
上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-03-23 12:40:18 / 个人分类:实用英语


Old pal    哥们


He has inherited his father’s brains.   继承了优点


You have a special way with kids.  You are wonderful with kids.  对孩子很有一套


What’s gotten into you?  / what are you up to?   你忙什么呢?


What a drag!   没劲!


Check  买单


You name the day.  你定日子


Do you know his whereabouts ?   你知道他的下落吗?


Are you through?   你有完没完?


Same old story.   老一套


Put up or shut up.  不要光说不练


Stick around.  再待会儿


I sing off-key.  我五音不全


I will pass.  我还是免了吧


I have no ear for music.  没有乐感


He hit the roof/ceiling.  大怒


Hit the spot!   恰恰合适


I will jump at the chance. /opportunity.  我会抓住机会.


Now comes the good part.   下面精彩的部分来了.


TAG: 实用英语




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