
  • Test Automation ROI Methodology

    2011-10-21 16:00:11

    ROI Methodology

    ROI can be calculated as Total benefit derived from automation / Total cost of automation. The benefits matrix below depicts the distribution of direct and indirect benefits across people, process, and technology drivers, which can be translated to customer benefits.

    Benefits of Automation

    Automated testing tools are capable of running continuously without any productivity loss or fatigue, with minimal or no manual intervention. This implies that organizations can plan testing activities beyond the traditional eight-hour work shift, reducing the elapsed duration for testing by as much as two-thirds of the time required for manual testing.

    Test automation enables organizations to redeploy engineers for specialized tasks that cannot be accomplished through automation testing.

    These tasks include interoperability testing involving external systems, testing for event driven processes in real time, intuitive testing, and more.

    Costs of Automation

    Fixed costs of automation include one-time investments to establish the automation environment. Recurring costs are incurred during the testing lifecycle. The below cost matrix depicts the distribution of fixed and recurring costs across people, process, and technology drivers.

    A Case in Point

    In this section, we illustrate savings in test execution time for automation.


    We assume a sample size of 500 test cases per test cycle. Benefit of automation for each test cycle is given by:

    TS = TM - TA


    TS = Time saved due to test automation

    White Paper: ROI on Test Automationcalculations for the following frequencies of execution:

    18 test cycles/ year

    30 test cycles/ year

    50 test cycles/ year

    As evident from the graph above, ROI for test automation increases with increasing

    Automation Frameworks

    Software organizations with an independent testing practice can enhance the benefits of automation further through the use of automation frameworks. Automation Frameworks can provide reusable code bases which support the deployment of the testing tool into the engagement.

    In the following section, we detail the salient features of our automation framework, illustrating ROI enhancements over standard test automation approaches.

    Multi-platform. support (Windows, Java, etc.) –so that scripts can be ported across platforms with minor changes

    TM = Time taken for manual testing

    TA = Time taken for automated testing

    Cost of Automation

    Cost of automation is given by:

    CA = CHS + CDM+ CT


    CA = Cost of automation

    CHS = Cost of hardware and software (this can be apportioned over many testing engagements)

    CDM = Cost of developing and maintaining automation script

    CT = Cost of training staff on automation tools (this can be apportioned over many testing engagements)

  • Automation Testing Framework

    2011-10-19 17:51:57



    Frameworks Introduction      
    Automated testing is most effective when implemented within a framework. Although, in automated testing, the term framework is often used to describe the collective structures that compose unit testing tools, this section will largely focus on a different kind of framework. Here we will discuss the types of frameworks that may be defined as a set of abstract concepts, processes, procedures and environment in which automated tests will be designed, created and implemented. In addition, this framework definition includes the physical structures used for test creation and implementation, as well as the logical interactions among those components. Over the years, automated testing (and thus automated test frameworks) has evolved, becoming increasingly defined and sophisticated with each new evolutionary phase. These phases can be described in terms of three generations, each generation wielding a set of advantages and challenges, thus each generation remains relevant despite new developments. These generations generally apply to Functional System Test Automation, but in some instances may expand to address Unit Test Automation. For more information scroll to the lower half of the Frameworks menu page.


    The Linear "framework" typically yields a one-dimensional set of automated tests Readmore

    Frameworks built on Data-driven scripting are similar to Linear scripts, in that Readmore

    Often called “Table-driven”, this framework tends to be more application-ind Readmore






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