越来越觉得自己走测试这条路是对的,越来越觉得自己适合做测试,这么久以来兴趣一直在激发我前进,一直在寻找下一个站点,我相信测试路上我一定会走的很远,我的测试道路一定会很宽阔,努力就有收获,也希望还在测试路口迷惘的朋友,不要再犹豫了,因为你的犹豫不决,会使你错过很多~~~~~喜欢就去just do it ,因为只有尝试了才知道自己适不适合,喜不喜欢。如果一味的问别人,永远找不到最终的答案。因为每个人的感觉不一样,每个人的情况不一样,每个人的前提条件都不一样,你会得到不同的答案,这样只能会使你更迷茫~~~~

crazy english--all--3 day

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-07-16 10:42:39 / 个人分类:英语天地

第三节 道歉用语
Everyone makes mistakes! But, not everyone knows how to make an apology. All too often the first response to a mistake is to blame someone else. Effectively expressing a sincere apology is a valuable function that will not only show off your English, it will also show off your excellent manners. Showing consideration for others is an important part of effective communication.
25. sorry. / I’m sorry
○1A: Look what you’ve done! You’ve broken my watch.
B: Sorry. I’m terribly sorry. I’ll get you a new one.
○2A: You’re late again! I’ve been waiting for over an hour.
B: I’m sorry. Really, I am.
○3A: You always say things that hurt my feelings.
B: I’m sorry. I really don’t mean to.
○1I’m so sorry.(我很抱歉。)
○2I’m terribly sorry.(我非常抱歉。)
○3I can’t tell you how sorry I am.(我说不出有多抱歉。)
○4You don't know how sorry I am.(你不知道我有多抱歉。)
26. Sorry I’m late. 
○1A: Sorry I’m late. Traffic was bad.
B: That’s all right. Let’s go!
○2A: Sorry I’m late. 
B: Don’t be late again.
○3A: Sorry I’m late. 
B: We were beginning to think you were not coming.
○1Sorry I kept you waiting.(对不起,让大家久等了。)
○2Thanks for waiting.(多谢大家的等待。)
27.I’m sorry to bother you. 
  这句话也可以说成:“I’m sorry to trouble you.” 
○1A: I can go and ask him, if you want.
B: I’m sorry to bother you.
○2A: I’ll see what I can do for you.
B: I’m sorry to bother you.
○3A: I’m really sorry to trouble you. 
B: Never mind.
○1 (I’m) sorry.
○2Sorry I’m late.
○3I’m sorry to bother you.
Crazy Admiration, Revelation, Exclamation Sound
28.I’m sorry to interrupt you, but… 
A: I’m sorry to interrupt you, but can I talk to you in private?
B: Sure. What’s up?
A: I’m sorry to interrupt you, but we’d better hurry.
B: That’s right. / You are right.
A: I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I don’t think that’s right.
B: Oh? What do you mean?
①Am I interrupting?(我打扰你了吗?)
②You interrupted us.(你打断了我们。)
③I didn’t mean to interrupt you.(我不是有意打断你的。)
29. I’m sorry to bother you, but… 
A: I’m sorry to bother you, but could you help me move this desk?
B: All right.
A: I’m sorry to bother you, but could you take a look at my computer?
B: Sure. What’s wrong?
A: I’m sorry to bother you, but could you answer a question for me?
B: Okay. What’s up?
①Don’t bother.(不用麻烦了。)
②Why bother?=Why make the effort of doing that/What’s the point of doing that?(干嘛那么麻烦?)
③I don’t want to bother you.(我不想打搅你。)
④I don’t mean to bother you.(我不是故意要打扰你的。)
⑤I don’t want to bug you but I really need my money back.
⑥I hate to bother you, but could you give me your phone number again? I seem to have lost it.
30.Sorry, I wasn’t listening. 
A: What do you think?
B: Sorry, I wasn’t listening.
A: Maybe we can ask Stone.
B: Sorry, I wasn’t listening. What did you say?
A: Which one do you think is right?
B: Sorry, I wasn’t listening.
①Sorry, I didn’t hear you. (对不起,我没听见。)
②Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.(对不起,我没注意听。)
③Sorry, I couldn’t hear you.(对不起,我没听见。)
                         第四节 祝愿与祝贺

Expressing good wishes and congratulations is my favorite function. Who doesn’t love to spread happiness and cheer? Holidays are the most common times to share good wishes, but a few cheerful words can make any day better. I always congratulate friends when something goes their way. When you can speak these sentences well, you will find countless occasions to use them. Good Luck!
31. Good luck! 
A: I only have two days to go before my test. I’m so nervous!
B: Good luck! You can do it!
A: I have a job interview tomorrow.
B: Good luck! 
A: I’m finally ready for my big presentation.
B: Good luck!
①I’ll keep my fingers crossed.(为你祈祷!)
②Keep up the good work!(祝你好运!)
32.Have a nice evening. 
A: See you tomorrow.
B: Take care and have a nice evening.
A: Let’s call it a day.
B: Sure. Have a nice evening.
A: Have a nice evening.
B: You too.
①Have a nice weekend.(周末愉快!)
②Have a good rest.(好好休息一下。)
③Have a good night’s sleep.(睡个好觉!)
33.Take care of yourself! 
A: I have a cold.
B: Take care of yourself!
A: I have heartburn. I really shouldn’t eat such spicy food.
B: You should take care of yourself more.
A: My tooth is hurting really badly.
B: Take care of yourself! You need to see a dentist.
①Take care!(保重!)
②Take good care!(多保重!)
③Take good care of yourself!(你要多保重!)
34. I’m happy for you. 
Kim’s Note: Sharing in someone’s joy is the sign of a true friend. If you use this sentence you will build long lasting friendships.
A: I became a section manager.
B: Great! I’m happy for you. 
A: I’m pregnant. 
B: Really? I’m happy for you. 
A: Sally and I made up. 
B: Good! I’m happy for you. 
①I’m so glad. (我真高兴。)
②I’m so pleased. (我真高兴。)
③I’m so happy for you. (我真为你高兴。)
④I’m proud of you. (我真为你骄傲。)
35. Congratulations!

A: I passed the entrance exam.
B: Congratulations!
A: We signed the contract.
B: Congratulations!
A: They picked my illustration.
B: Congratulations!
①I congratulate you.(我祝贺你。)
②Let’s celebrate.(让我们庆贺一下。)
③This calls for celebration. (这真值得庆祝。)
36. Cheers!
A: Let’s have a toast to teacher Lee.
B: Cheers!
A: To our tenth anniversary!
B: Cheers!
A: Cheers! Bottoms up!
B: Bottoms up!
①Let’s have a toast. (我们干杯吧!)
②Bottoms up! (干杯!)
③Drink up! (干杯!)
37. Give my regards to…. 

A: Give my regards to Mr. Lee.
B: All right. Bye.
A: Give my regards to your parents.
B: I will. See you soon.
A: Give my regards to your family.
B: Sure. See you around.
38.I hope you like my little present. 
Kim’s Note: Gift giving is an important social function. Sometimes it is hard to find the right words to go along with the act. These are all excellent examples of how to offer a gift.

A: I hope you like my little present. 
B: Thank you! It’s so sweet of you.
A: I hope you like my little present.
B: Oh, you shouldn’t have. May I open it?

A: Is this for me?
B: Yes. I hope you like my little present.

①I just wanted to thank you.(我只想说谢谢你。)
②As a token of my gratitude.(小小意思,略表谢意。)

39.I hope you like the food. 
[     ]

A: Wow! Everything looks delicious!
B: I hope you like the food.

A: This is my first time to eat hot pot.
B: I hope you like the food.

A: Are these called Wonton?
B: Yes. I hope you like the food.

①Maybe you won’t like it.(你可能不爱吃。)
②It will grow on you.(你会慢慢喜欢它的。)
③It’s good for you.(这对你有好处。)





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