越来越觉得自己走测试这条路是对的,越来越觉得自己适合做测试,这么久以来兴趣一直在激发我前进,一直在寻找下一个站点,我相信测试路上我一定会走的很远,我的测试道路一定会很宽阔,努力就有收获,也希望还在测试路口迷惘的朋友,不要再犹豫了,因为你的犹豫不决,会使你错过很多~~~~~喜欢就去just do it ,因为只有尝试了才知道自己适不适合,喜不喜欢。如果一味的问别人,永远找不到最终的答案。因为每个人的感觉不一样,每个人的情况不一样,每个人的前提条件都不一样,你会得到不同的答案,这样只能会使你更迷茫~~~~

crazy english--all--7 day

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-07-16 11:03:24 / 个人分类:英语天地

第二节 否定答复


109. No, never. 
[ ]

A: Have you ever been to America?
B: No, never.

A: Have you seen the Great Wall?
B: No, never.

A: Did you think you’d pass the test?
B: No, never. I don’t know anything about grammar.
110. No way! 
[ ]

A: Can you tell him the truth for me?
B: No way! You have to tell him yourself!

A: Do you want to try skydiving?
B: No way! It’s too dangerous!

A: Why don’t you go apologize to her?
B: No way! I didn’t do anything wrong.
111. No, not at all. 
[   ]

A: Are you good at English?
B: No, not at all.

A: Did I hurt your feelings?
B: No, not at all. I appreciate your honesty.

A: Is the chicken too spicy?
B: No, not at all. I love spicy food.

①No, not a bit.(一点儿也不。)
②No, not in the least. (一点儿也不。)

112. Not yet. 
[ ]

A: Did you buy a new VCR?
B: Not yet.

A: Have you finished your work?
B: Not yet.

A: Did you pick a date?
B: Not yet.

113. Not really. 
[ ]

A: Is the food good there?
B: Not really. But the waitresses are pretty.

A: Were the people friendly to you?
B: Not really.

A: Are you happy with your life?
B: Not really. I’m dying for a change.

①Not exactly.(不尽然。)
②Not completely.(不完全是。)
③Not quite.(不完全是。)
④Not 100 percent.(不完全是。)
114. Not a chance! 
[  ]

“chance”在这个这里不是指“机会” ,而是“可能性” 。我们可以说:“a chance of ……”表示“有可能…..”

A: Maybe she’ll change her mind.
B: Not a chance!

A: I might be getting a big raise this month.
B: Not a chance!

A: Do you think our boss will say yes?
B: Not a chance! He’s so hard to please. He’s not going to approve our plan.

①No chance!(没戏!)
②That’s not likely.(不可能!)
③That’s impossible.(不可能!)
115. Of course not. 
[  ]

A: Did you read my journal?
B: Of course not. I’d never do a thing like that.

A: Are you hiding anything from me?
B: Of course not. What makes you think that?

A: Do you mind if I bring my girlfriend?
B: Of course not.

在此,我们又给大家提供了一组含No never / No way / No, not at all / Not yet / Not a chance.的对话:

A: Do you ever eat at McDonalds’.
B: No, never.
A: You’re kidding right? Everyone loves McDonalds’.
B: No way, I don’t. I think that food is garbage.
A: But don’t you get tired of Chinese food?
B: No, not at all.
A: Wow, so you’ve never had a hamburger in your life?
B: Not yet. I have no interest. 
A: What if I buy you lunch at McDonalds’ today?
B: Not a chance. 

116.I’d love to, but … 
[   ]

A: Would you like to join us?
B: I’d love to, but I can’t.

A: Would you like to help us?
B: I’d love to, but I’m busy.

A: Aren’t you attending the meeting?
B: I’d love to, but I have plans.

117.I have no idea. 
[   ]

A: Do you know where my bag is?
B: I have no idea.

A: Is she coming back soon?
B: I have no idea.

A: Why is this cartoon so popular?
B: I have no idea.

①I don’t know.(我不知道。)
②I have no clue.(我不知道。)
③Beats me.(我不知道。)
118.I don’t think so. 
[   ]

A: I think this is the perfect solution.
B: I don’t think so.

A: Would you like to go out tonight?
B: I don’t think so. I have too much work to do.

A: Drinking is a bad habit.
B: I don’t think so. It’s only a problem if you drink too much.

①I disagree.(我反对。)
②I doubt it.(我表示怀疑。)
③I think not.(我认为不是。)
④I suppose not.(我认为不是。)

119.Neither do I. 
[  ]

A: I don’t think he’s telling the truth.
B: Neither do I.

A: I don’t like working overtime.
B: Neither do I.

A: Mom doesn’t agree with me.
B: Neither do I.
120.Neither am I. 
[  ]
Kim’s Note: Neither and either give Chinese English learners a lot of headaches. Don’t worry about memorizing the rules for using them correctly. Just practice blurting out correct sentences until their use becomes automatic.

A: I’m not confident at all.
B: Neither am I.

A: I’m not good at tennis.
B: Neither am I.

A: We’re not going.
B: Neither am I.

121.I’m afraid not.
  [  ]
A: Do you have a smoking section?
B: I’m afraid not.

A: Is the VCR fixed?
B: I’m afraid not.

A: Can you still catch the last bus?
B: I’m afraid not. It left ten minutes ago.

①Unfortunately, no.(可惜不是。)
②Regrettably, no. (可惜不是。)

122.I hope not. 
[  ]

A: Is it going to rain tomorrow?
B: I hope not. I want to go to the beach.

A: Do you think we’ll have a test today?
B: I hope not. I didn’t study.

A: Are all those people waiting for a taxi?
B: I hope not.
123.I can’t believe it! 
[    ]

A: I forgot all about it.
B: I can’t believe it!

A: I’m sorry I read your diary. I know I was wrong.
B: I can’t believe it!

A: Congratulations! You won the first prize!
B: I can’t believe it! I never win anything.

②I don’t believe it.(我不相信。)
③I don’t believe you.(我不相信你。)
④Would you believe it?(你会相信吗?)

A: All my classmates hate me.
B: Nonsense.

A: I’m going to do my work after the **.
B: Nonsense. You’ll be too tired.

A: One person wouldn’t make a difference.
B: Nonsense. Every person can make a big difference!

①That’s silly.(真蠢。)
②That’s stupid.(真蠢。)
③That’s ridiculous.(荒唐。)
④That’s absurd.(荒唐。)

125.That’s garbage. 

Kim’s Note: This is a one-hundred percent American sentence! Use it to show strong disagreement and you will definitely sound like a native speaker.

A: I never eat fast food.
B: That’s garbage! I see you in McDonald’s all the time.

A: He promised. He even crossed his heart.
B: That’s garbage.

A: I swear, I didn’t know that.
B: That’s garbage. You did know!

①That’s horse shit.(胡说。)

126.That’s stupid. 
[ ]

A: I think I’m going to give up studying English for a while. I’m too busy.
B: That’s stupid.

A: I don’t worry about saving money. I just live for today.
B: That’s stupid. Don’t you care about the future?

A: I always walk home by myself.
B: That’s stupid. It’s dangerous to walk alone after dark.


A: I think I can learn to speak good English in a month.
B: Impossible.

A: Our flight is at five o’clock. Do you think we can make it on time?
B: Impossible!

A: Do you think I can get my money back?
B: Impossible!
第三节 中性答复(不能明确回答)

128.I’m not sure. 
[  ]

A: Do you know what time the speech is supposed to start?
B: I’m not sure.

A: Is that girl over there from the United States or Canada?
B: I’m not sure.

A: Do you think you can help me with my English tonight?
B: I’m not sure. I’ll call you and let you know.

129.I don’t know.
[  ]

A: Would you like to go for a drink?
B: I don’t know.

A: What do you think of this proposal?
B: I don’t know. I didn’t have much time to read it.

A: Do you think I should try?
B: I don’t know.

①I have no idea.(我不知道。)
②I don’t have the slightest idea.(我一点也不知道。)
③I’m not really sure.(我真的不清楚。)

130. I don’t understand.
[  ]

A: Are you sure that is legal?
B: I don’t understand.

A: I strongly doubt he was sober.
B: Uh, I don’t understand.

A: The impact of the Olympic bid is huge.
B: I don’t understand.

①I don’t follow you.(我不明白你说什么。)
②I don’t understand what you mean.(我不懂你说什么。)
③I don’t know what you are talking about.(我不知道你在说什么。)

131. Kind of. 
[ ]

A: Do you understand me?
B: Kind of.

A: Did he ask you out?
B: Kind of.

A: Is she a pain in the neck?
B: Kind of.

132. Either is fine. 
[  ]

A: Would you like tea or coffee?
B: Either is fine.

A: Do you want to talk to me or my boss?
B: Either is fine.

A: Would you like to have a break or shall we continue?
B: Either is fine. I’m not tired.
133. Yes and no. 
[  ]

A: Do you like your new job?
B: Yes and no. 

A: Do you think he’s right for the job?
B: Yes and no.

A: Do you agree with me?
B: Yes and no.

①Maybe yes.(也许是吧。)
②Maybe no.(也许不。)
③Maybe yes, maybe no.(可能是,可能不。)

134. Probably. 

A: Do you think Stone is coming?
B: Probably.

A: Are you coming home late tonight?
B: Probably. I have a lot of work to do.

A: Is it going to rain soon?
B: Probably. The sky is so dark.

④Could be.(也许。)
135. It’s up to you. 
[   ]

A: Would you like to see a movie or go to a disco?
B: It’s up to you.

A: Do you want to eat here or go somewhere else?
B: It’s up to you. It makes no difference to me.

A: Do you think we should invite them?
B: It’s up to you.

136. I have mixed feelings. 
[   ]

A: How are you feeling now?
B: I have mixed feelings.

A: Are you happy about getting out of here?
B: I have mixed feelings. I think I’ll miss my life here, but I’m excited about going home.

A: You must be excited about your new job.
B: I have mixed feelings. I am a little sad about leaving my old job.
137. Good question! 
[ ]

  这个口语要素不像它表面上那么简单,它实了际上是个反语,意为“I was wondering that myself.”或“Maybe there is no answer to this question.”
A: What do you think happiness is?
B: Good question! No one can answer that for sure.

A: Do you think you can learn to speak English?
B: Good question!

A: Do you believe in yourself?
B: Good question!
138. That’s a big problem. 
[   ]

A: Do you know how fast the world’s population is increasing?
B: That’s a big problem.

A: Do you know how difficult it is to get into a good university?
B: That’s a big problem.

A: There are lots of polluted cities in China.
B: That’s a big problem.
139. It’s difficult / hard to say. 
[ /  ]

A: Why did you quit college?
B: It’s difficult / hard to say.

A: What do you like about Beijing?
B: It’s difficult / hard to say. There are so many wonderful things about Beijing.

A: Why did you forgive him?
B: It’s difficult / hard to say. I guess because I love him.

140. It depends. 
[ ]

Kim’s Note: We live in a complicated world. Not everything is easy to decide and most things are not one hundred percent certain. This is a very important sentence for communication in the twenty-first century!

A: Do you like to eat Chinese food?
B: It depends.

A: Is it difficult to enter a university in China?
B: It depends.

A: Do young people like to live with their family?
B: It depends.
141. I’m thinking. 
[ ]

A: Which do you think is better?
B: Hold on. I’m thinking.

A: What do you want to be when you grow up?
B: I don’t know yet. I’m thinking.

A: Have you made up your mind?
B: No. I’m still thinking.

142. I’ll think about it. 
[   ]

A: Will you introduce me to your boss?
B: I’ll think about it.

A: Can you teach my daughter English?
B: I don’t know. I’ll think about it. I’m really busy lately.

A: Would you like to join our team?
B: I’ll think about it.

①Let me think.(让我想一想。)
②Let me think about it.(让我考虑一下。)

143. I’ll sleep on it. 
[   ]
  “sleep on sth.”意思是:“彻夜思考;再三权衡” ,这绝对是个五星级的成语,很多英语学习了多年的人也未必对它的用法有很深入的了解。它听起来有点像中文中带讽刺的意味的“垫高枕头想一想”,不过,像归像,“sleep on sth.”却丝毫没有讽刺的意味!下面我再给出两个例句:
* I don’t know whether I agree to do it. I’ll sleep on it.
* We’re all tired and none of us can think straight so why don’t we go 
home and sleep on it, eh?

A: You don’t have to answer right now.
B: Okay. I’ll sleep on it.

A: You shouldn’t miss this chance.
B: Yeah. I’ll sleep on it. I can give you my answer tomorrow.

A: Do you think we should agree to the new contract?
B: I don’t know. I’ll sleep on it.

①Let me sleep on it.(我明天给你答复。)
②I’ll think it over.(我会好好考虑一下。)
③Let me think it over.(让我好好想一想。)
144.I don’t know much about it. 
[     ]

A: Is the tea ceremony popular in China?
B: Uh, I don’t know much about it.

A: Can you tell me a little bit about Chinese Kung Fu?
B: I don’t know much about it.

A: How many people is the company recruiting?
B: I don’t know much about it. I just started working here myself.

①That’s not my specialty.(那不是我的专长。)
②That’s not my department. (那不是我的专长。)

145.I don’t know what to say. 
[     ]

A: Congratulations! How do you feel now?
B: I don’t know what to say. I’m so lucky to be here.

A: Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?
B: I don’t know what to say. I’m speechless.

A: How can you be so cruel? How can you treat me this way?
B: I don’t know what to say.
146.If it’s OK with you. 
[    ]

A: Are you going to stay home all day?
B: If it’s OK with you.

A: Do you want to see this movie?
B: If it’s OK with you.

A: If it’s OK with you, it’s OK with me.
B: Sure. Why not?

①If it’s all right with you.(只要你乐意。)
②Fine with me.(我没问题。)
③That’s fine with me.(我没有意见。)

147.If it’s convenient for you. 
[    ]

Kim’s Note: Convenient is an important American word! When making an appointment you will always be asked “When is convenient for you or what is your earliest convenient time”, etc. …
“convenient”是一个重要的美语词汇!当你与别人预约时,你总要问“When is convenient for you(你什么时间方便)”或“What is your earliest convenient time(你最快什么时间方便)”,等等。

A: Do you want me to go with you? 
B: If it’s convenient for you. 

A: Can I pay in cash? 
B: If it’s convenient for you. 

A: Please come, if it’s convenient for you. 
B: I’ll think about it. 

①If it’s not inconvenient for you.(只要你方便。)
②At your convenience.(只要你方便。)
③At your earliest convenience.(只要你方便,就尽快吧。)
148.If it’s not too much trouble. 
[     ]

A: Do you want me to pick you up at the airport? 
B: If it’s not too much trouble. 

A: Are you asking me to keep this thing? 
B: If it’s not too much trouble. 

A: Can I walk your dog from time to time? 
B: If it’s not too much trouble. 

①If you don’t mind.(如果你不介意的话。)
②If you like.(只要你喜欢。)

149.No wonder. 
[ ]

A: You know so much about China.
B: I was there for five years.
A: No wonder.

A: Did you eat spicy food again?
B: Yes. And now I have a stomachache.
A: No wonder.

A: You keep the kitchen so clean.
B: I seldom cook.
A: No wonder.

②Of course.(当然了。)
③It’s no surprise.(不足为奇。)

150.A little bit. 
[  ]

A: Are you tired?
B: A little bit.

A: Were you drunk?
B: A little bit.

A: Did you change your hair?
B: A little bit. Do you like it?

①A little.(一点点。)
②A bit.(一点点。)
③Not much.(一点点。)
151.More or less. 
[  ]

A: Was the lecture interesting?
B: More or less. I didn’t understand all of it.

A: Did you enjoy the**?
B: More or less.

A: Do you like playing with kids?
B: More or less. Sometimes I’m not in the mood to deal with them.

①To a degree(某种程度上是)
②To a certain extent(某种程度上是)
③To some extent(某种程度上是)

152. All the time. 
[  ]

A: Is she always like this?
B: All the time.

A: Does he always complain about you?
B: All the time. I can never do anything right.

A: Don’t you sometimes get stressed-out?
B: All the time. This job is very stressful.


153.Most of the time. 
[   ]

A: Are you on time for work everyday?
B: Most of the time.

A: Do you always take a taxi to work?
B: Most of the time.

A: Do you often help your wife?
B: Most of the time.

④Almost always.(几乎总是这样。)

154.From time to time. 
[   ]
A: Do you often visit your parents?
B: From time to time.

A: Do you e-mail them?
B: From time to time.

A: Did you ever talk to Kim?
B: From time to time.

②Now and then.(时而。)
③Once in a while.(有时候。)
④Every once in a while.(时不时。)

155.For a long time. 
[   ]

A: How long have you been in China?
B: For a long time.

A: How long have you been married?
B: For a long time.

A: How long have you worked here?
B: For a long time.

①For years.(有些年头了。)
②For months.(有几个月了。)
③For weeks.(几个星期了。)
④For days.(几天了。)
⑤For hours.(几个小时了。)

156.For a short time. 
[   ]

A: Have you lived abroad before?
B: For a short time. When I was very young.

A: Were you going out with Cindy?
B: For a short time.

A: Did you see your boss today?
B: For a short time. He was too busy to talk about my project.

①For a second.(一会儿。)
②For a split second.(一刹那。)

157.For some time. 
[  ]
A: Were you a professional singer?
B: For some time.

A: Did he live in Beijing?
B: For some time.

A: Were you working with him?
B: For some time.

①For a while.(有一会儿。)
②For a short while.(有一阵儿。)
③For a certain period of time.(有一段时间。)

158.For the time being.
[   ]

A: Are we going to live in this terrible place?
B: For the time being. We don’t have any choice.

A: May I use your computer?
B: For the time being. I won’t need it until this afternoon.

A: Are you going to sleep on the couch?
B: For the time being.

①For now.(眼下。)





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