
you are too pretty

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-04-29 12:00:14 / 个人分类:每周一歌

表演者: Di Johnstonn(nBRCG)o 51Testing软件测试网xF `+x }c&r^6O4d
唱片数: 1^I6^g 51Testing软件测试网!x4?zEWi j8y.^`
发行时间: 2007-4|tzg :T; 51Testing软件测试网W Oo-N R&Q
版本特性: 专辑)\;Z4x;]U 51Testing软件测试网#WO i` o mS
出版者: THE SHANGHAI RESTORATION PROJECTz\ss4 51Testing软件测试网,_Vz!_g d7AO
gkBdR + 51Testing软件测试网"zlUUH.z.Z
z&h&h-Xs F)U0简介 ······p R dk>Ph 51Testing软件测试网 P|(k:U`yy&sq)e
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 Di Johnston是一位出生于香港的美国小姐。第一张专集是在日本发行的,成绩很不错。Di声音飘渺,柔柔的诉说着些什么。曲风有着很重的流行味,可又给人清新,新颖的感觉。有人评价说有香奈儿7号的味道,很温暖。声音像是夹杂在鼓点间的溪水,有节奏的无规则流淌,很惬意的感觉。另外那一点点爵士味道。}0`nvAf 
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曲目 ······
L/}]N%jPc0J?JeU/:+ 51Testing软件测试网n sn {b%WHx
 1 You're Too Pretty Di Johnston@=]~\[e\ 
^$e1pKl T$P+a0  2 Come undone Di Johnstonn 26Y]7N 
h X c X.C9@d!i0  3 Segue Di JohnstonO<)y-nx;X 
&c6S4b_ CM0  4 Trite Di Johnston=ItkFjhBc 
*th)q yp0  5 You are too pretty Di Johnston5WqXo{S 
U)i\o d }D o^0  6 Jade Buddha Temple Di JohnstonJxLf?ad. 51Testing软件测试网'Vln#AP;K^M!r
  7 Lu Xun Revisited (Watch Me Dance)6qe*@o 
&dY6Ku.?z:{0  8 You're Too Pretty` Di Johnston@ DZD 
#|'y"CR'p3hXT$~0  9 Come Undone` Di Johnstonz|?R/Gf8 51Testing软件测试网Srq;\`c.X;DR@K
  10 `Come undone Di JohnstonsG~<M"znV 
k&J8}7_^9y K0  11 `You're Too Pretty Di JohnstonvvB(r! 51Testing软件测试网`nb;w N7Bs~bEk
  12 Strangers on a Train Di Johnston~.PO[hC 
1` f ms |0  13 You re Too Pretty Di Johnston(qn2xrV 
0` a?7ch3}&ux0  14 Sugar Daddy Di JohnstonKx"<J@ 
H1R9\LeebQm0  15 Antidote Di Johnston
a</D_66 51Testing软件测试网H#T c/S$J6@]#j
歌词……AeIrr*~]B 51Testing软件测试网X@PZ M~-}M_`i
All it really took was a look from across the room/$n ~lf 
IL`SL/{;R `kq$Z/W0I caught your eye and I knew I was doomed#{r#;+ 51Testing软件测试网Uyy2W0wx!yc`9r(X!W
To fall deeply for the idea of you and meq0% 
4T1A ?j\1ft(h0Together could I ever make this dream come true?
Imagine my sweet surprise}],Z;: 51Testing软件测试网tjo`"GY G)?Y
When you said you felt likewise
yix'rA-T 51Testing软件测试网|'jO*\V8M/N
And I thought "You're so pretty"4fh^[\ 51Testing软件测试网t1f9BH ~,z9Z
But too pretty for someone like me~mV"i7VX 
;g7a!T/jqT0I just want this feeling to go away]DFXPV 51Testing软件测试网%su9UT:YQ"d;[F
You're too pretty for a girl like me
:H.  51Testing软件测试网]#mD B1K,b8aN4[#H
If they ask I would sing all your praisesDfJ2PX}q 
(@c5o4ln5ez;|0Tell them all about your charms and graceogM%N 51Testing软件测试网1Wy.?4^2x^+iK
And how you'd always say that you'd take me so many places?3z-_8# 
Zs+^cJ6X0Will they only see a perfect face?
Mv|ykJoz" 51Testing软件测试网gK\/\$A$`w)U
Now I'm spending all my time on your outside?!w^`D0}o 51Testing软件测试网L E9j:\Q(EG^
But with every pretty face there's only downside
p6EDQwlf 51Testing软件测试网CG`[u9e-s@5L
I suppose that I was hoping to prove them all wrong_ |<d5TI 
8l*t0Sx)bP0That I can get past your surfaceHQ!Xj .y 51Testing软件测试网 ?bF']0{I
To the innermost secretsHDM<w+ZxX 51Testing软件测试网 a"n1w i B+\
But I keep getting stuck becausefkfZ>D^1 
:?3\'_ E6D0You're so pretty
Mr+@c) 51Testing软件测试网\r]k t
All it really took was a look from across the roomp\wJD1s 
&C(h CC.Yb\0I caught your eye To fall deeply for the idea of you and me together
y$ Zj?Dd# 51Testing软件测试网+QP TkDS
/4=-b_2Y~ 51Testing软件测试网Wf-na6^qk?x
y-?>*fN o 
'M K,fRoe0
ydl jw 

TAG: 每周一歌




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