越来越觉得自己走测试这条路是对的,越来越觉得自己适合做测试,这么久以来兴趣一直在激发我前进,一直在寻找下一个站点,我相信测试路上我一定会走的很远,我的测试道路一定会很宽阔,努力就有收获,也希望还在测试路口迷惘的朋友,不要再犹豫了,因为你的犹豫不决,会使你错过很多~~~~~喜欢就去just do it ,因为只有尝试了才知道自己适不适合,喜不喜欢。如果一味的问别人,永远找不到最终的答案。因为每个人的感觉不一样,每个人的情况不一样,每个人的前提条件都不一样,你会得到不同的答案,这样只能会使你更迷茫~~~~

crazy english--all--4 day

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-07-16 10:45:23 / 个人分类:英语天地

                           第六节 情感的表达

50.I’m relieved.

[ ]

A: We found that it was not your fault.
B: I’m so relieved.

A: This tumor is not a bad one.
B: I’m relieved.

A: You remember this case? It’s all over now.
B: I’m relieved.

第五节 鼓励与安慰
40.Cheer up! 
[ ]

A: My wife has been gone for two weeks visiting her mother.
B: Cheer up! She’ll be back soon.

A: Our proposal didn’t go through.
B: Cheer up! I have a better idea.

A: I missed an important class before the test.
B: Cheer up! I’ll show you my notes.

“cheer up” 也可用作“cheer sb.up” ,意为“使某人高兴/振作起来” 。
①I’ll cheer her up.(我会让她高兴起来的。)
②I’m trying to cheer you up.(我会努力让你振作起来的。)
③Let’s cheer Susan up.(我们去安慰一下Susan。)

41.Hang in there! 
[  ]

A: I can’t believe I failed the exam again.
B: Hang in there! Give it another try.

A: My husband got fired.
B: Oh, no! Hang in there, Kim!

A: English is so difficult. Grammar really bothers me!
B: Hang in there!

①Just hang in there!(一定要坚持住!)
②Just hang in there. Everything is going to be all right.(不要气馁。一切都会好的。)

42.Don’t give up! 
[  ]

A: Don’t give up, Eden. Hang in there!
B: I’m doing my best!

A: I asked the boss for a raise, but he said no.
B: Don't give up. Try again later.

A: I just don’t think I’ll ever learn to speak good English.
B: Don’t give up. You can do it.

43.Keep trying!
[ ]

A: I really want that promotion, but I keep getting turned down.
B: Keep trying! You’ll get it.

A: I want to get into Cambridge. But I know it is difficult.
B: Keep trying. You’ll succeed.

A: I’ve been trying to get a hold of Jim for an hour, but the line is busy.
B: Keep trying. He just likes to talk on the phone, you’ll get through sooner or later.

44.Go for it! 
[  ]

A: I'm going to try out for the basketball team. Do you think I'm tall enough?
B: Sure you are! Go for it!

A: Mary, you can't quit now! You’re almost at the finish line! Go for it!
B: I’m going to make it! 

A: I’ve been thinking of quitting my job and starting my own business.
B: Go for it!

45. Go ahead! 
[ ]

A: Do you mind if I borrow your phone?
B: No, not at all. Go ahead.
A: Can I sit down here?
B: Go ahead.

A: I want to ask him for his autograph, but I am scared.
B: Go ahead. Do it.


A: I am so nervous about giving my presentation tomorrow.
B: Relax, you’ll be fine.

A: I just can’t stop worrying about my exam results.
B: Relax, there’s nothing you can do now but wait.

A: I’ve ever traveled alone before.
B: Relax. There’s nothing to it.

47. Be careful. 
[ ]

A: Do you think I can go to Shanghai by myself?
B: Sure. Be careful.

A: I’m going to jog for a while.
B: All right. Be careful.

A: Be careful. The walls have ears.
B: You’re right.

①Drive carefully.(小心驾驶。)
②Work carefully.(认真工作。)
③Do it carefully.(仔细点。)

48.Don’t worry! 
[ ]

A: Mary should be back home now.
B: Don’t worry. She’s no longer a child.

A: I think I left the car windows open.
B: Don't worry, I closed them.

A: Be sure to come back before eleven o’clock.
B: Don’t worry. We will.

49. Take it easy!
[  ]

A: I’m going to finish all this work tonight.
B: Take it easy!

A: I’ll make this up to you. I promise.
A: Take it easy! I’m not angry with you.

A: I lost my passport. What am I going to do?
B: Take it easy! When did you last use it?
①What a relief! (终于松了口气!)
②That’s a relief. (谢天谢地。)
③That’s reassuring.(我放心了。)

51.I’m surprised. 
[ ]

A: Look, Mom, I cleaned up my room!
B: I’m surprised.

A: I took the liberty of adjusting your TV.
B: I’m surprised. It looks so clear.

A: Do you know Miss Lee got fired?
B: I’m surprised. Is that true?
①I’m shocked.(我感到震惊。)
②I’m not surprised.(不足为奇。)

52.I was moved. 
[  ]

A: Did you like “Sleepless in Seattle”?
B: I was moved.

A: How did you like the movie?
B: I was moved.

A: How was the symposium?
B: I was moved. It made me really think.

①I’m moved.(我很受感动。)
②I was impressed.(我印象很深。)
53. I’m so sorry. 
[  ]

A: My father died when I was a child.
B: I’m so sorry.

A: My best friend has lung cancer.
B: I’m so sorry.

A: My grandmother is bedridden.
B: I’m so sorry.

①My sympathies.(我很同情)
②My condolences.(我很难过)
③I’m sorry for your loss.(对你的损失,我感到惋惜。)
54.It’s irritating. 
[ ]

Kim’s Note: This is one of my favorite words! If you describe someone or something as irritating, your meaning will be perfectly clear. Some words are so powerful they can form. a simple sentence with a strong meaning.

A: Stone never comes on time.
B: I know, it’s irritating.

A: How can you stand this noise? It’s driving me crazy!
B: It’s irritating, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

A: Hasn’t Jim called you yet?
B: No. It’s irritating.

①It’s maddening.(真气人。)
②It’s annoying.(真讨厌。)
③It’s disturbing.(真烦人。)
④It’s embarrassing.(真是尴尬。)
55. That’s enough. 
[ ]
“enough”在此并不是用它的本意“足够的,充分的” ,而是表示说话人的一种不相信、怀疑、厌烦或告诫的态度。相当于:That’s a lie/That’s crazy/That’s an exaggeration.等意思!所以,当对方所说的或所做的使你再也不能忍受时,你就可以用这个句子来表示自己的愤懑;同时,你还可以用这句话来阻止对方继续做某事,尤其是当对方说大话的时候,告诫他不要吹,你的耳朵都被他“吹”得起老茧了!

A: Next time I will do it right.
B: That’s enough.

A: I’m sorry I forgot. I was kind of busy.
B: That’s enough.

A: I can pay you back next month.
B: That’s enough.

①That’s a lie.(扯谎!)
②That’s an excuse.(那是借口。)
③That’s crazy.(疯了!)
④That’s an exaggeration.(胡吹!)
56.I’m speechless. 
[ ]
A: I’m so sorry but I told you a lie.
B: What? I’m speechless.

A: I invested all of our money in the stocks.
B: I’m speechless.

A: I hope you like my present.
B: A diamond ring? I’m speechless.

①I don’t know what to say.(我不知该说什么好。)
②I’m tongue-tied.(我不知该说什么好。)
57. I’m lost. 
[ ]

A: Everyone is coming except Linda, and Jim, who wasn’t supposed to come.
B: I’m lost. 

A: So, the bad guy wasn’t the guy who killed the boy.
B: I’m lost. I never understand American movies.

①I’m confused.(我迷糊了。)
②I’m mixed up.(我弄混了。)
58. I’m looking forward to it. 
[    ]

A: The barbecue starts at around six.
B: Okay. I’m looking forward to it.

A: Are you coming to my ** tonight?
B: Yes. I’m looking forward to it.

A: I’ll get you a souvenir in Paris.
B: I’m looking forward to it.
①I’m looking forward to the concert.(我热切盼望着那场演唱会。)
②I’m looking forward to meeting you.(我恨不得马上见到你。)

Kim’s Note: I happen to know that this is a favorite of Teacher Lee. I know that he likes this pattern because it raises your English level dramatically. He’s right. If you use this in your daily life you will stun people with your mastery of English. “Nice to meet you” is good, but “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you” is even better.
  我刚巧知道这是李老师最喜欢的一句话。我知道他之所以喜欢这句话,是因为它能够明显地提高你的英语水平。他是对的。在日常生活中,如果你使用这个句子,人们将会对你掌握英语的程度目瞪口呆。使用“Nice to meet you”已经很好了,但是“I’ve been looking forward to meeting you”更好。





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