
Installing Bugzilla on Microsoft Windows

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-05-24 15:54:14 / 个人分类:BUG

51Testing软件测试网H gE+|HO

Original author:Byron Jones

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Bugzilla version 2.18 was the first release that runs unmodified on Windows. This document guides you step by step through the installation process.51Testing软件测试网(F6w-Xj$C[


Note that there are a few things that don't work on Windows. The most important one of these would be the inbound email interface (contrib/README.Mailif).

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q1b8n;x:E H*~S(lw{0There's two main methods to getting the Bugzilla source - from CVS or in a tarball. The best method for fetching Bugzilla is to grab it directly from CVS, as this will allow for simple upgrades, even if you have customised Bugzilla.

Xa1]];N.Ieib3R051Testing软件测试网y ]U5TtR4n&Y

Read theRelease Notesbefore you do anything.51Testing软件测试网JT8kC1K8no

Installing Bugzilla From CVS

51Testing软件测试网5Ai[Vw HT7x8~

Download the CVSNT client fromhttp://www.cvsnt.org/(2.15 Meg).

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[z^;B wmq C4p;c*{0Run the installation, you'll only need to install theCommand line clientand thePassword Server (:pserver:) Protocol. Once the intsall has completed, log out and log in again to pick up the changes to the PATH.51Testing软件测试网 q9jrK(~


Note: this document assumes you want to install Bugzilla intoC:\Bugzilla.

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#z,z#|LV]5j1o)k0Open the command line, and cd to theparentof the directory you want to install Bugzilla into. As we'll be installing Bugzilla intoC:\Bugzilla, the current directory must beC:\.

Y#z+jc|!F!{/n T3V0
C:\>set CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsrootC:\>cvs loginLogging in to :pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:2401:/cvsroot
CVS password:anonymousC:\>cvs checkout -d Bugzilla -rBugzilla_Stable Bugzillacvs checkout: cwd=C:\ ,current=C:\
cvs checkout: Updating Bugzilla
U Bugzilla/.cvsignore
U Bugzilla/1x1.gif
U Bugzilla/Bugzilla.pm
U Bugzilla/CGI.pl
U Bugzilla/template/en/default/whine/multipart-mime.txt.tmpl
U Bugzilla/template/en/default/whine/schedule.html.tmpl
cvs checkout: Updating Bugzilla/template/en/extension
U Bugzilla/template/en/extension/filterexceptions.pl
cvs checkout: Updating Bugzilla/template/en/extension/hook


Upgrading From CVS


If you've already installed an earlier version of Bugzilla from CVS or from a TarBall, updating is easy. Even if you've made customisations, CVS is smart enough to merge. If CVS needs help merging, it displays a C in the first column of its report. You need to resolve such conflicts manually.

(eff|W%v-f v0
C:\Bugzilla>cvs update -R -d -rBugzilla_Stablecvs update: Updating .
P editusers.cgi
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla
P Bugzilla/Bug.pm
P Bugzilla/BugMail.pm
P Bugzilla/Chart.pm
P Bugzilla/Flag.pm
P Bugzilla/User.pm
P Bugzilla/Util.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth
U Bugzilla/Auth/CGI.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Template
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Template/Plugin
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/search
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/whine
cvs update: Updating template/en/extension


Installing Bugzilla From the TarBall

yno:o2j| [%u0Download the Bugzilla from:
e'Y+Sxq:R^a0http://bugzilla.org/download.html(1.2 Meg).51Testing软件测试网sCy#ot#C:^`

,wp.W|-u2b6G0Bugzilla ships as a Tarball, which has the extension .tar.gz. Any decent Windows archive tool should be able to extract tarballs.

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Extract the archive to the directory of your choice. For the remainder of this document I will assume that you have extracted Bugzilla intoC:\Bugzilla.51Testing软件测试网*W,m?UPW9_.`uj,`

Upgrading From TarBall

51Testing软件测试网 w?`8qMf7m;t

If you installed Bugzilla from the TarBall, the simplest way to upgrade is to follow theCVS Upgradinginstructions.

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Download MySQL

51Testing软件测试网 r]]!H!\

Download the MySQL "Windows Essentials" installer from:51Testing软件测试网"d%J `1J&n `s
http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/(15.9 Meg).51Testing软件测试网 @'i"j{fu$a


51Testing软件测试网_4c6S;j RrV

MySQL has a standard Windows installer. It's ok to select a Typical MySQL install (the default). For the remainder of this document I will assume you have installed MySQL intoC:\mysql.


Create Bugs Database and User


Use themysqlcommand line utility to create the Bugzilla database and a MySQL account for Bugzilla.

$Jkn#c-g051Testing软件测试网)a Q&^/g+aj4Y

Note in the following example 'sockmonkey' is my password for the bugs account:

C:\mysql\bin>mysql --user=root -p mysqlEnter password:********Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 15 to server version: 4.0.20a-debug

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql>create database bugs;Query OK, 1 row affected (0.11 sec)

mysql>grant all privileges on bugs.* to 'bugs'@'localhost' identified by 'sockmonkey';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql>flush privileges;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)



If you are running MySQL 4.1 or higher, you may encounter theClient does not support authentication protocol requested by servererror message. To fix this, once the user has been created you will have to reset the password using OLD_PASSWORD:

C:\mysql\bin>mysql --user=root -p mysqlEnter password:********Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 15 to server version: 4.1.11-nt

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql>set password for 'bugs'@'localhost' = OLD_PASSWORD('sockmonkey');Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)



ActiveState Perl

Download ActiveState Perl 5.8.1 or Higher

!C$\*~t/I5fC0Download the ActiveState Perl 5.8.1 or Higher MSI from:51Testing软件测试网_ z3?OI{1@vF
http://activestate.com/Products/Download/Download.plex?id=ActivePerl(12.5 Meg).51Testing软件测试网%HI9E]!t ]3R4jcg*[U

51Testing软件测试网c.j%yq CN

Note that Bugzilla requires ActiveState Perl 5.8.1 as it needs CGI.pm version 2.93 or higher. 5.8.0 ships with CGI.pm version 2.81, 5.8.1 ships with CGI.pm version 3.00.


There isa bug in Time::Local 1.10, which is shipped with ActiveState Perl 5.8.6, that will cause warnings to be generated at the top of every buglist. It's a good idea to avoid version 5.8.6 (version 5.8.4 works without issue).



51Testing软件测试网"EgK_ Y@;G c

ActiveState Perl uses a standard Windows Installer. Install, sticking with the defaults, which will install Perl intoC:\Perl.51Testing软件测试网s I!CIf*C

OV C0w9zcL;E$lo0Note: Installing Perl into a directory that contains a space (eg "C:\Program Files") will break the Template-Toolkit installer.


FYXrpe ?0Once the intsall has completed, log out and log in again to pick up the changes to the PATH.

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Upgrading Existing Installs

51Testing软件测试网~6f0L!f5i Nh I4?4?s6L

If you already have ActiveState Perl installed, now's a good time to ensure you're running the latest version of ActiveState Perl, along with the latest versions of the modules.

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To upgrade ActiveState Perl, follow the directions at:
?L9`&XZ ]5xW0http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/docs/ActivePerl/install.html51Testing软件测试网 z,r7E(Ky4~

.[&m5Tn7Q3l0To upgrade your modules, simply runppm upgrade51Testing软件测试网Ro;g+N,x

Create Temp Directory


On Windows, Perl has a hard time of locating the correct directory to write its temporary files (CGI.pm, File::Spec). Basically it has a list of paths hard coded to use, instead of querying Windows for the correct path.

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To avoid problems, create theC:\Tempdirectory (it has to be on drive C) and ensure SYSTEM has write and modify access.


Install Modules


Bugzilla requires a number of perl modules to be installed, all of which are available athttp://landfill.bugzilla.org/ppm/.51Testing软件测试网n)u!C]fa/T3[%w


If you use a proxy server or a firewall you may have trouble running PPM. This is covered in theActivePerl FAQ.

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TheNet::LDAPmodule is only required if you want touse Active Directory for authentication.51Testing软件测试网)I!c;|#\em^

C:\>ppmPPM - Programmer's Package Manager version 3.1.
Copyright (c) 2001 ActiveState Corp. All Rights Reserved.
ActiveState is a devision of Sophos.

Entering interactive shell. Using Term::ReadLine::Stub as readline library.

Type 'help' to get started.

ppm>rep add Bugzilla http://landfill.bugzilla.org/ppmRepositories:
[1] ActiveState PPM2 Repository
[2] ActiveState Package Repository
[3] Bugzilla
ppm>install AppConfig====================
Install 'AppConfig' version 1.52 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 50508 bytes.
Successfully installed AppConfig version 1.52 in ActivePerl
ppm>install TimeDate====================
Install 'TimeDate' version 1.16 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 19235 bytes.
Successfully installed TimeDate version 1.16 in ActivePerl
ppm>install DBI====================
Install 'DBI' version 1.43 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 508164 bytes.
Successfully installed DBI version 1.43 in ActivePerl
ppm>install DBD-mysql====================
Install 'DBD-mysql' version 2.9002 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 178803 bytes.
Successfully installed DBD-mysql version 2.9002 in ActivePerl
ppm>install Template-Toolkit====================
Install 'Template-Toolkit' version 2.13 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 530770 bytes.
Successfully installed Template-Toolkit version 2.13 in ActivePerl
ppm>install MailTools====================
Install 'MailTools' version 1.67 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 46881 bytes.
Successfully installed MailTools version 1.67 in ActivePerl
ppm>install GD====================
Install 'GD' version 2.07 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 363039 bytes.
Successfully installed GD version 2.07 in ActivePerl
ppm>install Chart====================
Install 'Chart' version 2.3 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 58641 bytes.
Successfully installed Chart version 2.3 in ActivePerl
ppm>install GDGraph====================
Install 'GDTextUtil' version 0.86 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 19178 bytes.
Successfully installed GDTextUtil version 0.86 in ActivePerl
Install 'GDGraph' version 1.43 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 71764 bytes.
Successfully installed GDGraph version 1.43 in ActivePerl
ppm>install PatchReader====================
Install 'PatchReader' version 0.9.4 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 9558 bytes.
Successfully installed PatchReader version 0.9.4 in ActivePerl
ppm>install Net::LDAP====================
Install 'Convert-ASN1' version 0.19 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 26326 bytes.
Successfully installed Convert-ASN1 version 0.19 in ActivePerl
Install 'perl-ldap' version 0.33 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 188548 bytes.
Successfully installed perl-ldap version 0.33 in ActivePerl
Install 'Net-LDAP-Express' version 0.11 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 7693 bytes.
Successfully installed Net-LDAP-Express version 0.11 in ActivePerl

PatchReader 0.9.4

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Make sure the version ofPatchReaderthat is installed is0.9.4or higher. If you end up with an older version, uninstall the ppm and install the ppm from http://landfill.bugzilla.org/ppm/PatchReader.ppd.

ppm>uninstall PatchReader====================
Remove 'PatchReader' version 0.9.2 from ActivePerl
Successfully removed PatchReader version 0.9.2 from ActivePerl
ppm>install http://landfill.bugzilla.org/ppm/PatchReader.ppd====================
Install 'PatchReader' version 0.9.4 in ActivePerl
Downloaded 9558 bytes.
Successfully installed PatchReader version 0.9.4 in ActivePerl


)} KU MT4C5h0It is recommended that you run Bugzilla with the Apache web server. If you want to use IIS to run Bugzilla, there areconfiguration instructionsin the Bugzilla documentation.


Download Apache 2.x

CS5d G.fX0Download the Apache HTTP Server version 2.x or high from:51Testing软件测试网 tTA\*G
http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi(5.8 Meg).



eD Q-]8N{ T\q0Yet another standard Windows Installer. Just follow the prompts, making sure you Install for All Users. Be aware the Apache will always install itself into anApache2directory under what ever path you specify. The default install path will be displayed asC:\Program Files\Apache Groupwhich will result in Apache being installed toC:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2. This gets me every time.51Testing软件测试网)_?7E X*^g W-s*li~

k{Q+P)c,Ut:\-UI0For the remainder of this document I will assume you installed Apache into the default location,C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2.51Testing软件测试网6u5FEQN,e


If you are already running IIS, you must configure apache to run on a port other than 80, however you aren't asked the port to listen on at install time. ChooseAll Users(which says port 80), and we'll change the port later.

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j Wx!i2l ~7h/d0By default Apache installs itself to run as the SYSTEM account. For security reasons it's better the reconfigure the service to run as an Apache user. Create a user that is a member ofnogroups, and reconfigure the Apache2 service to run as that account.51Testing软件测试网 O2MBpuo#^d4R

Grant write access for Apache account

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By default Apache will run as the SYSTEM account. This account needs write and modify access to the following directorys, and all their subdirectories. Depending on your version of Windows, this access may already be granted.51Testing软件测试网`b5fY$P7H

  • C:\Bugzilla\data
  • C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\logs
  • C:\Temp
51Testing软件测试网(bIm qy@$S:V&~$Q

Note thatC:\Bugzilla\datais created the first time you runchecksetup.pl.

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Configure Port and DocumentRoot

'D,ZRb&T8d0EditC:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.confwith yourfavourite text editor.

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To change the port that Apache runs on (listens on, or binds to), edit theListenoption.

OHe;Wc O"X?0
# Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
# ports, instead of the default. See also the <VirtualHost>
# directive.
# Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to 
# prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses (
#Listen 80
51Testing软件测试网1w-{wu o.]-A

Change theDocumentRootsetting to point toC:\Bugzilla. Note there are two locations inhttpd.confthat need to be updated. Note you need to use / instead of \ as a path separator.

# DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your
# documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but
# symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.
#DocumentRoot "C:/Bugzilla"#
# Each directory to which Apache has access can be configured with respect
# to which services and features are allowed and/or disabled in that
# directory (and its subdirectories). 
# First, we configure the "default" to be a very restrictive set of 
# features.  
<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None

# Note that from this point forward you must specifically allow
# particular features to be enabled - so if something's not working as
# you might expect, make sure that you have specifically enabled it
# below.

# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
#<Directory "C:/Bugzilla">

Configure CGI

-y5krB.G @0To enable CGI support in Apache, you need to enable the CGI handler, by uncommenting theAddHandler cgi-scrīpt .cgiline.51Testing软件测试网@\0oKvI hC5^

# AddHandler allows you to map certain file extensions to "handlers":
# actions unrelated to filetype. These can be either built into the server
# or added with the Action directive (see below)
# To use CGI scrīpts outside of scrīptAliased directories:
# (You will also need to add "ExecCGI" to the "Options" directive.)
#AddHandler cgi-scrīpt .cgi
51Testing软件测试网F8pXx$E H0b a P c]#^

And allow .cgi scrīpts in the Bugzilla directory by adding theExecCGIoption. We also need to allow Bugzilla's .htaccess file to restrict access to sensitive documents by allowing it to override the defaults. This involves changingAllowOverride NonetoAllowOverride All.

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"OyW_G.^M%j0Apache also needs to know to use Perl to execute .cgi files, via thescrīptInterpreterSourcedirective.51Testing软件测试网"ZkyA,L2i Z:Z

# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
<Directory "C:/Bugzilla">

# Possible values for the Options directive are "None", "All",
# or any combination of:
#   Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
# Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All"
# doesn't give it to you.
# The Options directive is both complicated and important.  Please see
# http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/core.html#options
# for more information.
#Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI#
# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
#   Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
#AllowOverride All#
# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all#
# Tell Apache to use Perl to execute .cgi
    scrīptInterpreterSource Registry-Strict</Directory>

You also should addindex.cgito theDirectoryIndexlist.51Testing软件测试网0X%V0LkY,f

# DirectoryIndex: sets the file that Apache will serve if a directory
# is requested.
# The index.html.var file (a type-map) is used to deliver content-
# negotiated documents.  The MultiViews Option can be used for the 
# same purpose, but it is much slower.
#DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.cgi
51Testing软件测试网.H u~ GG {nu+c!}A

In order forscrīptInterpreterSource Registry-Strictto work, you also need to add an entry to the Registry so Apache will use Perl to execute .cgi files.

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Create a keyHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.cgi\Shell\ExecCGI\Commandwith the default value of the full path of perl.exe with a -T parameter. For exampleC:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -T51Testing软件测试网 y zx6^/uA9L

51Testing软件测试网 D$MY ^I

regedit screenshot51Testing软件测试网|@8~xN9WR

Disable Logging

-u:f1E:Cay:s0Unless you want to keep statistics on how many hits your Bugzilla install is getting, it's a good idea to disable logging by commenting out theCustomLogdirective.51Testing软件测试网 |;F,wN)f(yr w

# The location and format of the access logfile (Common Logfile Format).
# If you do not define any access logfiles within a <VirtualHost>
# container, they will be logged here.  Contrariwise, if you *do*
# define per-<VirtualHost> access logfiles, transactions will be
# logged therein and *not* in this file.
##CustomLog logs/access.log common

Restart Apache

/k OZ,a$qr3l1]7{0Finally, restart Apache to get it pick up the changes.

F v"S@#Q~5\0
C:\>net stop apache2The Apache2 service is stopping..
The Apache2 service was stopped successfully.

C:\>net start apache2The Apache2 service is starting.
The Apache2 service was started successfully.




While Bugzilla has built in support for SMTP servers, it doesn't (yet) support SMTP authentication or debugging of SMTP errors.

t F$G2?!L7Ap051Testing软件测试网@-CB{;@'ve

If you require SMTP authentiation (including POP before SMTP), you can useGlob's sendmail wrapper. Download and install as per the instructions on that site.

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t0i1_8W#T![ wC s0If you enable logging in Sendmail, you need to ensure that your Apache account has write access toC:\usr\lib.51Testing软件测试网^ r~:D `

Configure Bugzilla


khLJ,L9?NP)Hiv0Runchecksetup.pl. This will check your Perl modules and createlocalconfig.51Testing软件测试网.C%@%u-X$_Z~

C:\>cd bugzillaC:\bugzilla>perl checksetup.plChecking perl modules ...
Checking for       AppConfig (v1.52)   ok: found v1.55
Checking for             CGI (v2.93)   ok: found v3.10
Checking for    Data::Dumper (any)     ok: found v2.121_04
Checking for    Date::Format (v2.21)   ok: found v2.22
Checking for             DBI (v1.38)   ok: found v1.48
Checking for      File::Spec (v0.84)   ok: found v3.05
Checking for      File::Temp (any)     ok: found v0.16
Checking for        Template (v2.08)   ok: found v2.13
Checking for      Text::Wrap (v2001.0131) ok: found v2001.09293
Checking for    Mail::Mailer (v1.65)   ok: found v1.67
Checking for        Storable (any)     ok: found v2.13

The following Perl modules are optional:
Checking for              GD (v1.20)   ok: found v2.16
Checking for     Chart::Base (v1.0)    ok: found v2.3
Checking for     XML::Parser (any)     ok: found v2.34
Checking for       GD::Graph (any)     ok: found v1.43
Checking for GD::Text::Align (any)     ok: found v1.18
Checking for     PatchReader (v0.9.4)  ok: found v0.9.5

Most ActivePerl modules are available at Apache's ppm repository.
A list of mirrors is available at
You can add the repository with the following command:
    ppm rep add apache http://www.apache.org/dist/perl/win32-bin/ppms/

Checking user setup ...

This version of Bugzilla contains some variables that you may want
to change and adapt to your local settings. Please edit the file
'./localconfig' and rerun checksetup.pl

The following variables are new to localconfig since you last ran
checksetup.pl:   index_html cvsbin interdiffbin diffpath create_htaccess
webservergroup db_driver db_host db_pass db_sock db_check


Edit localconfig

51Testing软件测试网-|aO Z B[*fG

OpenC:\Bugzilla\localconfigin your favourite text editor to configure Bugzilla.51Testing软件测试网'F-[@!? kK

51Testing软件测试网5QPs Q3m

You have to tell Bugzilla how to access your database. If you used bugs/bugs, you'll only have to setdb_pass.

wQHZ(C;['g Q0
# How to access the SQL database:
$db_host = "localhost";         # where is the database?
$db_port = 3306;                # which port to use
$db_name = "bugs";              # name of the MySQL database
$db_user = "bugs";              # user to attach to the MySQL database

# Enter your database password here. It's normally advisable to specify
# a password for your bugzilla database user.
# If you use apostrophe (') or a backslash (\) in your password, you'll
# need to escape it by preceding it with a \ character. (\') or (\\)
#$db_pass = 'sockmonkey';


51Testing软件测试网N p ?3XG8Xo;r

Runchecksetup.plagain. This time it will build your database tables and initialise Bugzilla.51Testing软件测试网)J*Aw/kEy F3l0`

C:\bugzilla>perl checksetup.pl

Checking perl modules ...
Checking for       AppConfig (v1.52)   ok: found v1.55
Checking for             CGI (v2.93)   ok: found v3.10
Checking for    Data::Dumper (any)     ok: found v2.121_04
Checking for    Date::Format (v2.21)   ok: found v2.22
Checking for             DBI (v1.38)   ok: found v1.48
Checking for      File::Spec (v0.84)   ok: found v3.05
Checking for      File::Temp (any)     ok: found v0.16
Checking for        Template (v2.08)   ok: found v2.13
Checking for      Text::Wrap (v2001.0131) ok: found v2001.09293
Checking for    Mail::Mailer (v1.65)   ok: found v1.67
Checking for        Storable (any)     ok: found v2.13

The following Perl modules are optional:
Checking for              GD (v1.20)   ok: found v2.16
Checking for     Chart::Base (v1.0)    ok: found v2.3
Checking for     XML::Parser (any)     ok: found v2.34
Checking for       GD::Graph (any)     ok: found v1.43
Checking for GD::Text::Align (any)     ok: found v1.18
Checking for     PatchReader (v0.9.4)  ok: found v0.9.5

Most ActivePerl modules are available at Apache's ppm repository.
A list of mirrors is available at
You can add the repository with the following command:
    ppm rep add apache http://www.apache.org/dist/perl/win32-bin/ppms/

Checking user setup ...
Creating data directory (./data) ...
Creating graphs directory...
Creating .htaccess...
Creating Bugzilla/.htaccess...
Creating ./data/.htaccess...
Creating ./template/.htaccess...
Creating ./data/webdot/.htaccess...
Precompiling templates ...
Checking for    MySQL Server (v3.23.41) ok: found v4.0.20a-debug

Creating table user_group_map ...
Creating table series_data ...
Creating table longdescs ...
Creating table dependencies ...
Creating table components ...
Creating table keywords ...
Creating table cc ...
Creating table duplicates ...
Creating table groups ...
Creating table flagtypes ...
Creating table profiles ...
Creating table products ...
Creating table bugs_activity ...
Creating table series_categories ...
Creating table keyworddefs ...
Creating table fielddefs ...
Creating table group_control_map ...
Creating table profiles_activity ...
Creating table group_group_map ...
Creating table user_series_map ...
Creating table bugs ...
Creating table series ...
Creating table versions ...
Creating table flagexclusions ...
Creating table logincookies ...
Creating table watch ...
Creating table bug_group_map ...
Creating table votes ...
Creating table attachments ...
Creating table flags ...
Creating table milestones ...
Creating table tokens ...
Creating table flaginclusions ...
Creating table quips ...
Creating table namedqueries ...
Creating initial dummy product 'TestProduct' ...
Populating duplicates table...
Creating duplicates directory...
Migrating old chart data into database ...
Adding group tweakparams ...
Adding group editusers ...
Adding group creategroups ...
Adding group editcomponents ...
Adding group editkeywords ...
Adding group admin ...
Adding group editbugs ...
Adding group canconfirm ...

Looks like we don't have an administrator set up yet.  Either this is your
first time using Bugzilla, or your administrator's privileges might have
accidently been deleted.
Enter the e-mail address of the administrator:byron@example.comYou entered 'byron@example.com'.  Is this correct? [Y/n]yEnter the real name of the administrator:Byron JonesEnter a password for the administrator account:beefPlease retype the password to verify:beef'byron@example.com' is now set up as an administrator account.



i8B)c1N;fOHqD0You should now be able to log into to Bugzilla using the accountchecksetup.pljust created. Point your web browser tohttp://localhost/, chooseLog in to an existing account, and login.51Testing软件测试网2Ybkz$I&x'mz

51Testing软件测试网 S p} K z.{ w

In the page footer, chooseParameters.


Put in your email address as themaintainer.

The email address of the person who maintains this installation of Bugzilla.
51Testing软件测试网SjXF r5wF~

Put in the URL to Bugzilla in theurlbasefield. This URL will be used in emails, so don't use localhost.51Testing软件测试网,E3p u8q^LH

The URL that is the common initial leading part of all Bugzilla URLs.

Download and install WebDot fromhttp://www.graphviz.org/Download_windows.php. Put the complete path to dot.exe inwebdotbase.

It is possible to show graphs of dependent bugs. You may set this parameter to any of the following:51Testing软件测试网t2nf%c dr `
  * A complete file path to 'dot' (part of GraphViz) will generate the graphs locally.
F a.`D4P0  * A URL prefix pointing to an installation of the webdot package will generate the graphs remotely.
7eFC{:]iU6M7]0  * A blank value will disable dependency graphing.
_U8\#Kb*YL3mm2X051Testing软件测试网 H)z7R*~ cMSO
The default value is a publically-accessible webdot server. If you change this value, make certain that the webdot server can read files from your webdot directory. On Apache you do this by editing the .htaccess file, for other systems the needed measures may vary. You can run checksetup.pl to recreate the .htaccess file if it has been lost.
C:/Program Files/ATT/Graphviz/bin/dot.exe

Scheduled Tasks


51Testing软件测试网n-[(ntWb L

Add a Scheduled Task to runcollectstats.plnightly.

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Step-by-step for Windows XP:

  1. Control Panel --> Scheduled Tasks --> Add Scheduled Task
  2. Next
  3. Browse
  4. Findperl.exe(normallyC:\Perl\bin\perl.exe)
  5. Give it a name, such as "Bugzilla Collect Stats"
  6. Perfom the task daily at your desired time
  7. If you're running Apache as a user, not as SYSTEM, enter that user here. Otherwise you're best off creating an account that has write access to the Bugzilla directory and using that
  8. Tick "Open Advanced Properties.." and click Finish
  9. Append the scrīpt name to the end of the "Run" field. egC:\Perl\bin\perl.exe C:\Bugzilla\collectstats.pl
  10. Change "start in" to the Bugzilla directory


51Testing软件测试网H1a q^z6f0Bm @ ~7V

Add a Scheduled Task to runwhineatnews.plnightly.


.AQ!?z.^H X7O0The steps for setting upwhineatnews.plare as percollectstats.pl51Testing软件测试网0W;YXz'i;b



Add a Scheduled Task to runwhine.plnightly.


N^vF~(},}`$md0The steps for setting upwhine.plare as percollectstats.pl, except whine.pl needs to run in Perl's Taint mode. The command line needs to include the -T option:C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -T C:\Bugzilla\whine.pl

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Backing up Bugzilla

51Testing软件测试网?4rd fC*^"X1M

You may want to backup the entire Bugzilla directory. It's small and you'll get all your settings and customisations on your backup media.

{Il Hbo#S r051Testing软件测试网lX2RzL3t;`

The most important component of Bugzilla to backup is the Bugzilla Database. It contains all your Bugs, Users, Attachments, pretty well everything. Like most databases, backups with MySql are performed by generating a dump of the database and backing up the dump.51Testing软件测试网*t&[{1D K$F

51Testing软件测试网rk"c }8adBL,N/O

Schedule themysqldumputility to create the dump, and add the resulting file to your backup media. You'll find MySql'smysqldumpdocumentation athttp://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/mysqldump.html.51Testing软件测试网 ovP j2p/cO

Congratulations, the Bugzilla installation process is complete!

51Testing软件测试网3b8Y8Q7C){M#LOq nWo

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sk N$m*B:~0我要宣布我最爱银子,哈哈。。。

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不过这篇文章更好,吼吼~~~大声吼三下~ ^o^,^o^,^o^51Testing软件测试网8Qdx)f#k{'Mo(o



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