

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-03-26 10:10:17 / 个人分类:每周一歌

!x^c3W;kpJ?,oV1]0Let me be your hero51Testing软件测试网eX7^6Z ww,x6~X*z!GW:w

;O+f g0C%O3D0Would you dance,
.I:T3e7L~ C0if I asked you to dance?51Testing软件测试网7He.XI2H.h
Would you run,
,Z{)~2fcB.r0and never look back?51Testing软件测试网3vm,v rw2`4n#sE
Would you cry,
M#uB.f h.B0if you saw me crying?51Testing软件测试网Kp%PsAh1mxbw
And would you save my soul, tonight?51Testing软件测试网'Q,B7OJ)c
Would you tremble,51Testing软件测试网w3H9} R#nw
if I touched your lips?
f\4Yo O U)v9e0Would you laugh?51Testing软件测试网o jL3W N6}!W*Xz
Oh please tell me this.
4l!_ K2N:fY,{0Now would you die, 51Testing软件测试网IN-Ew"ZN
for the one you love?
;z0WUkv"DkkE0Hold me in your arms, tonight. 51Testing软件测试网$o+v%P,uJT

~ Q#l9f9K9Wk$Y0I can be your hero, baby.51Testing软件测试网5N)Ut8?2wU9y~z(e
I can kiss away the pain.51Testing软件测试网:f;s0A h.u0h@o
I will stand by you forever.51Testing软件测试网;Eq'FnS
You can take my breath away.51Testing软件测试网iB*Y1@8v `

I%|S] NP9ZK{ H7h"U0Would you swear,51Testing软件测试网/fn/VF5|
that you'll always be mine?51Testing软件测试网-S@2wUh,z8B
Or would you lie? 51Testing软件测试网3l&d;y4GG__/B
would you run and hide?51Testing软件测试网+C~)s4ZG|
Am I in too deep?51Testing软件测试网N+p B4q)H P4j
Have I lost my mind?
3LD5JrwO0I don't care...
0rC6eEfq}0You're here, tonight. 51Testing软件测试网+R{VI:E)rVk
51Testing软件测试网c q!}q { Q
I can be your hero, baby.51Testing软件测试网0yJ0n4rNP%oEE G
I can kiss away the pain.51Testing软件测试网?(g!_$J-F+QdC*Ye
I will stand by you forever.
J~6` e S)C0You can take my breath away.51Testing软件测试网[2WF4Z7DJ;A f
Oh, I just wanna to hold you.
X#c}+D*]G0I just wanna to hold you.
5M$J'pO e jt#YAX\0Oh yeah.
9RMC2wI0Am I in too deep?
&h6@/HmIX0Have I lost my mind?
"?@_Az`0Well I don't care...
@dFwCHMt0You're here, tonight.
T+qP XB0I can be your hero, baby.51Testing软件测试网d6U1juM[
I can kiss away the pain. 51Testing软件测试网+?hywx:{2y8~1P1B
I will stand by you forever.51Testing软件测试网*^gn6xys
You can take my breath away.51Testing软件测试网l"e#t b1U

9z3F5b {]"z0I can be your hero.51Testing软件测试网d%e6yK~.}(i
I can kiss away the pain.51Testing软件测试网 KiK*o-\
And I will stand by you, forever.51Testing软件测试网aX;BifL
You can take my breath away.
U\CA{*HL0You can take my breath away.
5t G!@4m ?#~"x051Testing软件测试网w0d6y@ m+U;NS,R/v
I can be your hero.

}9xB3P-gN2N~q051Testing软件测试网(w7k;^;U w,W

h"eO5w_8{VTU0 51Testing软件测试网0js&Tv-q*a3xr?'w:oG


I will be hero for myself.51Testing软件测试网!r1AQ!_E3xd5q*\

p#Y.a4s @_j4fji0 


TAG: 每周一歌




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