thanks everything

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-01-02 12:01:34 / 个人分类:Mood

  2008 year is coming,the new year again and I am one year older than 2007 year.At the beginning of new year ,I am in good mood.I am happy because when I am in trouble,someone will encourage me,someone will find the materials to me .Although I haven't succeeded ,I believe my hard-working is valuable,I will succeed some day.

  New year ,new plan.So what's my objective?Now the only aim is to find a good job and can work in HangZhou,adapt the new environment ,live the normal life.

  I have written some articles in this blog and before today,no one give comment.Today I see the comment and I am very happy.Sometimes a little words can give me more courage.Maybe the person who wrote the comment didn't consider much,just say something what he wanted to say,but I got much.I am affected by environment,by people easily.I know it's not good.Be a person,should have though,mind by himself,shouldn't affect by others.But it's not easy to do.

  Anyway,in this new year,I will start my new life.I hope the trip is favoring.Keeping peace mood is helpful.

  The left thing is that read the notice again,recite the sentences,listen the tapes ,keep calm,be confident to meet the challenge.

TAG: mood Mood





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  • 访问量: 18207
  • 日志数: 31
  • 建立时间: 2007-11-28
  • 更新时间: 2008-02-19


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