

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-03-29 10:12:16 / 个人分类:每周一歌

move on now
歌手:hard-fi     专辑:stars of cctv
51Testing软件测试网N5?1S Zv.a/HU'A1fS

Baby, Baby i think its time we move on now
mY _1]H `Ty?0Baby, Baby i think its time we move on now
w(NB:vDa Re,pF"g0
D#_nJ%UJ6l0Looking out my bedroom window51Testing软件测试网{Q8Crr]5m
See the planes take off from Heathrow
yvR!je/Ys0one by one they come and go
/W{z'\1U`)W0on and on on and on51Testing软件测试网H(BR6Z.d'[p+t
51Testing软件测试网;p't,xn|#F [c*Q
I think about the places i'd go
*R3X'l$y:Aq1v b)J3y0I think about this place i call home51Testing软件测试网R9\?S9hII
All the shots and all that come
oS+rl n3JGK0all around all around51Testing软件测试网 J^ U gS

p*A}? P]CK0Red light blinking in the twighlight51Testing软件测试网1w!sL8m AE5cz
tracing in a path right out of here and now
;y]9D l g0Red light blinking in the twighlight
jw5P0d]r?&O0tracing in a path right out of here and now
S }1Ue0|EB BC:v0
7w9o wBGED,MA0Baby, Baby i think its time we move on now
6nor.W+_0Baby, Baby i think its time we move on now51Testing软件测试网 eR(pS(v(ei

UR#d!],a8@0Don't you think its quiet around here51Testing软件测试网#n7}1g}-Ij
Doesn't seem so much to do here51Testing软件测试网hM*Zn%d9@M-q,]l
Thinking back to this time last year51Testing软件测试网~o](z bo MVE
Good times good times good times
EU7Y)Bv|0Don't you think we stay for too long
;x U0Ei6qRMu0Don't you think the colour has gone51Testing软件测试网9`"^1p\Wg*iEp
Get on a plane it can't be wrong
f"S{'Yb0Moving on, Moving on51Testing软件测试网8TX AY?m#w|`
51Testing软件测试网+Df6K e L
Red light blinking in the twighlight51Testing软件测试网K)k?7y-K!IB5K&Vo
tracing in a path right out of here and now
Ot X3CcY2K3l G0Red light blinking in the twighlight51Testing软件测试网X+v/H3HJ p%yx0?
tracing in a path right out of here and now
y^4`/P0^] |$l#b/S051Testing软件测试网,l`5WlE/X&X}4|
Baby, Baby i think its time we move on now
OOk0C[T Qts0Baby, Baby i think its time we move on now
7`.E3I2l!Ub}Fq051Testing软件测试网 hu3AX$J5e-f.{5mrq iW
Baby, Baby i think its time we move on now
\$w%mtz a0Baby, Baby i think its time we move on now
xWR/M)cG#AR)V*c0Baby, Baby
6V*E;@j l+F#Z$g0Baby, Baby51Testing软件测试网]zC\3r^8k D(G
Baby, Baby i think its time we move on now
PSz+? g2Kg4L0
)mrRb/^#lTQ0Those things they look empty51Testing软件测试网S$r(RMm-O
But wait til it all comes down
0S` i W7Y W"_#j0Nothings going on round here51Testing软件测试网Z3hy5L4b,s-[*UT
Its time we let it change
XJ6SA!V8ZH2A0Got a feeling my love
5I y4Ug@l @ {0We've gotta get out51Testing软件测试网(B{.vif1w
Before it brings us down (down down)51Testing软件测试网9K)hIEz-o-h`:t o

JY2o&rM9\`0 51Testing软件测试网3eKH5i4~5HE Qtwl2R

N\ z#p{Ttd-_6P0http://www.thevulgarbulgar.com/music/moveon.mp3


TAG: 每周一歌




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