t know anything about grammar.
    110. No way! 
    [ ]

    A: Can you tell him the truth for me?
    B: No way! You have to tell him yourself!

    A: Do you want to try skydiving?
    B: No way! It’s too dangerous!

    A: Why don’t you go apologize to her?
    B: No way! I didn’t do anything wrong.
    111. No, not at all. 
    [   ]

    A: Are you good at English?
    B: No, not at all.

    A: Did I hurt your feelings?
    B: No, not at all. I appreciate your honesty.

    A: Is the chicken too spicy?
    B: No, not at all. I love spicy food.

    ①No, not a bit.(一点儿也不。)
    ②No, not in the least. (一点儿也不。)

    112. Not yet. 
    [ ]

    A: Did you buy a new VCR?
    B: Not yet.

    A: Have you finished your work?
    B: Not yet.

    A: Did you pick a date?
    B: Not yet.

    113. Not really. 
    [ ]

    A: Is the food good there?
    B: Not really. But the waitresses are pretty.

    A: Were the people friendly to you?
    B: Not really.

    A: Are you happy with your life?
    B: Not really. I’m dying for a change.

    ①Not exactly.(不尽然。)
    ②Not completely.(不完全是。)
    ③Not quite.(不完全是。)
    ④Not 100 percent.(不完全是。)
    114. Not a chance! 
    [  ]

    “chance”在这个这里不是指“机会” ,而是“可能性” 。我们可以说:“a chance of ……”表示“有可能…..”

    A: Maybe she’ll change her mind.
    B: Not a chance!

    A: I might be getting a big raise this month.
    B: Not a chance!

    A: Do you think our boss will say yes?
    B: Not a chance! He’s so hard to please. He’s not going to approve our plan.

    ①No chance!(没戏!)
    ②That’s not likely.(不可能!)
    ③That’s impossible.(不可能!)
    115. Of course not. 
    [  ]

    A: Did you read my journal?
    B: Of course not. I’d never do a thing like that.

    A: Are you hiding anything from me?
    B: Of course not. What makes you think that?

    A: Do you mind if I bring my girlfriend?
    B: Of course not.

    在此,我们又给大家提供了一组含No never / No way / No, not at all / Not yet / Not a chance.的对话:

    A: Do you ever eat at McDonalds’.
    B: No, never.
    A: You’re kidding right? Everyone loves McDonalds’.
    B: No way, I don’t. I think that food is garbage.
    A: But don’t you get tired of Chinese food?
    B: No, not at all.
    A: Wow, so you’ve never had a hamburger in your life?
    B: Not yet. I have no interest. 
    A: What if I buy you lunch at McDonalds’ today?
    B: Not a chance. 

    116.I’d love to, but … 
    [   ]

    A: Would you like to join us?
    B: I’d love to, but I can’t.

    A: Would you like to help us?
    B: I’d love to, but I’m busy.

    A: Aren’t you attending the meeting?
    B: I’d love to, but I have plans.

    117.I have no idea. 
    [   ]

    A: Do you know where my bag is?
    B: I have no idea.

    A: Is she coming back soon?
    B: I have no idea.

    A: Why is this cartoon so popular?
    B: I have no idea.

    ①I don’t know.(我不知道。)
    ②I have no clue.(我不知道。)
    ③Beats me.(我不知道。)
    118.I don’t think so. 
    [   ]

    A: I think this is the perfect solution.
    B: I don’t think so.

    A: Would you like to go out tonight?
    B: I don’t think so. I have too much work to do.

    A: Drinking is a bad habit.
    B: I don’t think so. It’s only a problem if you drink too much.

    ①I disagree.(我反对。)
    ②I doubt it.(我表示怀疑。)
    ③I think not.(我认为不是。)
    ④I suppose not.(我认为不是。)

    119.Neither do I. 
    [  ]

    A: I don’t think he’s telling the truth.
    B: Neither do I.

    A: I don’t like working overtime.
    B: Neither do I.

    A: Mom doesn’t agree with me.
    B: Neither do I.
    120.Neither am I. 
    [  ]
    Kim’s Note: Neither and either give Chinese English learners a lot of headaches. Don’t worry about memorizing the rules for using them correctly. Just practice blurting out correct sentences until their use becomes automatic.

    A: I’m not confident at all.
    B: Neither am I.

    A: I’m not good at tennis.
    B: Neither am I.

    A: We’re not going.
    B: Neither am I.

    121.I’m afraid not.
      [  ]
    A: Do you have a smoking section?
    B: I’m afraid not.

    A: Is the VCR fixed?
    B: I’m afraid not.

    A: Can you still catch the last bus?
    B: I’m afraid not. It left ten minutes ago.

    ①Unfortunately, no.(可惜不是。)
    ②Regrettably, no. (可惜不是。)

    122.I hope not. 
    [  ]

    A: Is it going to rain tomorrow?
    B: I hope not. I want to go to the beach.

    A: Do you think we’ll have a test today?
    B: I hope not. I didn’t study.

    A: Are all those people waiting for a taxi?
    B: I hope not.
    123.I can’t believe it! 
    [    ]

    A: I forgot all about it.
    B: I can’t believe it!

    A: I’m sorry I read your diary. I know I was wrong.
    B: I can’t believe it!

    A: Congratulations! You won the first prize!
    B: I can’t believe it! I never win anything.

    ②I don’t believe it.(我不相信。)
    ③I don’t believe you.(我不相信你。)
    ④Would you believe it?(你会相信吗?)

    A: All my classmates hate me.
    B: Nonsense.

    A: I’m going to do my work after the **.
    B: Nonsense. You’ll be too tired.

    A: One person wouldn’t make a difference.
    B: Nonsense. Every person can make a big difference!

    ①That’s silly.(真蠢。)
    ②That’s stupid.(真蠢。)
    ③That’s ridiculous.(荒唐。)
    ④That’s absurd.(荒唐。)

    125.That’s garbage. 

    Kim’s Note: This is a one-hundred percent American sentence! Use it to show strong disagreement and you will definitely sound like a native speaker.

    A: I never eat fast food.
    B: That’s garbage! I see you in McDonald’s all the time.

    A: He promised. He even crossed his heart.
    B: That’s garbage.

    A: I swear, I didn’t know that.
    B: That’s garbage. You did know!

    ①That’s horse shit.(胡说。)

    126.That’s stupid. 
    [ ]

    A: I think I’m going to give up studying English for a while. I’m too busy.
    B: That’s stupid.

    A: I don’t worry about saving money. I just live for today.
    B: That’s stupid. Don’t you care about the future?

    A: I always walk home by myself.
    B: That’s stupid. It’s dangerous to walk alone after dark.


    A: I think I can learn to speak good English in a month.
    B: Impossible.

    A: Our flight is at five o’clock. Do you think we can make it on time?
    B: Impossible!

    A: Do you think I can get my money back?
    B: Impossible!
    第三节 中性答复(不能明确回答)

    128.I’m not sure. 
    [  ]

    A: Do you know what time the speech is supposed to start?
    B: I’m not sure.

    A: Is that girl over there from the United States or Canada?
    B: I’m not sure.

    A: Do you think you can help me with my English tonight?
    B: I’m not sure. I’ll call you and let you know.

    129.I don’t know.
    [  ]

    A: Would you like to go for a drink?
    B: I don’t know.

    A: What do you think of this proposal?
    B: I don’t know. I didn’t have much time to read it.

    A: Do you think I should try?
    B: I don’t know.

    ①I have no idea.(我不知道。)
    ②I don’t have the slightest idea.(我一点也不知道。)
    ③I’m not really sure.(我真的不清楚。)

    130. I don’t understand.
    [  ]

    A: Are you sure that is legal?
    B: I don’t understand.

    A: I strongly doubt he was sober.
    B: Uh, I don’t understand.

    A: The impact of the Olympic bid is huge.
    B: I don’t understand.

    ①I don’t follow you.(我不明白你说什么。)
    ②I don’t understand what you mean.(我不懂你说什么。)
    ③I don’t know what you are talking about.(我不知道你在说什么。)

    131. Kind of. 
    [ ]

    A: Do you understand me?
    B: Kind of.

    A: Did he ask you out?
    B: Kind of.

    A: Is she a pain in the neck?
    B: Kind of.

    132. Either is fine. 
    [  ]

    A: Would you like tea or coffee?
    B: Either is fine.

    A: Do you want to talk to me or my boss?
    B: Either is fine.

    A: Would you like to have a break or shall we continue?
    B: Either is fine. I’m not tired.
    133. Yes and no. 
    [  ]

    A: Do you like your new job?
    B: Yes and no. 

    A: Do you think he’s right for the job?
    B: Yes and no.

    A: Do you agree with me?
    B: Yes and no.

    ①Maybe yes.(也许是吧。)
    ②Maybe no.(也许不。)
    ③Maybe yes, maybe no.(可能是,可能不。)

    134. Probably. 

    A: Do you think Stone is coming?
    B: Probably.

    A: Are you coming home late tonight?
    B: Probably. I have a lot of work to do.

    A: Is it going to rain soon?
    B: Probably. The sky is so dark.

    ④Could be.(也许。)
    135. It’s up to you. 
    [   ]

    A: Would you like to see a movie or go to a disco?
    B: It’s up to you.

    A: Do you want to eat here or go somewhere else?
    B: It’s up to you. It makes no difference to me.

    A: Do you think we should invite them?
    B: It’s up to you.

    136. I have mixed feelings. 
    [   ]

    A: How are you feeling now?
    B: I have mixed feelings.

    A: Are you happy about getting out of here?
    B: I have mixed feelings. I think I’ll miss my life here, but I’m excited about going home.

    A: You must be excited about your new job.
    B: I have mixed feelings. I am a little sad about leaving my old job.
    137. Good question! 
    [ ]

      这个口语要素不像它表面上那么简单,它实了际上是个反语,意为“I was wondering that myself.”或“Maybe there is no answer to this question.”
    A: What do you think happiness is?
    B: Good question! No one can answer that for sure.

    A: Do you think you can learn to speak English?
    B: Good question!

    A: Do you believe in yourself?
    B: Good question!
    138. That’s a big problem. 
    [   ]

    A: Do you know how fast the world’s population is increasing?
    B: That’s a big problem.

    A: Do you know how difficult it is to get into a good university?
    B: That’s a big problem.

    A: There are lots of polluted cities in China.
    B: That’s a big problem.
    139. It’s difficult / hard to say. 
    [ /  ]

    A: Why did you quit college?
    B: It’s difficult / hard to say.

    A: What do you like about Beijing?
    B: It’s difficult / hard to say. There are so many wonderful things about Beijing.

    A: Why did you forgive him?
    B: It’s difficult / hard to say. I guess because I love him.

    140. It depends. 
    [ ]

    Kim’s Note: We live in a complicated world. Not everything is easy to decide and most things are not one hundred percent certain. This is a very important sentence for communication in the twenty-first century!

    A: Do you like to eat Chinese food?
    B: It depends.

    A: Is it difficult to enter a university in China?
    B: It depends.

    A: Do young people like to live with their family?
    B: It depends.
    141. I’m thinking. 
    [ ]

    A: Which do you think is better?
    B: Hold on. I’m thinking.

    A: What do you want to be when you grow up?
    B: I don’t know yet. I’m thinking.

    A: Have you made up your mind?
    B: No. I’m still thinking.

    142. I’ll think about it. 
    [   ]

    A: Will you introduce me to your boss?
    B: I’ll think about it.

    A: Can you teach my daughter English?
    B: I don’t know. I’ll think about it. I’m really busy lately.

    A: Would you like to join our team?
    B: I’ll think about it.

    ①Let me think.(让我想一想。)
    ②Let me think about it.(让我考虑一下。)

    143. I’ll sleep on it. 
    [   ]
      “sleep on sth.”意思是:“彻夜思考;再三权衡” ,这绝对是个五星级的成语,很多英语学习了多年的人也未必对它的用法有很深入的了解。它听起来有点像中文中带讽刺的意味的“垫高枕头想一想”,不过,像归像,“sleep on sth.”却丝毫没有讽刺的意味!下面我再给出两个例句:
    * I don’t know whether I agree to do it. I’ll sleep on it.
    * We’re all tired and none of us can think straight so why don’t we go 
    home and sleep on it, eh?

    A: You don’t have to answer right now.
    B: Okay. I’ll sleep on it.

    A: You shouldn’t miss this chance.
    B: Yeah. I’ll sleep on it. I can give you my answer tomorrow.

    A: Do you think we should agree to the new contract?
    B: I don’t know. I’ll sleep on it.

    ①Let me sleep on it.(我明天给你答复。)
    ②I’ll think it over.(我会好好考虑一下。)
    ③Let me think it over.(让我好好想一想。)
    144.I don’t know much about it. 
    [     ]

    A: Is the tea ceremony popular in China?
    B: Uh, I don’t know much about it.

    A: Can you tell me a little bit about Chinese Kung Fu?
    B: I don’t know much about it.

    A: How many people is the company recruiting?
    B: I don’t know much about it. I just started working here myself.

    ①That’s not my specialty.(那不是我的专长。)
    ②That’s not my department. (那不是我的专长。)

    145.I don’t know what to say. 
    [     ]

    A: Congratulations! How do you feel now?
    B: I don’t know what to say. I’m so lucky to be here.

    A: Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?
    B: I don’t know what to say. I’m speechless.

    A: How can you be so cruel? How can you treat me this way?
    B: I don’t know what to say.
    146.If it’s OK with you. 
    [    ]

    A: Are you going to stay home all day?
    B: If it’s OK with you.

    A: Do you want to see this movie?
    B: If it’s OK with you.

    A: If it’s OK with you, it’s OK with me.
    B: Sure. Why not?

    ①If it’s all right with you.(只要你乐意。)
    ②Fine with me.(我没问题。)
    ③That’s fine with me.(我没有意见。)

    147.If it’s convenient for you. 
    [    ]

    Kim’s Note: Convenient is an important American word! When making an appointment you will always be asked “When is convenient for you or what is your earliest convenient time”, etc. …
    “convenient”是一个重要的美语词汇!当你与别人预约时,你总要问“When is convenient for you(你什么时间方便)”或“What is your earliest convenient time(你最快什么时间方便)”,等等。

    A: Do you want me to go with you? 
    B: If it’s convenient for you. 

    A: Can I pay in cash? 
    B: If it’s convenient for you. 

    A: Please come, if it’s convenient for you. 
    B: I’ll think about it. 

    ①If it’s not inconvenient for you.(只要你方便。)
    ②At your convenience.(只要你方便。)
    ③At your earliest convenience.(只要你方便,就尽快吧。)
    148.If it’s not too much trouble. 
    [     ]

    A: Do you want me to pick you up at the airport? 
    B: If it’s not too much trouble. 

    A: Are you asking me to keep this thing? 
    B: If it’s not too much trouble. 

    A: Can I walk your dog from time to time? 
    B: If it’s not too much trouble. 

    ①If you don’t mind.(如果你不介意的话。)
    ②If you like.(只要你喜欢。)

    149.No wonder. 
    [ ]

    A: You know so much about China.
    B: I was there for five years.
    A: No wonder.

    A: Did you eat spicy food again?
    B: Yes. And now I have a stomachache.
    A: No wonder.

    A: You keep the kitchen so clean.
    B: I seldom cook.
    A: No wonder.

    ②Of course.(当然了。)
    ③It’s no surprise.(不足为奇。)

    150.A little bit. 
    [  ]

    A: Are you tired?
    B: A little bit.

    A: Were you drunk?
    B: A little bit.

    A: Did you change your hair?
    B: A little bit. Do you like it?

    ①A little.(一点点。)
    ②A bit.(一点点。)
    ③Not much.(一点点。)
    151.More or less. 
    [  ]

    A: Was the lecture interesting?
    B: More or less. I didn’t understand all of it.

    A: Did you enjoy the**?
    B: More or less.

    A: Do you like playing with kids?
    B: More or less. Sometimes I’m not in the mood to deal with them.

    ①To a degree(某种程度上是)
    ②To a certain extent(某种程度上是)
    ③To some extent(某种程度上是)

    152. All the time. 
    [  ]

    A: Is she always like this?
    B: All the time.

    A: Does he always complain about you?
    B: All the time. I can never do anything right.

    A: Don’t you sometimes get stressed-out?
    B: All the time. This job is very stressful.


    153.Most of the time. 
    [   ]

    A: Are you on time for work everyday?
    B: Most of the time.

    A: Do you always take a taxi to work?
    B: Most of the time.

    A: Do you often help your wife?
    B: Most of the time.

    ④Almost always.(几乎总是这样。)

    154.From time to time. 
    [   ]
    A: Do you often visit your parents?
    B: From time to time.

    A: Do you e-mail them?
    B: From time to time.

    A: Did you ever talk to Kim?
    B: From time to time.

    ②Now and then.(时而。)
    ③Once in a while.(有时候。)
    ④Every once in a while.(时不时。)

    155.For a long time. 
    [   ]

    A: How long have you been in China?
    B: For a long time.

    A: How long have you been married?
    B: For a long time.

    A: How long have you worked here?
    B: For a long time.

    ①For years.(有些年头了。)
    ②For months.(有几个月了。)
    ③For weeks.(几个星期了。)
    ④For days.(几天了。)
    ⑤For hours.(几个小时了。)

    156.For a short time. 
    [   ]

    A: Have you lived abroad before?
    B: For a short time. When I was very young.

    A: Were you going out with Cindy?
    B: For a short time.

    A: Did you see your boss today?
    B: For a short time. He was too busy to talk about my project.

    ①For a second.(一会儿。)
    ②For a split second.(一刹那。)

    157.For some time. 
    [  ]
    A: Were you a professional singer?
    B: For some time.

    A: Did he live in Beijing?
    B: For some time.

    A: Were you working with him?
    B: For some time.

    ①For a while.(有一会儿。)
    ②For a short while.(有一阵儿。)
    ③For a certain period of time.(有一段时间。)

    158.For the time being.
    [   ]

    A: Are we going to live in this terrible place?
    B: For the time being. We don’t have any choice.

    A: May I use your computer?
    B: For the time being. I won’t need it until this afternoon.

    A: Are you going to sleep on the couch?
    B: For the time being.

    ①For now.(眼下。)

  • crazy english--all--6 day

    2009-07-16 10:53:39

    第三部分 评论性口语要素
    Kim’s Note: These are all very useful ways to keep a conversation going.


    A: I can cook some dessert for the kids.
    B: Great!

    A: The report will be ready soon.
    B: Great!

    A: We’re getting a raise this month.
    B: Great!


    74.That’s interesting.
    [ ]

    A: My baby cries when she hears her father’s voice.
    B: That’s interesting.

    A: We can see the Great Wall clearly from here in winter.
    B: That’s interesting.

    A: My dream is to live in Australia.
    B: That’s interesting.

    ①That’s fascinating.(太棒了!)
    ②That’s exciting.(够刺激!)

    75.That’s funny. 
    [ ]

    A: Kitty is always getting the words people and person mixed up.
    B: That’s funny.

    A: My husband often apologizes to me while he sleeps.
    B: That’s funny.

    A: Do you know our boss already went home?
    B: That’s funny. He said he wanted to talk to me.

    76.Sounds good. 
    [ ]

    A: Would you like Chinese food tonight?
    B: Sounds good.

    A: How about taking a walk in the park?
    B: Sounds good.

    A: What do you say to taking a vacation?
    B: Sounds good.

    ①Sounds great.(挺好。)
    ②Sounds fantastic.(不错。)
    ③Sounds perfect.(非常好。)

    77.Great idea! 
    [ ]

    A: Should we rent a car and drive there ourselves?
    B: Great idea!

    A: Why don’t you ask your father to go with you?
    B: Great idea!

    A: Maybe you should search the Internet.
    B: Great idea!

    ①Good idea!(好主意!)
    ②Excellent idea!(好主意!)

    78.You did great. 
    [  ]

    A: I’m starting the advanced class.
    B: You did great.

    A: I should have practiced more.
    B: Don’t worry. You did great.

    A: I collected so many donations in one week.
    B: You did great.

    ①You did well.(你做得不错。)
    ②You did / were fine.(做得好!)
    ③You did / were terrific.(你做得太棒了!)
    ④You were wonderful.(你做得太棒了!)

    79.Good job! 
    [ ]

    A: I got an A on the essay.
    B: Good job!

    A: I double-checked everything and found nothing was wrong.
    B: Good job!

    A: I sorted out all the stuff in the closet.
    B: Good job!

    ①Good for you!(好样的!)
    ②Well done!(干得好!)
    ③That’s great!(太好了!)

    80.Way to go! 
    [  ]

    A: I got a job!
    B: Way to go!

    A: I was promoted to be a manager.
    B: Way to go!

    A: I got first prize!
    B: Way to go! 

    81.Not bad. 
    [ ]

    A: How are you feeling?
    B: Not bad. I’m just a little tired.

    A: How did the power lunch go?
    B: Not bad. I think we’ll get the contract.

    A: How did your interview go?
    B: Not bad.(不错。)

    ①Not so bad.(不错。)
    ②Pretty good.(不错。)

    82.Not too bad. 
    [  ]

    A: How was the concert?
    B: Not too bad.

    A: How was the weather there?
    B: Not too bad. It was sunny and warm most of the time.

    A: How is he doing these days?
    B: Not too bad. He just got a new job.

    ③Can’t complain.(还行。)

    83.That makes sense. 
    [  ]

    A: I bought this more expensive one because it’s better quality than the cheaper ones.
    B: That makes sense.

    A: Improving the environment will increase tourism in China.
    B: That makes sense.

    A: We need to improve our office procedures to reduce expenses.
    B: That makes sense.

    84.Not good. 
    [ ]

    A: How is your grandfather?
    B: Not good. He has been in the hospital for a month.

    A: How is the preparation going?
    B: Not good. We’re really behind schedule.

    A: How did your finals go?
    B: Not good.

    ①Not so good. / not well.(不是太好。)
    ②Pretty bad. / Shitty.(相当糟糕。)

    85. Not too good. 
    [  ]

    A: How are you doing?
    B: Not too good.

    A: How was the meeting?
    B: Not too good.

    A: How was the movie?
    B: Not too good. I didn’t like the ending.

    ①Not great. / Not too well.(不怎么样。)
    ②Not perfect.(不怎么样。)
    ③Could be better.(还能更好。)

    86.That’s too bad. 
    [  ]

    A: I have a terrible headache.
    B: That’s too bad.
    A: I’m allergic to eggs.
    B: That’s too bad.

    A: I have hay fever.
    B: That’s too bad.

    第四部分 应答口语要素
    第一节 肯定答复

      我们大部分的中国人都知道英语的肯定答复是“Yes”, 可是这个“Yes”如果说多了的话,就会让人觉得你的英语水平“不过如此”!其实,英语的肯定答复花样多得很,仅这一节我们就给你提供了22种。同样的一句话能够用不同的方式来表达,肯定会让人觉得你的英文水平确实了不得,让人对你的英文水平刮目相看,既然可以带给别人一个惊讶,又可以为自己带来一份成就感,何乐而不为!
    87. Right. 

    A: They will understand you someday.
    B: Right.

    A: I didn’t have time to call you.
    B: Right.

    A: Smoking isn’t good for you.
    B: Right.

    ①You’re coming, right?(你会来的,对吧?)
    ②You have a car, right?(你有部车,对吧?)

    A: This is the biggest vase I have.
    B: Okay. / Alright.

    A: We’d better go now. It’s getting late.
    B: Okay. / Alright.

    A: Okay, who’s next?
    B: I think it’s me.

    A: Can you give me a hand?
    B: Sure.

    A: Can I use your phone?
    B: Sure.

    A: Thanks for your help.
    B: Sure.



    A: It’s expensive to travel in America.
    B: Exactly!

    A: Children should spend more time outdoors and less time watching TV.
    B: Exactly!

    A: I heard commuting in Guangzhou is hell. 
    B: Exactly!

    ③Exactly so.(确实如此。)
    ④You can say that again.(你说得对。)
    91. Absolutely! 

    A: Could you give me a ride?
    B: Absolutely! I’d be glad to.

    A: Can I ask you a favor?
    B: Absolutely!
    Absolutely not! 当然不是!/绝对没有!
    A: Did you cheat in the exam?(你在考试中作弊了?)
    B: Absolutely not!(绝对没有!) 

    92. That’s right. 
    [ ]

    A: You mean our daughter is in love?
    B: That’s right.

    A: So you didn’t take the test?
    B: That’s right.

    A: You said you forgot to videotape it.
    B: Oh, that’s right.

    ①That’s correct.(对了。)
    ②Is that right?(对吗?)
    ③Is that correct?(是吗?)
    93.I see. 
    [ ]

    A: You have to return the books by Monday.
    B: I see.

    A: You must leave right now.
    B: I see.

    A: Tom doesn’t like that.
    B: I see.

    ①I understand.(我明白。)
    ②I got it.(我明白了。)

    94.So do I. 
    [  ]

    A: I really like Chinese food.
    B: So do I.

    A: I think he’s very talented.
    B: So do I.

    A: I watched that movie on TV.
    B: So did I.

    95.So am I. 
    [  ]

    A: I’m really tired.
    B: So am I.

    A: I’m so concerned about him.
    B: So am I.
    A: I was so excited about the news.
    B: So was I.

    96.Yes, please.
    [ ]

    A: Would you like more wine?
    B: Yes, please.

    A: Do you want to hear some music?
    B: Yes, please.

    A: Would you like something to eat?
    B: Yes, please.

    97.Yes, of course. 
    [  ]

    A: Are you attending the conference?
    B: Yes, of course. I signed up weeks ago.

    A: Could you give me a ride?
    B: Yes, of course. You don’t even have to ask!

    A: You know so much about Beijing.
    B: Yes, of course. I was born there.

    98. Yes, I’d love to. 

    A: Would you like to join us?
    B: Yes, I’d love to.

    A: Would you like to come to the ** ?
    B: Yes, I’d love to. Thanks for inviting me.

    A: Would you like to go to the movies with me?
    B: Yes, I’d love to.

    ①Yes, I’d be happy to.(是的,我很乐意。)
    ②Yes, I’d be glad to.(是的,我很乐意。)
    ③Yes, I’d be pleased to.(是的,我很乐意。)
    ④Yes, with pleasure.(是的,我很乐意。)

    99. Sure, go ahead. 
    [  ]

    A: May I use your phone?
    B: Sure, go ahead.

    A: Can I ask you a question?
    B: Sure, go ahead.

    A: Can I watch TV?
    B: Sure, go ahead. Here’s the remote control.

    100. Sure, no problem. 
    [  ]

    A: Can you do the dishes?
    B: Sure, no problem.

    A: Could you take the trash out?
    B: Sure, no problem.

    A: Could you speak more slowly?
    B: Sure, no problem.

    101. Sure, why not! 
    [  ]

    A: Would you like to come along?
    B: Sure, why not!

    A: Would you like to help them?
    B: Sure, why not! That’s what friends are for.

    A: Can you tell me the recipe?
    B: Sure, why not! 

    102. Sure, feel free. 
      [  ]

    A: Can I ask you one more question?
    B: Sure, feel free.

    A: Can I have another piece of cake?
    B: Sure, feel free. Help yourself.

    A: Could I make a suggestion?
    B: Sure, feel free.

    ①Go ahead.(尽管去做。)
    ②Be my guest.(别客气。)
    ③Don’t be shy.(别害羞。)
    Kim’s Note: These are all very important sentences to make someone feel at home. When people of different cultures get together they sometimes feel shy or awkward. These sentences can make a world of difference.

    103.I think so too. 
    [   ]
    A: We should save more money.
    B: I think so too.

    A: Maybe he’d like to be alone now.
    B: I think so too.

    A: You’d better get up a little earlier.
    B: I think so too. I’ve been late for work twice this month.

    ①I agree.(我赞成。)
    ②I think you’re right.(你说得对。)
    ③I suppose so too.(我也这么想。)

    104.I guess so. 
    [  ]
    A: Are your parents proud of you?
    B: I guess so.

    A: Was your teacher shocked?
    B: I guess so. He didn’t know I could speak English.

    A: Did Jim win a scholarship?
    B: I guess so.

    105. I hope so. 
    [  ]

    A: Will you be home by eleven?
    B: I hope so.

    A: Is she feeling better?
    B: I hope so. I’m worried about her.

    A: Are you going to be a pilot?
    B: I hope so. I have always dreamed of flying my own plane.

    106. I’m afraid so.
    [  ]

    A: Is the ** over?
    B: I’m afraid so.

    A: Did you miss the bus?
    B: I’m afraid so.

    A: Did you burn the chicken?
    B: I’m afraid so. I’m so sorry!

    Unfortunately, yes.(不幸的是,你说对了。)
    Regrettably, yes.(真不幸,这是事实。)

    107. I thought so. 
    [  ]

    A: All the tickets were sold out.
    B: I thought so.

    A: We should have made a reservation. We have to wait for a table.
    B: I thought so.

    A: Bob said he was too busy to help us.
    B: I thought so.

    108. I told you so. 
    [   ]

    A: I should have bought that camera when I had the chance.
    B: I told you so.

    A: Gee, I’ve got a parking ticket.
    B: I told you so.

    A: They wouldn’t let me on the plane without an ID card.
    B: I told you so.

    ①I told you.(我告诉过你。)
    ②Told you so.(我告诉过你。)
    ③Told you.(我告诉过你。)
    Kim’s Note: Be careful with these sentences! No one likes to hear “I told you so” too often!
    谨慎使用这些句子!没有人喜欢总是听到“I told you so”这句话!

  • crazy english--all--5 day

    2009-07-16 10:52:17

    第七节 解释与说明
    59.No, it’s not that. 
    [   ]

    A: Is that why you took off?
    B: No, it’s not that. 

    A: Are you still mad at him?
    B: No, it’s not that. I just don’t have any interest.

    A: Don’t you trust me?
    B: No, it’s not that. I just don’t like to lend my books to other people.

    60.That’s not true. 
    [  ]

    A: Money is everything.
    B: That’s not true.

    A: No one believes me.
    B: That’s not true. I believe you.

    A: I know you hate me.
    B: That’s not true. I’m just mad at what you did.

    That’s not the case.(那不是事实。)

    61.I didn’t mean that. 
    [   ]

    A: So, you think it’s my fault.
    B: I didn’t mean that.

    A: You’re right. I should give it up.
    B: I didn’t mean that. I just think you should try harder.

    A: You don’t want to help me, right?
    B: I didn’t mean that.

    62.It’s the other way around. 
    [    ]

    Kim’s Note: The idea of something being exactly the opposite of what is assumed can be a tricky『狡猾的;机警的』 one to express. Let this section be your guide.

    A: She dumped you, didn’t she?
    B: It’s the other way around. I dumped her!

    A: I bet she’s grateful to you.
    B: It’s the other way around.

    A: You must be excited about leaving for America.
    B: It’s the other way around. I’m sad to leave my family here.

    ①It’s the opposite.(正好相反。)
    ②It’s just the opposite.(正好相反。)
    ③It’s completely different.(恰恰相反。)

    63.I have / had nothing to do with it. 
    [      ]

    Kim’s Note:“I have nothing to do with it” is a much stronger denial than “not me”. If you really want to get out of being blamed for something, this is the sentence you need.
    “I have nothing to do with it”是一个比“not me”更为强烈的否定。如果你真的不想因为某事而被责备的话,这个句子正是你需要的。

    A: Do you know anything about the plan?
    B: No. I have nothing to do with it.

    A: Are you a member of the organization?
    B: No. I have nothing to do with it.

    A: Who broke the window?
    B: I don’t know. I have nothing to do with it.

    64.Let’s not talk about it any more. 
    [      ]

    A: So, why did you lose your job?
    B: Let’s not talk about it any more. It’s too upsetting.

    A: Do you still miss your ex?
    B: Let’s not talk about it any more.

    A: Don’t you remember what you said?
    B: Let’s not talk about it any more. I don’t want to argue with you.

    ①Let’s stop talking about it.(别提了。)
    ②Let’s finish this talk.(就此打住。)
    ③Let’s end this talk.(就说到这儿。)
    ④Let’s change the subject.(我们换个话题吧!)
    第八节 咀咒和骂人

    在这一节中你将能学习到当代英语中一些较常见的诅骂和骂人话,不过,我们并非鼓励你多用这一类的话,而是因为它们在电影、电视和日常生活中出现得非常频繁 ,作为英语学习者,要想听得懂,首先要学会这些话!其实,只要是常使用的语言,无论是不雅的话抑或是优雅的话,一样值得我们重视!

    65.Damn it! 
    [ ]

    A: Damn it!
    B: What’s wrong with you?

    A: Where have you been?
    B: Damn it! I told you I had to work late tonight. Get off my back!

    A: I’m sorry sir, the tickets for Hong Kong have been sold out.
    B: Damn it! It just isn’t my day. I’m having rotten luck today.


    A: You just missed the last train to Shenzhen.
    B: Shit! I have an important meeting there tonight.

    A: Oh, shit! I just spilled coffee all over my shirt.
    B: You need to calm down and take your time. No wonder you spilled your coffee.

    A: Shit! How dare you treat me like that? Who do you think you are?
    B: I’ll treat you any way I please!

    67.Shut up! 
    [ ]

    A: Shut up! I’ve heard enough!
    B: But I have a lot more to say!

    A: And another thing…
    B: Oh, shut up, Bob.

    A: I know nobody wants to hear about this problem…
    B: You’re right. We don’t, so just shut up.

    68.Go to hell! 
    [  ]

    A: I’m sick of your nagging all the time.
    B: Go to hell! I’m sick of you!

    A: Hey, could I borrow your car ?
    B: Go to hell! The last time you borrowed my car you wrecked it!

    A: Shut up and get out of my face!
    B: Go to hell! I never want to see you again anyway!

    69.Beat it! 
    [ ]

    A: Sorry. I broke your radio.
    B: Get out of here! Beat it! Can’t you do anything right?

    A: Beat it, small change.
    B: You’re always picking on me!
    这里的“small change” 可不是“找数,找头”或“小零花钱”的意思,而是指“小孩子”。下面,我们还是来看看KIM老师是怎么解释的:
    Kim’s Note: This is slang for a little kid. Most small children don’t like being called this name because it implies they aren’t worth much, just like small change from a dollar (a few pennies).
      “small change”是一个俚语,指的是小孩子。绝大部分的小孩都不喜欢被别人这样叫,因为这意味着他们是无足轻重的,成不了大气候,就像一美元中的小零头(一分,两分……)那样。

    六星级成语“pick on”意思是“找茬,作弄”。下面我们给出更多的例句:
    * Why pick on me? 
    * He gets picked on because he’s small.
    * There’s one girl at my school who everybody picks on because she  
     doesn’t wear what everybody else wears - they’re horrible to her.
    A: I really want to give you a hand.
    B: I don’t need you, so beat it!

    ①Go away!(滚开!)
    ②Get out (of here)!(走开;滚开!)

    70. Get lost! 
    [ ]

    A: Get lost! I’m still really mad at you.
    B: Kim! Kim! I’m sorry about it.
    (Kim! Kim!我很抱歉。)

    A: I was wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me?
    B: Get lost! You know I have a boyfriend!

    A: Do you think you could just lend me a few more dollars?
    B: Get lost! I’ve already lent you a lot of money and you never pay me back. 

    71.You big jerk! 
    [  ]
    Lisa’s Note: This term is always used to describe a man, not a woman.
    A: You big jerk!
    B: What did I do?

    A: I’m sorry I have to cancel our date tonight. Something’s come up.
    B: You big jerk! Something always comes up at the last minute. I’m sick of it!

    A: I saw you in the park with another girl last night,you big jerk!
    B: Wait a minute! That was my sister! Why are you always jumping to conclusions?

      “ass”的本意是“屁股(butt)”的意思,由此引申出来的“傻瓜,蠢货,讨厌鬼(jerk)”在美国口语中被广泛地运用。如果只知道“ass”的字面意思,而对其引申意一无所知,当美国人吹胡子瞪眼地冲着你说了句“Kiss my ass!”时,你望文生义地照着自己理解的字面意思去做,那你闹的笑话可就大了!搞不好美国人还会告你对他进行“性骚扰(sexual harassment)呢!请大家务必要认真学习和体会以下对话中的“ass”的意思。
    Kim’s Note: I really don’t know why expressions using the word “ass” are so popular in American English. I just know you hear them every day. 

    A: Damn! She has a big ass (=butt).
    B: Shut up! Yours is bigger.

    A: Don’t be such an ass.
    B: Who are you calling an ass?

    A: He’s such an ass (=jerk).
    B: I know. He’s the stupidest guy I know.

    A: Move your ass.=Move your butt.
    B: Don’t talk to me like that!

    A: Look at that hot girl / good looking girl.
    B: Damn! She’s a fine piece of ass.

    A: Hey,dude, can you scratch my back?
    B: Kiss my ass. Scratch it yourself.

    A: Don’t mess with him, he’s bad ass.
    B: I’ ll be fine.

    A: Hey man, nice car.
    B: Yeah, isn’t it bad ass?
      “bad ass” 在这里相当于really great, good, cool, awesome, impressive, really tough, really bad。
      学习英语目的不是为了考试,而是为了说,为了与人交流,考试只是顺便的。在日常生活中,生气骂人是常有的事,如Damn it / Shit / Shut up / Go to hell / You big jerk / Get lost!都是英美人士骂人时的常用语。为了方便记忆,我们已将它们融入了下面这一组对话中,请大家务必要反复模仿磁带,直至脱口而出!

    A: Damn it, I’m sick of you always taking me for granted.
    B: Shit! I don’t want to hear this garbage! I mean it.
    A: I don’t care. You never listen to me. You never tell me you love me…
    B: Shut up! No wonder, you’re such a nagging bitch!
    A: How dare you call me that? You big jerk! Go to hell!
    B: Ha! Get lost, I don’t care what you say!

    B: 哈!滚开,你说什么我都不在乎!

  • crazy english--all--4 day

    2009-07-16 10:45:23

                                第六节 情感的表达

    50.I’m relieved.

    [ ]

    A: We found that it was not your fault.
    B: I’m so relieved.

    A: This tumor is not a bad one.
    B: I’m relieved.

    A: You remember this case? It’s all over now.
    B: I’m relieved.

    第五节 鼓励与安慰
    40.Cheer up! 
    [ ]

    A: My wife has been gone for two weeks visiting her mother.
    B: Cheer up! She’ll be back soon.

    A: Our proposal didn’t go through.
    B: Cheer up! I have a better idea.

    A: I missed an important class before the test.
    B: Cheer up! I’ll show you my notes.

    “cheer up” 也可用作“cheer sb.up” ,意为“使某人高兴/振作起来” 。
    ①I’ll cheer her up.(我会让她高兴起来的。)
    ②I’m trying to cheer you up.(我会努力让你振作起来的。)
    ③Let’s cheer Susan up.(我们去安慰一下Susan。)

    41.Hang in there! 
    [  ]

    A: I can’t believe I failed the exam again.
    B: Hang in there! Give it another try.

    A: My husband got fired.
    B: Oh, no! Hang in there, Kim!

    A: English is so difficult. Grammar really bothers me!
    B: Hang in there!

    ①Just hang in there!(一定要坚持住!)
    ②Just hang in there. Everything is going to be all right.(不要气馁。一切都会好的。)

    42.Don’t give up! 
    [  ]

    A: Don’t give up, Eden. Hang in there!
    B: I’m doing my best!

    A: I asked the boss for a raise, but he said no.
    B: Don't give up. Try again later.

    A: I just don’t think I’ll ever learn to speak good English.
    B: Don’t give up. You can do it.

    43.Keep trying!
    [ ]

    A: I really want that promotion, but I keep getting turned down.
    B: Keep trying! You’ll get it.

    A: I want to get into Cambridge. But I know it is difficult.
    B: Keep trying. You’ll succeed.

    A: I’ve been trying to get a hold of Jim for an hour, but the line is busy.
    B: Keep trying. He just likes to talk on the phone, you’ll get through sooner or later.

    44.Go for it! 
    [  ]

    A: I'm going to try out for the basketball team. Do you think I'm tall enough?
    B: Sure you are! Go for it!

    A: Mary, you can't quit now! You’re almost at the finish line! Go for it!
    B: I’m going to make it! 

    A: I’ve been thinking of quitting my job and starting my own business.
    B: Go for it!

    45. Go ahead! 
    [ ]

    A: Do you mind if I borrow your phone?
    B: No, not at all. Go ahead.
    A: Can I sit down here?
    B: Go ahead.

    A: I want to ask him for his autograph, but I am scared.
    B: Go ahead. Do it.


    A: I am so nervous about giving my presentation tomorrow.
    B: Relax, you’ll be fine.

    A: I just can’t stop worrying about my exam results.
    B: Relax, there’s nothing you can do now but wait.

    A: I’ve ever traveled alone before.
    B: Relax. There’s nothing to it.

    47. Be careful. 
    [ ]

    A: Do you think I can go to Shanghai by myself?
    B: Sure. Be careful.

    A: I’m going to jog for a while.
    B: All right. Be careful.

    A: Be careful. The walls have ears.
    B: You’re right.

    ①Drive carefully.(小心驾驶。)
    ②Work carefully.(认真工作。)
    ③Do it carefully.(仔细点。)

    48.Don’t worry! 
    [ ]

    A: Mary should be back home now.
    B: Don’t worry. She’s no longer a child.

    A: I think I left the car windows open.
    B: Don't worry, I closed them.

    A: Be sure to come back before eleven o’clock.
    B: Don’t worry. We will.

    49. Take it easy!
    [  ]

    A: I’m going to finish all this work tonight.
    B: Take it easy!

    A: I’ll make this up to you. I promise.
    A: Take it easy! I’m not angry with you.

    A: I lost my passport. What am I going to do?
    B: Take it easy! When did you last use it?
    ①What a relief! (终于松了口气!)
    ②That’s a relief. (谢天谢地。)
    ③That’s reassuring.(我放心了。)

    51.I’m surprised. 
    [ ]

    A: Look, Mom, I cleaned up my room!
    B: I’m surprised.

    A: I took the liberty of adjusting your TV.
    B: I’m surprised. It looks so clear.

    A: Do you know Miss Lee got fired?
    B: I’m surprised. Is that true?
    ①I’m shocked.(我感到震惊。)
    ②I’m not surprised.(不足为奇。)

    52.I was moved. 
    [  ]

    A: Did you like “Sleepless in Seattle”?
    B: I was moved.

    A: How did you like the movie?
    B: I was moved.

    A: How was the symposium?
    B: I was moved. It made me really think.

    ①I’m moved.(我很受感动。)
    ②I was impressed.(我印象很深。)
    53. I’m so sorry. 
    [  ]

    A: My father died when I was a child.
    B: I’m so sorry.

    A: My best friend has lung cancer.
    B: I’m so sorry.

    A: My grandmother is bedridden.
    B: I’m so sorry.

    ①My sympathies.(我很同情)
    ②My condolences.(我很难过)
    ③I’m sorry for your loss.(对你的损失,我感到惋惜。)
    54.It’s irritating. 
    [ ]

    Kim’s Note: This is one of my favorite words! If you describe someone or something as irritating, your meaning will be perfectly clear. Some words are so powerful they can form. a simple sentence with a strong meaning.

    A: Stone never comes on time.
    B: I know, it’s irritating.

    A: How can you stand this noise? It’s driving me crazy!
    B: It’s irritating, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

    A: Hasn’t Jim called you yet?
    B: No. It’s irritating.

    ①It’s maddening.(真气人。)
    ②It’s annoying.(真讨厌。)
    ③It’s disturbing.(真烦人。)
    ④It’s embarrassing.(真是尴尬。)
    55. That’s enough. 
    [ ]
    “enough”在此并不是用它的本意“足够的,充分的” ,而是表示说话人的一种不相信、怀疑、厌烦或告诫的态度。相当于:That’s a lie/That’s crazy/That’s an exaggeration.等意思!所以,当对方所说的或所做的使你再也不能忍受时,你就可以用这个句子来表示自己的愤懑;同时,你还可以用这句话来阻止对方继续做某事,尤其是当对方说大话的时候,告诫他不要吹,你的耳朵都被他“吹”得起老茧了!

    A: Next time I will do it right.
    B: That’s enough.

    A: I’m sorry I forgot. I was kind of busy.
    B: That’s enough.

    A: I can pay you back next month.
    B: That’s enough.

    ①That’s a lie.(扯谎!)
    ②That’s an excuse.(那是借口。)
    ③That’s crazy.(疯了!)
    ④That’s an exaggeration.(胡吹!)
    56.I’m speechless. 
    [ ]
    A: I’m so sorry but I told you a lie.
    B: What? I’m speechless.

    A: I invested all of our money in the stocks.
    B: I’m speechless.

    A: I hope you like my present.
    B: A diamond ring? I’m speechless.

    ①I don’t know what to say.(我不知该说什么好。)
    ②I’m tongue-tied.(我不知该说什么好。)
    57. I’m lost. 
    [ ]

    A: Everyone is coming except Linda, and Jim, who wasn’t supposed to come.
    B: I’m lost. 

    A: So, the bad guy wasn’t the guy who killed the boy.
    B: I’m lost. I never understand American movies.

    ①I’m confused.(我迷糊了。)
    ②I’m mixed up.(我弄混了。)
    58. I’m looking forward to it. 
    [    ]

    A: The barbecue starts at around six.
    B: Okay. I’m looking forward to it.

    A: Are you coming to my ** tonight?
    B: Yes. I’m looking forward to it.

    A: I’ll get you a souvenir in Paris.
    B: I’m looking forward to it.
    ①I’m looking forward to the concert.(我热切盼望着那场演唱会。)
    ②I’m looking forward to meeting you.(我恨不得马上见到你。)

    Kim’s Note: I happen to know that this is a favorite of Teacher Lee. I know that he likes this pattern because it raises your English level dramatically. He’s right. If you use this in your daily life you will stun people with your mastery of English. “Nice to meet you” is good, but “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you” is even better.
      我刚巧知道这是李老师最喜欢的一句话。我知道他之所以喜欢这句话,是因为它能够明显地提高你的英语水平。他是对的。在日常生活中,如果你使用这个句子,人们将会对你掌握英语的程度目瞪口呆。使用“Nice to meet you”已经很好了,但是“I’ve been looking forward to meeting you”更好。

  • crazy english--all--3 day

    2009-07-16 10:42:39

    第三节 道歉用语
    Everyone makes mistakes! But, not everyone knows how to make an apology. All too often the first response to a mistake is to blame someone else. Effectively expressing a sincere apology is a valuable function that will not only show off your English, it will also show off your excellent manners. Showing consideration for others is an important part of effective communication.
    25. sorry. / I’m sorry
    ○1A: Look what you’ve done! You’ve broken my watch.
    B: Sorry. I’m terribly sorry. I’ll get you a new one.
    ○2A: You’re late again! I’ve been waiting for over an hour.
    B: I’m sorry. Really, I am.
    ○3A: You always say things that hurt my feelings.
    B: I’m sorry. I really don’t mean to.
    ○1I’m so sorry.(我很抱歉。)
    ○2I’m terribly sorry.(我非常抱歉。)
    ○3I can’t tell you how sorry I am.(我说不出有多抱歉。)
    ○4You don't know how sorry I am.(你不知道我有多抱歉。)
    26. Sorry I’m late. 
    ○1A: Sorry I’m late. Traffic was bad.
    B: That’s all right. Let’s go!
    ○2A: Sorry I’m late. 
    B: Don’t be late again.
    ○3A: Sorry I’m late. 
    B: We were beginning to think you were not coming.
    ○1Sorry I kept you waiting.(对不起,让大家久等了。)
    ○2Thanks for waiting.(多谢大家的等待。)
    27.I’m sorry to bother you. 
      这句话也可以说成:“I’m sorry to trouble you.” 
    ○1A: I can go and ask him, if you want.
    B: I’m sorry to bother you.
    ○2A: I’ll see what I can do for you.
    B: I’m sorry to bother you.
    ○3A: I’m really sorry to trouble you. 
    B: Never mind.
    ○1 (I’m) sorry.
    ○2Sorry I’m late.
    ○3I’m sorry to bother you.
    Crazy Admiration, Revelation, Exclamation Sound
    28.I’m sorry to interrupt you, but… 
    A: I’m sorry to interrupt you, but can I talk to you in private?
    B: Sure. What’s up?
    A: I’m sorry to interrupt you, but we’d better hurry.
    B: That’s right. / You are right.
    A: I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I don’t think that’s right.
    B: Oh? What do you mean?
    ①Am I interrupting?(我打扰你了吗?)
    ②You interrupted us.(你打断了我们。)
    ③I didn’t mean to interrupt you.(我不是有意打断你的。)
    29. I’m sorry to bother you, but… 
    A: I’m sorry to bother you, but could you help me move this desk?
    B: All right.
    A: I’m sorry to bother you, but could you take a look at my computer?
    B: Sure. What’s wrong?
    A: I’m sorry to bother you, but could you answer a question for me?
    B: Okay. What’s up?
    ①Don’t bother.(不用麻烦了。)
    ②Why bother?=Why make the effort of doing that/What’s the point of doing that?(干嘛那么麻烦?)
    ③I don’t want to bother you.(我不想打搅你。)
    ④I don’t mean to bother you.(我不是故意要打扰你的。)
    ⑤I don’t want to bug you but I really need my money back.
    ⑥I hate to bother you, but could you give me your phone number again? I seem to have lost it.
    30.Sorry, I wasn’t listening. 
    A: What do you think?
    B: Sorry, I wasn’t listening.
    A: Maybe we can ask Stone.
    B: Sorry, I wasn’t listening. What did you say?
    A: Which one do you think is right?
    B: Sorry, I wasn’t listening.
    ①Sorry, I didn’t hear you. (对不起,我没听见。)
    ②Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.(对不起,我没注意听。)
    ③Sorry, I couldn’t hear you.(对不起,我没听见。)
                              第四节 祝愿与祝贺

    Expressing good wishes and congratulations is my favorite function. Who doesn’t love to spread happiness and cheer? Holidays are the most common times to share good wishes, but a few cheerful words can make any day better. I always congratulate friends when something goes their way. When you can speak these sentences well, you will find countless occasions to use them. Good Luck!
    31. Good luck! 
    A: I only have two days to go before my test. I’m so nervous!
    B: Good luck! You can do it!
    A: I have a job interview tomorrow.
    B: Good luck! 
    A: I’m finally ready for my big presentation.
    B: Good luck!
    ①I’ll keep my fingers crossed.(为你祈祷!)
    ②Keep up the good work!(祝你好运!)
    32.Have a nice evening. 
    A: See you tomorrow.
    B: Take care and have a nice evening.
    A: Let’s call it a day.
    B: Sure. Have a nice evening.
    A: Have a nice evening.
    B: You too.
    ①Have a nice weekend.(周末愉快!)
    ②Have a good rest.(好好休息一下。)
    ③Have a good night’s sleep.(睡个好觉!)
    33.Take care of yourself! 
    A: I have a cold.
    B: Take care of yourself!
    A: I have heartburn. I really shouldn’t eat such spicy food.
    B: You should take care of yourself more.
    A: My tooth is hurting really badly.
    B: Take care of yourself! You need to see a dentist.
    ①Take care!(保重!)
    ②Take good care!(多保重!)
    ③Take good care of yourself!(你要多保重!)
    34. I’m happy for you. 
    Kim’s Note: Sharing in someone’s joy is the sign of a true friend. If you use this sentence you will build long lasting friendships.
    A: I became a section manager.
    B: Great! I’m happy for you. 
    A: I’m pregnant. 
    B: Really? I’m happy for you. 
    A: Sally and I made up. 
    B: Good! I’m happy for you. 
    ①I’m so glad. (我真高兴。)
    ②I’m so pleased. (我真高兴。)
    ③I’m so happy for you. (我真为你高兴。)
    ④I’m proud of you. (我真为你骄傲。)
    35. Congratulations!

    A: I passed the entrance exam.
    B: Congratulations!
    A: We signed the contract.
    B: Congratulations!
    A: They picked my illustration.
    B: Congratulations!
    ①I congratulate you.(我祝贺你。)
    ②Let’s celebrate.(让我们庆贺一下。)
    ③This calls for celebration. (这真值得庆祝。)
    36. Cheers!
    A: Let’s have a toast to teacher Lee.
    B: Cheers!
    A: To our tenth anniversary!
    B: Cheers!
    A: Cheers! Bottoms up!
    B: Bottoms up!
    ①Let’s have a toast. (我们干杯吧!)
    ②Bottoms up! (干杯!)
    ③Drink up! (干杯!)
    37. Give my regards to…. 

    A: Give my regards to Mr. Lee.
    B: All right. Bye.
    A: Give my regards to your parents.
    B: I will. See you soon.
    A: Give my regards to your family.
    B: Sure. See you around.
    38.I hope you like my little present. 
    Kim’s Note: Gift giving is an important social function. Sometimes it is hard to find the right words to go along with the act. These are all excellent examples of how to offer a gift.

    A: I hope you like my little present. 
    B: Thank you! It’s so sweet of you.
    A: I hope you like my little present.
    B: Oh, you shouldn’t have. May I open it?

    A: Is this for me?
    B: Yes. I hope you like my little present.

    ①I just wanted to thank you.(我只想说谢谢你。)
    ②As a token of my gratitude.(小小意思,略表谢意。)

    39.I hope you like the food. 
    [     ]

    A: Wow! Everything looks delicious!
    B: I hope you like the food.

    A: This is my first time to eat hot pot.
    B: I hope you like the food.

    A: Are these called Wonton?
    B: Yes. I hope you like the food.

    ①Maybe you won’t like it.(你可能不爱吃。)
    ②It will grow on you.(你会慢慢喜欢它的。)
    ③It’s good for you.(这对你有好处。)

  • crazy english--all--2 day

    2009-07-16 10:23:16

                                 第二节 致谢与回答
    11. Thanks a million!
    Kim’s Note: Thanks a million is a very American expression. Knowing how to thank someone using this phrase will set you apart from the average English learner!
      “Thanks a million”是一个非常美国化的表达。懂得如何用这个句子来感谢别人,将使你与一般的英语学习者截然不同!
    ○1A: Thanks a million. It’s very kind of you.
    B: Glad I could help out.
    ○2A: Here’s your book.
    B: Thanks a million. Sorry I needed it back in such a rush.
    ○3A: Thanks a million. I really appreciate your showing my family around Beijing.
    B: It was nothing.
    12. Thanks for your work.
    ○1A: I’m finished. I’m going home now.
    B: OK. Thanks for your work.
    ○2A: I’m taking off. See you tomorrow.
    B: Thanks for your work.
    ○3A: Thanks for your work.
    B: Don’t mention it. It’s my job.

    【李阳老师的话】  不管你是名企业的老板,还是普通职员;也不管你是老师,还是学生,请别忘了:时刻都要保持一颗感激的心来对待你的下属、同事、学生或同学。那时,你得到的将是他人的尊敬和终身的感激!


    ○1Thanks for your hard work.(多谢你的努力工作。)

    ○2Thanks for working so hard.(感谢您的辛勤劳动。)

    ○3Thanks for your long hours of hard work.(感谢你长时间的辛勤劳动。)
    ○4Thank you for all the work you’ve done.(谢谢你所做的一切。)
    ○5Thank you for your dedication to the work.(谢谢你对工作的全身心投入。)
    ○6Thank you for a job well done.(感谢你出色地完成了工作。)
    ○7I appreciate what you’ve done.(感谢你所做的一切。)
    ○8I appreciate how hard you’ve worked.(感谢你努力工作。)
    13. Thanks for everything.
    ○1A: Thanks for everything .
    B: It’s nothing. My pleasure.
    ○2A: Thanks for everything.
    B: No problem. Come back again.
    ○3A: Thanks for everything.
    B: Sure. Take care!
    ○1Thanks for taking care of my dog.(谢谢你照料我的狗。)
    ○2Thanks for taking care of my baby.(谢谢你照顾我的孩子。)
    ○3Thanks for everything you have done for me.
    ○4Thanks for taking care of everything for me. I know I can always count on you.
    14. Thanks for your concern.
    ○1A: Is your baby all right now?
    B: Yes. Thanks for your concern.
    ○2A: Are you feeling better today?
    B: Much better. Thanks for your concern.
    ○3A: Did you make an appointment with a doctor? I’m worried about your health.
    B: Yes, I did. Thanks for your concern.
    15.Thanks for your cooperation. 
    ○1A: Thanks for your cooperation.
    B: My pleasure.
    ○2A: Thanks for your cooperation. Have a nice evening.
    B: You too.
    ○3A: I’m so glad we made it.
    B: So am I. Thanks for your cooperation.
    ○1Thanks for your help.(谢谢你的帮助。)
    ○2Thanks for your support.(多谢你的支持。)
    ○3Thanks for your effort.(多谢你的努力。)
    ○4Thanks for your advice.(谢谢你的建议。)
    16. Thanks for coming. 
    ○1A: Thanks for coming.
    B: Anytime.
    ○2A: Thanks for coming.
    B: Are you kidding?I wouldn’t have missed your   for anything
    ○3A: Hi, Kim. Here I am!
    B: Hi, Adam. Thanks for coming.
    ○1Thanks for coming such a long way.(谢谢你远道而来。)
    ○2Thanks for coming all the way.(谢谢你远道而来。)
    ○3Thanks for coming so quickly.(谢谢你那么快就来了。)
    ○4Thanks for coming today.(谢谢你今天来。)
    ○5Thanks for coming when I called. I didn’t know who else to turn to.(我一打完电话你就来了,谢谢你。我不知道向谁求助。)
    17. Thanks for your time.
    ○1A: I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find the letter.
    B: I see. Thanks for your time.
    ○2A: If you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.
    B: Sure. Thanks for your time.
    ○3A: Thanks for your time,I appreciate it.
    B: It was no trouble at all.
    ○1Thank you. I understand you’re busy.
    ○2Thank you. I understand you’re tired.
    ○3Thank you for your valuable time.
    ○4Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule.
    ○5Thank you for making time to see me.
    ○6Thank you for sparing some time for me.
    18. It’s very kind of you. 
    ○1A: I can take you there if you want.
    B: Thank you. It’s very kind of you.
    ○2A: I can do it for you.
    B: Thanks. It’s very kind of you.
    ○3A: I don’t mind coming back again when you’re not so busy.
    B: Thanks a lot. It’s very kind of you.
    ○1You’re so sweet.(你真好。)
    ○2How kind of you!(你真好!)
    ○3Thank you for your kindness.(谢谢你的好意。)
    ○4I appreciate your kindness.(对您的好意,我非常感激。)
    ○5Your kindness is really appreciated.(你的善意真让人感激。)
    19. You’ve been very helpful. 
    ○1A: Thanks for everything. You’ve been very helpful.
    B: You’re welcome.
    ○2A: Thanks a lot. You’ve been very helpful.
    B: My pleasure.
    ○3A: Thank you for your advice. You’ve been very helpful.
    B: Don’t mention it.
    ○1Thanks for your help.(谢谢你帮忙。)
    ○2You helped me a lot.(你帮了我大忙。)
    ○3It means a lot to me.(它对我意义重大。)
    ○4You’ve been incredibly helpful.(你真是帮了我大忙。)
    ○5You don’t know how much you’ve helped me.
    20. My pleasure. 
    ○1A: Thank you for reminding me to call my mother.
    B: My pleasure.
    ○2A: Thank you for your help.
    B: My pleasure.
    ○3A: You really helped me a lot.
    B: My pleasure. Anytime.
    ○1You’re welcome.(不客气。)
    ○2It’s my pleasure.(这是我的荣幸。)
    ○3Don’t mention it!(不客气!)
    21. Forget it!
    ○1A: Thank you for lunch, it was wonderful.
    B: Forget it. It was my pleasure.
    ○2A: How can I ever repay you for all your help?
    B: Forget it. That’s what friends are for.
    ○3A: You are the most thoughtful person. Thank you for the flowers!
    B: Forget it. It was nothing.
    “Forget it”除了此处提供的“别客气”的意思外,还有“算了吧”的含义。比如,当你的好朋友把前几天问你借来乘公共汽车的2块钱还回给你时,你就可以挥一挥衣袖潇洒地对他说“Forget it――算了吧,不用还了(钱又不多)”!
    22.You’re welcome. 
    ○1A: Thank you.
    B: You’re welcome.
    ○2A: We all thank you very much.
    B: You’re really welcome.
    ○3A: I just can’t thank you enough for helping me with my English.
    B: You’re welcome. I’m glad to help.
    23. Anytime. 
    ○1A: Thanks for driving me home.
    B: Anytime.
    ○2A: I’m so glad you invited me for tea.
    B: Anytime. It’s great to have you.
    ○3A: Thanks for mailing that letter for me.
    B: Anytime. I was already going to the post office anyway.
    24. It’s nothing.
    ○1A1: How can I thank you engough?
    A2: I can’t thank you enough.
    B: It’s nothing. Forget about it.
    ○2A: I can’t believe you waited all night for my train to arrive.
    B: It’s nothing. I wanted to see you.
    ○3A: Thank you for your support.
    B: It’s nothing.

  • crazy english--all--2 day

    2009-07-16 10:23:16

                                 第二节 致谢与回答

    11. Thanks a million! 

    Kim’s Note: Thanks a million is a very American expression. Knowing how to thank someone using this phrase will set you apart from the average English learner!
      “Thanks a million”是一个非常美国化的表达。懂得如何用这个句子来感谢别人,将使你与一般的英语学习者截然不同!

    ○1A: Thanks a million. It’s very kind of you.
    B: Glad I could help out.

    ○2A: Here’s your book.
    B: Thanks a million. Sorry I needed it back in such a rush.

    ○3A: Thanks a million. I really appreciate your showing my family around Beijing.
    B: It was nothing.

    12. Thanks for your work. 

  • crazy english--all--2 day

    2009-07-16 10:23:16

                                 第二节 致谢与回答

    11. Thanks a million! 

    Kim’s Note: Thanks a million is a very American expression. Knowing how to thank someone using this phrase will set you apart from the average English learner!
      “Thanks a million”是一个非常美国化的表达。懂得如何用这个句子来感谢别人,将使你与一般的英语学习者截然不同!

    ○1A: Thanks a million. It’s very kind of you.
    B: Glad I could help out.

    ○2A: Here’s your book.
    B: Thanks a million. Sorry I needed it back in such a rush.

    ○3A: Thanks a million. I really appreciate your showing my family around Beijing.
    B: It was nothing.

    12. Thanks for your work. 

  • crazy english--all--1 day

    2009-07-16 10:05:48

    第一部分 最常用的10个口语要素
    A: I’ve been thinking of taking a Crazy English course. Do you think it’s a good idea?
    B: Sure! You should do anything you can to improve your English.
    A: Really? Do you think English is that important?
    B: Of course it is. In fact, I’ll even take the course with you if you want.
    A: Great! It’s always better to do things with a friend.
    B: Do you have the phone number? I need to call for registration.
    A: No, I left it at home. Sorry!
    B: That’s OK. I can get it from you later.
    A: So, do you want to go somewhere for dinner and practice our English together tonight?
    B: All right. I know a great restaurant near here. But, it’s a little expensive and I don’t have much money with me.
    A: No problem. I just got paid. It's my treat.
    B: Thank you! I’ll be sure to return the favor after our first class, OK?
    A: Forget it! That’s what friends are for! Besides, I have a VIP card for a discount.
    B: Good job! This is going to be a great night!
    A: I think so too. Let’s go!

                   第二部分 日常交际口语要素

    第一单元 问候
    Americans have so many different ways of greeting one another! In fact, many times an American greeting will consist of several greeting questions strung together. It is very common to hear a friend say,“Hi-Stone-What’s-up-how-are-you-doing-wow-I-haven’t-seen-you-how-have-you-been?”all in one breath. Although Americans generally believe that shorter is better, the function of greeting is an exception to the rule. Don’t be surprised if you are greeted in this way. Just practice the following greetings and responses until they become automatic. You’ll soon be saying “Wow-I’m-great-never-been-better-everything’s-going-my-way-how-about-you?”
    1. Hi!
    ○1A: Hi!
    B: Hi!
    ○2A: Hi, Kim. How are you?
    B: Fine. How are you doing?
    ○3A: Hi, I haven’t seen you for ages.
    B: Wow, I know. It’s great to see you again.
    Kim’s Note: This may sound simple, but it is very important. It is so common to hear people “singing” the word “Hello” when you walk through the streets of China. I think it is great that people know an English word, but they would get a lot more response with a friendly “hi”. Never underestimate a simple word. Even “hi” can make a big difference.
    2. Nice to meet you.
    ○1A: Jim, this is my sister Susan.
    B: Hi, Susan. Nice to meet you.
    ○2A: I’m Kim. Nice to see you here.
    B: Nice to meet you, Kim.
    ○3A: Welcome to our office.
    B: Thanks. Nice to meet you.
    3. How are things going?
    ○1A: Hi, Stone! How are things going?
    B: Couldn’t be better. How about you?
    ○2A: How are things going?
    B: Fine, but I need to talk to you.
    ○3A: I just started my new job this week.
    B: I completely forgot. How are things going?
    4. Keeping busy?
    ○1A: Hi, Stone. Have you been keeping busy?
    B: Yeah. Too busy.
    ○2A: Hi, Eden. Have you been keeping busy?
    B: Not really. Just doing what I have to.
    ○3A: What’s new Kim, keeping busy?
    B: Sure, I’m busier than I’ve ever been!
    5. How are you doing?
    ○1A: How are you doing?
    B: I’m OK. How about you?
    ○2A: Kim, this is my little brother Mike.
    B: How are you doing, Mike?
    ○3A: I heard that you just got divorced. How are you doing?
    B: OK, I guess.
    6. How’s everything?
    ○1A: How’s everything?
    B: Pretty good.
    ○2A: How’s everything?
    B: So-so.
    ○3A: Sorry I’m so late getting back to the office. How’s everything?
    B: Everything’s fine.
    7. How have you been?
    ○1A: Hi, Stone! How have you been?
    B: Great! What about you? 
    ○2A: How have you been?
    B: OK, I guess. How about you? 
    ○3A: I haven’t seen you for ages. How have you been?
    B: Oh, I’ve been super. And yourself?
    8. What’s new?
    请想想“What’s new!” “激进”的英语回答。“近来怎么样?”——“很好” 、“非常棒” 、“棒极了”等等。一个人如果经常处于自我激发的状态,久而久之,便会溶入自己的身心,形成强大的内动力。心态改变,就能改变自己的世界。
    ○1A: What’s new?
    B: Nothing special./ Nothing much.
    ○2A: What’s new?
    B: Same as usual.
    ○3A: Hi, Kim. What’s new?
    B: Not too much. And you? Keeping busy?
    9. What’s up?
    ○1A: Hi, Jim. What’s up?
    B: Nothing.
    ○2A: Hello, Bill. What’s up?
    B: Nothing really. What about you?
    ○3A: Hi,Kim. It’s good to see you.
    B: Yeah, it sure is. What’s up?
    10. What’s happening?
    A response to “What’s happening?” would never be “Not bad.” For, although “What’s happening?” can stand in for “How are you?”, “What’s happening?” still maintains its literal meaning – “What’s going on?”
    A good response might be “Same old same old.” or “Nothing much”.
    “Same old same old.” means something like: “Nothing’s new. Same old things are going on. Nothing’s changed. Just the usual things are going on”.
    “Not bad.(还好。/不错)”不能用来回答“What’s happening?”。因为,尽管“What’s happening?”可以用来表示“How are you?(你好吗?)”这层意思,但是“What’s happening?”仍然保留着它的字面意思——“What’s going on?(发生了什么事?)”。
    恰当的回答应该是:“Same old same old.(老样子,老样子。)”或“Nothing much.(一般。)”
    “Same old same old.”的意思类似于“没什么新鲜事发生,原来的事情还在进行。没有什么改变的,一切如常。”
    ○1A: Hey, man! What’s happening?
    B: Nothing much.
    ○2A: Hi, Bill. What’s happening?
    B: Same old same old. What’s going on with you ?
    ○3A: Hey, long time no see, what’s happening?
    B: Not a whole lot.

  • 常用句子

    2009-07-16 10:04:52

    1.小事一桩 That's a piece of cake. 
    That's as easy as pie! 
    I can do it with my eyes closed. 

    2. 请你客气点 
    Who do you think you're talking to? 
    Don't get fresh with me (get fresh with 大多用于母亲对孩子的斥责之时)! 

    3. 等着瞧 
    You'll see/ We’ll see. 
    Time will tell. 

    4. 多管闲事 
    (It is) None of your business. 
    Mind your own business. 
    Who asked you? 
    This has nothing to do with you. 

    5. 别狗眼看人低 
    Do I look like a fool? 
    Who do you think I am? 
    What kind of a fool do you take me for? 

    6. 不要告诉别人 
    Don't tell anybody (about it)! 
    This is just between you and me. 
    This doesn't leave this room. 
    This is for your ears only. 

    7. 当然 
    You bet. 
    You know it. 

    8. 你在开玩笑 
    You are kidding(joking)! 
    You’ve got to be kidding(joking). 
    Are you kidding me? 

    9. 没错,就是这样 
    You got that right. 
    You wit the rail on the head. 

    10. 世界真小 
    It is a small world. 
    Small world! 
    You never know whom you will bump into! 

    11. 既然如此,你自己来吧 
    Do it yourself, then. 

    12. 这才像话 
    That is more like it 

    13. 太过分了 
    That is going too far.

    14. 我老早就告诉过你了 
    See I told you(so).

    15. 那又怎样? 
    So what? 

    16. 就指望你了 
    I'm counting on you. 
    You're my only hope. 

    17. 想想办法吧!(别老是坐在那里) 
    Do something (about it). 
    Don't just sit there. 

    Stop playing the fool! 
    Don't act stupid! 

    Any complaints? 
    Do you have anything to say? 

    20. 船到桥头自然直 
    Thing will work out. 
    It will work out. 
    Everything will be fine. 

    21. 久仰大名!
    I've heard so much about you!

    22. 我早就知道了 
    I'm fully(well) aware of that. 
    You don't have to tell me. 
    I wasn't born yesterday. 

    23. 我认输了 
    Beats me. 
    You got me. 
    You got that right. 

    24. 你到底要说什么? 
    Don't beat around the bush! 
    Get to the point! 
    What are you trying to say? 

    Who do you think you are? 

    I'll come. I give you my word.(我会来的,我向你保证!)

  • 职场英语之打电话

    2009-07-13 10:30:04


    VERA:CRI Online. May I help you? 

    REAF:May I talk to Kelly please? 

    VERA:And you are? 

    REAF:This is Reaf from BBC. I’m calling to check my mail. 

    VERA:I'll put her on the phone. Just a second . 




    我们先来看第一句:“CRI Online. May I help you?”。一般接起电话的人通常会先报公司的名字,然后再说, "May I help you?" 或是如果要更客气一点的话则可以说 "How can I help you?" (我该怎么帮你?),意思是我能为你做什么。 


    "Thanks for calling CRI Online, please dial the extension or press 0 get to the operator" 

    感谢你打电话到CRI来,请直接拨分机号,如需转总机, 请拨“0”。 

    2.And you are? 你是? 

    通常我们要先确定一下对方的身份,避免不必要的骚扰。And you are? 是比较口语化的讲法。如果想要问得客气点,我们还可以说"Whom I am speaking with?" 或是 "Whom am I talking to?" 

    3. I'll put her on the phone. Just a second. 

    我会请她听电话, 请等一下。 

    确认之后,当然就是把电话转接给对方要找的人了。Put someone on the phone 的意思就是请某人听电话。 


    "Could you please put Kelly on the phone?" 你能不能请kelly来听电话啊? 


    "Ok. I'll put her on the phone. Just a second." 好的,我会请她听电话, 请稍等一下。 


    "I'm transferring your call." 或是 "I'm redirecting your call.",意思是我帮你转接到分机给她。 

    transfer 或者 redirect.既“转接”的意思。 

  • 搜索引擎技术原理及其应用

    2009-07-09 12:03:14




    2004级计算机科学与技术三班 刘xx






      搜索引擎(search engine)是指根据一定的策略、运用特定的计算机程序搜集互联网上的信息,在对信息进行组织和处理后,为用户提供检索服务的系统。

    一、 Web搜索引擎技术综述

    (一) 、引子



    ① 目录式搜索引擎,以人工方式或半自动方式搜集信息,由编辑员查看信息之后,人工形成信息摘要,并将信息置于事先确定的分类框架中,由于web信息的海量性和人工处理能力、经济代价的限制,这类搜索引擎信息的即时性和全面性难以保证它的优秀代表是Yahoo等;

    ② 机器人搜索引擎,由一个称为蜘蛛(Spider)的机器人程序以某种策略自动地在互联网中搜集和发现信息,由索引器为搜集到的信息建立索引,由检索器根据用户的查询输入检索索引库,并将查询结果返回给用户,这类搜索引擎实现较为复杂,但能很好的实现信息的全面获取和即时更新,它的优秀代表是Google等,后文如非特别说明,都指这类搜索引擎;

    ③ 元搜索引擎,这类搜索引擎没有自己的数据,而是将用户的查询请求同时向多个搜索引擎递交,将返回的结果进行重复排除、重新排序等处理后,作为自己的结果返回给用户,这类搜索引擎兼集多个搜索引擎的信息,并且加入新的排序和信息过滤,可以很好的提高用户满意度。

    (二) 、web搜索引擎的原理和实现



    这是一种半自动化的资源(由于此时尚未对资源进行分析和理解,不能成为信息而仅是资源)获取方式。所谓半自动化,是指搜索器需要人工指定起始网络资源URL(Uniform. Resource Locator),然后获取该URL所指向的网络资源,并分析该资源所指向的其他资源并获取。如Google的在利用蜘蛛程序获取网络资源时,是由一个认为管理程序负责任务的分配和结果的处理,多个分布式的蜘蛛程序从管理程序活动任务,然后将获取的资源作为结果返回,并从新获得任务。





    (三) 、web搜索引擎的最新动态

    当前,搜索引擎技术已经趋于成数,用户满意度也保持在一个可以接受的水平。在信息搜集技术,索引建立技术,检索技术和结果集排序技术方面,最近几年,除了Google创造性的提出page rank技术,并把他用于结果排序外,基本没有什么突破性的进展。而搜索引擎的研究与信息集成逐渐融合,在这方面的研究主要集中在两个方面:查询扩展(query expansion)和结果集的动态分类。

    二、 Google技术

    (一) Google技术概论

    Google 秉持开发“完美的搜索引擎”的信念,在业界独树一帜。所谓完美的搜索引擎,就如公司创始人之一 Larry Page 所定义的那样,可以“确解用户之意,切返用户之需”。为了实现这一目标,Google 坚持不懈地追求创新,而不受现有模型的限制。因此,Google 开发了自己的服务基础结构和具有突破性的 Page Rank™ 技术,使得搜索方式发生了根本性变化。

    Google 的开发人员从一开始就意识到:要以最快的速度提供最精确的搜索结果,则需要一种全新的服务器设置。大多数的搜索引擎依靠少量大型服务器,这样,在访问高峰期速度就会减慢,而 Google 却利用相互链接的 PC 来快速查找每个搜索的答案。 这一创新技术成功地缩短了响应时间,提高了可扩展性,并降低了成本。这也是其他公司一直在效仿的技术。与此同时,Google 从未停止过对其后端技术的改进,以使其技术效率更高。

    Google 搜索技术所依托的软件可以同时进行一系列的运算,且只需片刻即可完成所有运算。而传统的搜索引擎在很大程度上取决于文字在网页上出现的频率。Google 使用 Page Rank™ 技术检查整个网络链接结构,并确定哪些网页重要性最高。然后进行超文本匹配分析,以确定哪些网页与正在执行的特定搜索相关。在综合考虑整体重要性以及与特定查询的相关性之后,Google 可以将最相关最可靠的搜索结果放在首位。

    ⑴Page Rank 技术:

    通过对由超过 50,000 万个变量和 20 亿个词汇组成的方程进行计算,Page Rank 能够对网页的重要性做出客观的评价。Page Rank 并不计算直接链接的数量,而是将从网页 A 指向网页 B 的链接解释为由网页 A 对网页 B 所投的一票。这样,Page Rank 会根据网页 B 所收到的投票数量来评估该页的重要性。此外,Page Rank 还会评估每个投票网页的重要性,因为某些网页的投票被认为具有较高的价值,这样,它所链接的网页就能获得较高的价值。重要网页获得的 Page Rank(网页排名)较高,从而显示在搜索结果的顶部。Google 技术使用网上反馈的综合信息来确定某个网页的重要性。搜索结果没有人工干预或操纵,这也是为什么 Google 会成为一个广受用户信赖、不受付费排名影响且公正客观的信息来源。 


    Google 的搜索引擎同时也分析网页内容。然而,Google 的技术并不采用单纯扫描基于网页的文本(网站发布商可以通过元标记控制这类文本)的方式,而是分析网页的全部内容以及字体、分区及每个文字精确位置等因素。Google 同时还会分析相邻网页的内容,以确保返回与用户查询最相关的结果。 

    Google 的创新并不限于台式机。 为了确保通过便携式设备访问网络的用户能够快速获得精确的搜索结果,Google 还率先推出了业界第一款无线搜索技术,以便将 HTML 即时转换为针对 WAP、I-mode、J-SKY 和 EZWeb 优化的格式。

    (二) Google 查询的全过程

    Google 查询的全过程通常不超过半秒时间,但在这短短的时间内需要完成多个步骤,然后才能将搜索结果交付给搜索信息的用户。
    3. 瞬间返回用户需要的搜索结果。
     1. 网络服务器将查询发送到索引服务器。索引服务器所包含的内容与书本末尾的索引目录相似,即说明哪些网页包含与查询匹配的文字。
    三、 百度技术








    ⑵Spelling Checker拼写检查错误提示(以及拼音提示功能) 


    后台作业: (1)前面的文章我们说过,百度分词使用的词典至少包含两个词典一个是普通词典,另外一个是专用词典(专名等),百度利用拼音标注程序依次扫描所有词典中的每个词条,然后标注拼音,如果是多音字则把多个音都标上,比如“长大”,会被标注为“zhang da /chang da”两个词条。(2)通过标注完的词条,建立同音词词典,比如上面的“长大”,会有两个词条: zhang daà长大 , chang daà长大。(3)利用用户查询LOG频率信息给予每个中文词条一个权重; (4)OK,同音词词典建立完成了,当然随着分词词典的逐步扩大,同音词词典也跟着同步扩大。

    拼写检查: (1)用户输入查询,如果是多个子字符串,不作拼写检查; (2)对于用户查询,先查分词词典,如果发现有这个单词词条,OK,不作拼写检查; (3)如果发现词典里面不包含用户查询,启动拼写检查系统;首先利用拼音标注程序对用户输入进行拼音标注; (4)对于标注好的拼音在同音词词典里面扫描,如果没有发现则不作任何提示; (5)如果发现有词条,则按照顺序输出权重比较大的几个提示结果; 

    拼音提示: (1)对于用户输入的拼音在同音词词典里面扫描,如果没有发现则不作任何提示; (2)如果发现有词条,则按照顺序输出权重比较大的几个提示结果。

    四、 结束语



    1、 本文图片来自www.google.com.

    2、 本文部分内容参考CSDN

  • [论坛] 来沪一年小感

    2009-06-30 16:09:48



  • 好开心啊

    2009-06-18 11:17:06



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