eight rules about bringing happiness

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-12-25 12:35:47 / 个人分类:Life

It cant get happiness by only giving matters,but giving award  will bring the sense of happiness certainly.

   I will introduce eight rules about happiness.

 the first rule:giving big award instead of small one


People always think if they want others to help them,they should give them something,no matter the format of award,giving is important that no giving.But its not true.

If person want to inspire somebody to do something,he should give big award,otherwise choose to give small one.

the second rule
   dont punish instead of a little penalty

The idea that avoid something happened then  adopt punishment is wrong.Dont punish instead of a  little punishment .

   The third rule:
 no choice instead of having choice

  People will hesitate  which gift to choose.Although they will choose the gift that they like most,many times they are not satisfied .Sometimes it will yield bad result.

When the quality of gifts gave are almost the same ,giving somebody one is better than choosing.When you give the presents to others,if they like them and have to choose one ,they will unhappy.


The fourth rule:choose bad thing is better than no choice.

   If people have to accept one bad result among a set of bad results,let them choose .For two bad matters,they will feel better choosing by themselves.After all,its their choice.

The fifth rule:

Except special circumstance,for general interpersonal relationship ,giving not expensive gifts is fine.It is better to choose a little more expensive gift among cheap gifts than to choose cheap gift among expensive gifts.For a company management,the way is also effective.It not only encourage employees but also cut down the cost.

The sixth rule:

Giving the gifts that exists forever. They can bring the happiness to receiver. The receivers appreciate and remember you forever ,seeing the gifts think of you.


TAG: Life





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