My wife

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-12-25 17:33:42 / 个人分类:Life

My wife is happy for blossomy narcissus,satisfies for washing feet with hot water .Every morning when she opens the curtain and sees the sun,she cheers.She waters flower and finds the worm in the flowerpot ,she yells,asks my daughter and me to see.She only has simple and cheap cosmetic.She doesnt like to buy car because she says it will generate a lot of pollution.She likes to walk.Its more healthy and comfortable.

She always complains there are so many accounts needing her to handle.She is an accountant.There are a lot of accounts.Although she always complain,she does the work happily.She always says when she retires,she moves seaside to live and tour abroad

Everyday she reviews newspaper ,then jumps rope,kicks shuttlecock with daughter.She has little social activity and goes out eating .I have ever read a book ,said people are busy because they have so many social intercourse.If they quit some parties,they will be free.One day,she eat lobster porridge which I brought from restaurant.On that Saturday,our family had a dinner in a canteen.When we sat down,She said the porridge which I brought  is delicious.She asked to eat again.My daughter said its lobster porridge,very expensive,need to pay several hundreds,can you afford it?She said no at once.

My wife cant  cook at first.She studies to cook and the food is delicious.Now we all like to eat the food she cooks.She is interested in bagatelle.She always says everything if you want to learn,you will do it better.She enters accountant certificated examination.She has little time to review the materials on account of job and housework.That day after she finished to exam,she was very sad.She told me she intended to exam next year.The score came out she thought she cant pass the exam and didnt dare to look for.But she passed the exam and one subjects score is just one more than the standards.She was very happy and reddened.She doesnt take taxi usually,but that day she took the taxi to work.She gave the driver ten yuans and didt want the changes. She is very excited for this thing.

She likes sleeping.On weekends,she always wakes up at noon.I always see her red face when she sleeps.When she gets up,she opens the curtain , buys food,cooks the food. After latter,delicious smells and songs wafted up from the kitchen.

TAG: Life





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  • 访问量: 17594
  • 日志数: 31
  • 建立时间: 2007-11-28
  • 更新时间: 2008-02-19


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