something want to say

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-12-26 09:42:00 / 个人分类:Mood

 I have written English articles for night days,I also listen to English everyday.I don't know whether the level has improved.When I write something in English,I always can't use the right words to express my feeling ,but when I write  Chinese article,I can write long passage.I have forgotten a lot of English syntax.I can't make sure what I have written.After I look up the words in dictionary then I can write them down.I worry I make the syntax mistake,I am not confident of what I wrote.

 These days I study English hard,I am so tired.There are so much knowledge to learn.I can't make sure whether I make progress.I am not sure whether I can pass the interview next week.Sometimes I am very confident,I believe I can pass.Sometimes I doubt myself.I know I am too nervous.I regard it too important.Because I have no other choice.I have to continue to study,I wan't come true the dream.

  Maybe my English is still poor.I still write Chinese English.I don't care.Only if I can write,I can say.Others can see what I have said,what I have written.It's a process to make process。

  Today I find there are so much knowledge should I to study.Yesterday night I installed Test Director successfully and I should learn how to use it ,what features the TD has in short time.I should read the winrunner guid .Everyday I should listen English,write my realization in English;also I should busy on company's work.So many things I should to do.2007 will pass,2008 will com .Recall the whole 2007,although my life is still the same as 2006,I experience more than 2006 year.I am mature.I learn more knowledge in 2007,accumulate a lot of knowledge point.It's just for that I can do the thing that I like in 2008 year.I have more challenge to do in 2008 year.

  What's life?Life is that you should taste asid,sweet,bitter,hot.Life is nice.When you taste bitter and obtain gains,it's hard to describe the happiness.It's valuable.

Now I surround darkness,but one day I will meet the sunshine.Sun will rise in the near future.

TAG: Mood





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  • 日志数: 31
  • 建立时间: 2007-11-28
  • 更新时间: 2008-02-19


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