
  • 把事情变的简单

    2010-06-11 14:08:33



  • linux系统配置服务器

    2010-06-04 14:40:44



    第二步:安装linux系统:Red Hat EnterPrise Linux 4



    1.  在桌面,点击右键,选择打开终端,弹出命令输入框

    2.  默认进入的是目录:/root,输入命令:cd ..,然后进入根目录/

    3.  在根目录中输入命令:cd etc/sysconfig/network-scripts,该目录下有文件:ifcfg-eth0

    4.  ifcfg-eth0文件中可以设置IP,子网掩码和网关,输入命令:vi ifcfg-eth0,可以看到文件ifcfg-eth0的内容:









    5.  IP配置后,可以用命令cat来查看是否文件中的内容是否输入正确,cat ifcfg-eth0,即可看到内容

    6.  配置好后,要重启网卡,输入命令:service network restart,便可重启


    xamppXAMPP 是一个功能全面的 AMPP ApacheMySQLPHPPerl)软件包),下载软件包:wget  http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/xampp/XAMPP%20Linux/1.7.3a/xampp-linux-1.7.3a.tar.gz?use_mirror=ncu

    7.  下载后解压软件包到/opt目录中,输入命令:tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.3a.tar.gz -C /opt,解决后,opt目录中生成目录lampp

    8.  启动运行xampp,输入命令:/opt/lampp/lampp start,可看到出现提示信息:

        Starting XAMPP 1.7.3a...
    LAMPP: Starting Apache...
    LAMPP: Starting MySQL...
    LAMPP started.



    # Default runlevel. The runlevels used by RHS are:
    # 0 - halt (Do NOT set initdefault to this)
    # 1 - Single user mode
    # 2 - Multiuser, without NFS (The same as 3, if you do not have networking)
    # 3 - Full multiuser mode
    # 4 - unused
    # 5 - X11
    # 6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)
    id:5:initdefault: //

    # System initialization.

    l5:5:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 5 //
    l6:6:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 6


    ln -s /opt/lampp/lampp S99lampp // 自动启动XAMPP


    12.服务器配好后,就要上传自己的程序到服务器,利用软件:CuteFTP 8 Professional将程序包上传到服务器。然后输入url,就可以访问程序了。





  • PHP学习笔记一(数据类型)

    2010-04-09 21:17:21



        数值数组:带有数字 ID 键的数组,如:$arr1=array('a','b','c').

        关联数组:数组中的每个 ID 键关联一个值,如:$arr2=array('id'=>1,'name'=>'marry','sex'=>male).                          





            echo $num;
            echo '<p>';
            echo (integer)$num;
            echo  '<p>';
            echo settype($num,'float');
            echo '<p>';
            echo $num;

        检测数据类型:is_bool , is_string , is_float , is_double , is_array , is_integer/is_int , is_object , is_null , is_numeric(检查是否为数字或由数字组成的字符串)


  • Visit the zoo

    2009-04-27 21:23:28

     This afternoon,i got to zoo.Get into the zoo,i saw a big board that indicate different animals’ area.

          The first animal i saw was a white peacock who was showing off it’s beautiful tail.The next station is monkey hill.There have varieties monkeys.In a big iorn ,there live four monkeys of one family.One small monkey was very naughty,it always  hit its father with its head but his father seems didn't have any intresting to play with it.After a while,its mother came to stop its harassment of his father but the small monkey was kept the impact of its parents.Finally its parents  had no choice but to  embrace tightly together to prevent their children’s harassment.Oh,it’s  funny.The small monkey saw  parents embracd together then went to join the big embrace.

    Then i saw a big low-lying land where lived lots of monkeys.Many people surrounded and watched them.Suddently, I feld the monkeys are miserable .They are  locked up in here that there is no freedom.There are somebaboons,their big ass was red and too obvious.

    The zoo was build on a hill.In the top of the hill,there live tigers and leopards. I took a photo with a big tiger and I touched it’s one ear .Ha,the tiger I touched was fake.The real tiger I dare not to touch..

    After visit the animals,I found there have animal shows so  went to show house.The show had started and there are crowed with people.In the performance area,there standed four tigers and two wild animal trainers.One trainer was trained one tiger to climb iron shelf,after it climbed from one side it refused to turn back.The trainer had to put food on the other side to lure it to turn back.Then happened one interesting thing that the another tiger who was stand beside went to eat the food when the trainer was take attention to the tiger who was trained.There then had many shows likes bear ride bike .At the end of the show,one trainer ride an elephant went into perfomance area..The elephant is meek,it used it’s big nose to rise people.

    At last,I visited an show of sea lion.The sea lion was very funny and cute.It was very clever and play a lot of shows like dance and play ball.

    The visit was funny and I like it .

  • The first travel of business

    2009-04-19 16:55:07


              I had my first travel of business with nervous and exciting not long ago.The destination is QuZhou where is very near with HangZhou and the travel was only spent two days exactly is one and a half days.

              I was gone to travel with one colleague who we called Uncle Xie.The purpose of this travel was training our products to QuZhou Mobile workers.The trainer was Uncle Xie and  I was barely had anything to do so very easy.

              The first night we lived in hotel.There had computer and could go on line.A good indoor environment.

             Overall,the first travel is good.But I don’t want to travel frequently.

  • Trip

    2009-04-16 21:22:08

        We had a trip  in chingming holiday. In fact , we have only go to WestLake where had a tulip flower show.Well know,tulip is the symbol of holand.The another symbol is big windmill.

        I have the impression that holand is a very beautiful country where have much tulip and windmills.Up to now i had a idea that if i can go to travel abroad  that i would choose holand in all probability.

        Lucky,there have a tulip show in taizhiwang park.Of course, we gone to visit the show in holiday.

        There had lots of people that many  people brought camera to capture  the beauty of the  scenery ,unfortunately we don't have camera oftherwise i can upload photo of the beautiful tulip flowers.

        Finally,we have seen the flower of tulip.It's so bright ,colorful.It have the colors of yellow,red,pink,white,purple and so on.Tulip  have many varieties so they have different names like Apollo.In the deep of park,there have a big windmill.Around the windmill,there have breed the every kind of tulip that breed in the park and show their names.

  • Random thoughts

    2009-04-01 20:37:39

       I live far from my company,it takes me a lot of time on bus to go to work  every day.The bus is very crowded and generally i stand  on bus , sometimes it almost difficult to find a place to stand .It's too crazy.But i don't have any  solution.

       Though it's a hard course between my house and company then my bus  drive though WestLake.Well know,WestLake is very beautiful especially in spring.When i see the beautiful scenery along the way ,i always can't help to praise: how beautiful!

       Holidays coming ,i have planed  to appreciate tulip  in taizhiwang park long time ago.Oh,it's great.The problem is weather,I hope not to rain.

       At last,i  look forward to  a happy holiday.

  • plan

    2009-03-31 21:22:30

        I always design a lot of plans before decide to do one thing in the past.But i only insist a few days finally.So what how can i continue studying english is a big problem.

       Sometimes  when i was  tired  i often lazy to continue  plans then  as time goes finally i gived up the determination i decide ago.

       So how can i do,how can i insist my determination???

       Now i design not give pressure on myself.No matter how much i learned that as long as  i insist and pay effort ,i will have progress.

  • Determination

    2009-03-30 21:56:59

        I have decide to write several english logs  every week from now on.I always can't insist  to do one thing  in the past.But now i make up my mind to hold on the determination!!! 

       Although my english is very poor , the log  is crude and have much wrong, but i believe i can make a big progress in english.



  • 摘抄:经典搞笑

    2008-12-22 14:29:54

        曾经有一个 Critical 的 BUG 摆在我面前,我没有珍惜,等它被别人报了的时候我才后悔莫及, 做测试最痛苦的事莫过于此。开发员你尽管修复它吧,不用再犹豫了。如果上天能够给我一个给那人分任务的机会,我会对那个人说三个字——压力 Testing。如果非要给它的次数加个限制,我希望是——一万遍!!

  • 向各位前辈请教:为什么我下载不了QTP

    2008-12-20 14:28:50



    我进入Download Center,

    点击QTP 9.5 English的link,总是弹出以下字符:

    Access Denied

    You don't have permission to access "http://h30302.www3.hp.com/docs/pr_cust_contact.html" on this server.

    Reference #18.c40ae07a.1229753955.2e7a99f



  • 大家好

    2008-11-18 15:06:29




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