
  • english slang

    2009-07-20 11:43:51

    Be in the air 将要发生的事情
    Clear the air 消除误会
    Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵
    A bad egg 缺乏道德的人
    In the Bag 稳操胜券
    In the balance 未知的,不可预测的
    Ring a bell 看上去或听起来非常熟悉
    Tighten one's belt 节衣缩食
    Get to the bottom of something 弄清真相
    Round the clock 夜以继日的
    Keep one's cool 保持冷静
    Fall on deaf ears 不加理睬的,不听取
    Live it up 狂欢一场
    The bottom line 本质内容
    Over the moon 欣喜若狂
    Get a move on 赶快
    Over and above 除…这外,额外的
    On a shoestring 生活拮据
  • aimei

    2009-03-07 22:52:32

    time goes, you say?
    no, time stays,we go

    All you’ve got to do is decide to go and the hardest part is over. So go!

    I love three things; the sun, the moon and you 。 the sun for the day 。 the moon for the night 。 and you for ever

    theres a danger in loving somebody too much

    Time heals everything,that’s only outsiders say.

    love is too short,forgetting is too long

    There is no remedy for love but to love more

    For you a thousand times over

    double is trouble, single is simple

  • 口语

    2007-08-21 17:10:36

    1. Don't pass up any chances.
    2. you sly dog 你这个狡诈的家伙
    3. you have common sense. 你的常识很丰富
    4. it sucks 讨厌
    5. it really pissed me off. 真令人生气
    6. we are stuck
       we are trapped 我们被堵死了 (赌车)
    7. money talks. 有钱能使鬼推磨
    8. we are ripped off
    9. life is full of ups and downs.
    10. what a day!
    11. give a little extra
    12. not likely.
    13. that's music to my ears.
    13. get right to work
    14. i comprehend the situation.
    15. same as ever
    16. i am hanging in there.
    17. u can say that again
    18. i get the picture.
    19. chances are slim
    20. traffic is bumper to bumper.
    21. can you hold a lot?
    22. far from it.
    23. no way!
    24. i am feeling under the weather.
    25. my mouth is watering.
    26. it's a pie in the sky.
    27. it is out of the question.
    28. i couldn't care less.
    29. u have an eye for beauty.
    30. that's cutting it close.
    31. that's a close call.
    32. everything is goofing around.
    33. i have sth pressing.
    34. i am already locked into sth
    35. it stinks!
    36. the food is stale.
    37. be good
    38. don't yell
    39. that's enough.
    40. the company is in the red.

  • 口语3

    2007-03-23 12:40:18


    Old pal    哥们


    He has inherited his father’s brains.   继承了优点


    You have a special way with kids.  You are wonderful with kids.  对孩子很有一套


    What’s gotten into you?  / what are you up to?   你忙什么呢?


    What a drag!   没劲!


    Check  买单


    You name the day.  你定日子


    Do you know his whereabouts ?   你知道他的下落吗?


    Are you through?   你有完没完?


    Same old story.   老一套


    Put up or shut up.  不要光说不练


    Stick around.  再待会儿


    I sing off-key.  我五音不全


    I will pass.  我还是免了吧


    I have no ear for music.  没有乐感


    He hit the roof/ceiling.  大怒


    Hit the spot!   恰恰合适


    I will jump at the chance. /opportunity.  我会抓住机会.


    Now comes the good part.   下面精彩的部分来了.
  • 口语2 (待续)

    2007-03-22 14:51:36


    I am counting on it.   我希望如此


    I will get back to you. 待会儿找你


    That is really something.  真了不起


    Don’t count yr chickens before they hatch.  别打如意算盘


    Don’t bother.  别管我


    Take your medicine like a man.   挺起来


    Don’t push me around.  别哄我了


    Don’t judge a book by its cover.  不要以貌取人


    Still waters run deep.  真人不露相


    That is backbreaking work.  这活累人


    That is what friends are for.  朋友就是这样的嘛


    Keeping busy?  还忙吗


    There is a first time for everything.  万事都有开头


    You chicken!  胆小鬼


    We will hit the road.  马上出发


    There’s a big hole in my head.  我忘了


    Not that I know of   没这回事


    That’s hot air!  胡扯


    So they say.  他们都这么说


    It’s a snap.  没问题


    No sweat.  毫无困难


    Let us forgive and forget.   让我们言归和好


    Let’s make up.  我们讲和吧

  • 口语1

    2007-03-21 15:50:52


    Pain past is pleasure.    过去的痛苦就是快乐.


    No sweet without sweat.  不吃苦就没有幸福.


    I don’t have the nerve to do it.   我没有勇气做


    Same on you. 彼此彼此.


    She gave me the cold shoulder.  她对我很冷淡.


    It never rains but it pours.  屋漏偏逢连夜雨.


    I am mad at myself.  我生自己的气.


    What did you decide?  你说怎么办?


    Excuse the mess. 抱歉屋里很乱


    Please look us up.  常来玩


    He is a workaholic.  他是工作狂


    He is restless. 他闲不住


    Burn the candle at both ends.  他身体透支


    You seem to have some reservation.  你似乎有所保留


    Is that it?  就这些了吗?


    What will be , will be.  该来的就会来.


    Here you go . 就是这样, 就这么做.


    I got away with it.  我侥幸过关.


    I bombed on the exam.  考砸了.


    God only knows .  天知道

    I screwded up. 我惨了.


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