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  • SQL Performace Diagnosis and Tuning

    2012-12-10 16:03:35



    issue des: loading time to shoot up from 45 mins to 1 hr
    DBA collecte statspack on ES
    Superseded by Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) in Oracle 10g.
    Use for taking "snapshots" of performance data
    Generate reports for analysis
    Statspack reports are read top down
    Identify high-load SQL statements
    Useful for performance analysis and SQL tuning
    Step5: 怎么分析指标?
    Statspack Report- environment section
    Stats Report - Load Profile
    hard parsing VS soft Parsing
    硬解析资源包括CPU,LIBRARY CACHE ,共享池


    硬解析超过100 per second,说明系统存在高硬解析的情况。高硬解析将会导致严重的性能问题。一般来说,高解析率伴随着共享池的锁存和library cache的锁存。




    参考:《Database Performance Tuning Guide and Reference》、《Oracle 9i DBA 101》

    How do we minimize hard parses?
    Ensure SQL is sharable (私有SQL共享SQL区)
    In other words, avoid string literals
    SELECT * FROM ES_User WHERE last_name LIKE 'jupca%';
    Use bind variables
    SELECT * FROM ES_User WHERE last_name LIKE :1;

    oracle Statspack 报告解析之 Instance Efficiency Percentages (实例命中率)
    Pay attention to parse-related statistics
    Library Hit, Soft Parse
    How often SQL statements and PL/SQL codes were found in shared pool, i.e., library cache
    Low values could mean shared pool too small or SQL not using bind variables
    Non-Parse CPU
    How much CPU resources were spent on actual SQL execution instead of parsing SQL
    High value means CPU was used mainly for execution not parsing
    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd
    How is CPU time spent on parsing SQL statements
    Low value could mean database was waiting for some resources when parsing SQL
    Low % SQL with executions>1 indicates many SQL statements were executed only once
    E.g.: SQL using string literals instead of bind variables
    Could cause performance problem
    Top 5 Timed Events
    Report shows a high CPU time
    CPU time was 1.711 hrs over a 2 hrs snapshot!
    System is CPU-bound
    Matches what customer is experiencing!
    Could also indicate excessive logical I/O against data buffers (buffer gets)
    Need to drill down to detail sections of report to identify problematic SQL statements
    Step 11:
    Organized by different "views" (buffer gets, physical reads, executions, parse calls, sharable memory)
    Shows "top" SQL statements under each view
    Buffer Gets counts logical I/O requests
    Large value could be caused by suboptimal execution plan
    High value of physical reads could be caused by full table scans or database updates
    Which SQLs get executed the most
    Not necessarily problematic unless suboptimal execution plan
    SQLs that had to be re-executed (and reparsed) the most
    SQLs also likely to have high executions
    SQLs taking up the most sharable memory
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