珍惜现在的每一分钟,全力以赴自己的梦想。 Jump for the sun, at least you land on the moon.

Begining My Blog From the Day.

上一篇 / 下一篇  2006-12-17 01:00:18 / 个人分类:猫言狗语

51Testing软件测试网-h;ACr4AEZC t

I'm so glad to attend the salon of 51Testing for LR on modeling with BF this afternoon. Known some superiors in testing area and one who communicated on MSN several months ago. Also learn more in the salon and it brings me more fresh ideas. Lucky~~~,   51Testing软件测试网&Fsr3{:Qz y

51Testing软件测试网/X%|.PY sAu _#p8y

The best pity is I haven't my own business card and my poor skill (compare with these superiors, feel so ashamed of my title). But still thanks the entrepreneur give me this chance to discuss with these superiors.


PS: I feel English is very important for fresh testing technology, because of them are most in English form appear on internet or other professional aids. e.g. As we all know, most testing tools are in English. 51Testing软件测试网.m2~7zOW

51Testing软件测试网@ fyT;L

Wake up to midnight now again, too late to me, it looks as if I will get old easily...51Testing软件测试网U,k?5N0Y9]!uUJ-m

TAG: 猫言狗语




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