Visit the zoo

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-04-27 21:23:28

 This afternoon,i got to zoo.Get into the zoo,i saw a big board that indicate different animals’ area.

      The first animal i saw was a white peacock who was showing off it’s beautiful tail.The next station is monkey hill.There have varieties monkeys.In a big iorn ,there live four monkeys of one family.One small monkey was very naughty,it always  hit its father with its head but his father seems didn't have any intresting to play with it.After a while,its mother came to stop its harassment of his father but the small monkey was kept the impact of its parents.Finally its parents  had no choice but to  embrace tightly together to prevent their children’s harassment.Oh,it’s  funny.The small monkey saw  parents embracd together then went to join the big embrace.

Then i saw a big low-lying land where lived lots of monkeys.Many people surrounded and watched them.Suddently, I feld the monkeys are miserable .They are  locked up in here that there is no freedom.There are somebaboons,their big ass was red and too obvious.

The zoo was build on a hill.In the top of the hill,there live tigers and leopards. I took a photo with a big tiger and I touched it’s one ear .Ha,the tiger I touched was fake.The real tiger I dare not to touch..

After visit the animals,I found there have animal shows so  went to show house.The show had started and there are crowed with people.In the performance area,there standed four tigers and two wild animal trainers.One trainer was trained one tiger to climb iron shelf,after it climbed from one side it refused to turn back.The trainer had to put food on the other side to lure it to turn back.Then happened one interesting thing that the another tiger who was stand beside went to eat the food when the trainer was take attention to the tiger who was trained.There then had many shows likes bear ride bike .At the end of the show,one trainer ride an elephant went into perfomance area..The elephant is meek,it used it’s big nose to rise people.

At last,I visited an show of sea lion.The sea lion was very funny and cute.It was very clever and play a lot of shows like dance and play ball.

The visit was funny and I like it .






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  • 建立时间: 2008-11-18
  • 更新时间: 2010-06-11


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