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Automation upstream

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-12-09 17:17:53


What is Automation upsteam?


GN3LMY]0Upstream means push up. Normally automation testing will be taken after feature testing. Here we will push automation testing in feature testing. That is, we leverage automation cases to help us cover feature testing.


And this is not new concept, in another word, it is more like automation testing in application. let's me give you a sample, sometimes we generate some tool to generate test data, this we can regard it as semi- automation.


})G"y)i-S,S+n0Then How to automate upstream? Below are some criteria:

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:_3}:LpK.mO*\0First, you have set up an automation library, if new features come, what you do is just to set up the automation case by filling different module together.

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Second, you must be domain expert. You should be very familiar with the domain. This is very important.51Testing软件测试网5PcaO1N!j3S

!D:F u V_)z0If the both criterias are meet, believe automation upstream is an easy work to do.51Testing软件测试网 s0E?/fd-a v

:n(eg0S y0Below I will introduce some best practice.

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I have set up an automation library, it contains almost more than 60 cases and 20 utilities. One day a new feature comes, after I analysis I find, one part feature I can take directly the automation cases to cover; the rest part, I just set up new cases by push some utilities together, and add some DB query.51Testing软件测试网~I!PZ O!ze I%p

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Look, it is too simple.


`+W0U$N4j%ibm0Automation Upstream is not a dream. As I know in Microsoft, most of project, they takes this way to help do feature testing.51Testing软件测试网g3wbA0O${"Ss





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