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Common Sense in testing 2

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-12-10 19:20:27


Verifying test result, it is our QA major task. Normally we veryify the test result by manual. It's very dull, more we often miss some issues to LTS. How can we do better with this. Making a tool to help us do this job, machine doesn't feel tired, also machine doesn't make mistake(it should be tested).51Testing软件测试网d-W6hLw

v_1H3n8^f/@q^0Below I will give an example. In our company almost every two weeks we need to do regression test for the old feature. unfortunately what we regress is checking the emails, and we need to check almost twenty emails. if we check email by manual, oh my god, it is almost impossible. But before I come to this domain, our QAs do this job by manual. I am sick of do the text checking day by day, so I decide to change this status. First we do some research and find we can leverage open source scrīpt ruby to help us do this job. Fortunately we have it done. Look, we needn't to do this dull work by manual, let the machine to help you.  51Testing软件测试网9eh I c'u'w"|





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