如果有一天你想起来了曾经爱过你的人, 那么我永远是其中的一个; 如果有一天这世界上再没有人爱你了, 那就是我离开这个世界了。 ----------------茫茫寒江,扁舟一叶


上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-05-10 19:40:03


Testing During Rapid Change

By Randall W. Rice, CSTE, CSQA

As the old adage goes, "the one thing that remains constant is change." In software development, one of the weaknesses of the classic waterfall approach is that it assumes little or no change. The real world changes every day. Because of this, other development models such as Rapid Application Development (RAD) have been promoted to embrace change and use it to refine the software through planned iterations.

While RAD helps software developers get early versions up and running very quickly, it causes testers many headaches. With each and every change is the opportunity to create new defects. The only way to find new defects is to perform a regression test which completely repeats a previous test and compares the results to find differences.

Two questions come to mind: 1) "Is it possible to completely test during rapid change?", and 2) "Which strategies can be used to test rapidly changing software?"

Is It Possible to Completely Test During Rapid Change?

Actually, no. However, that's a trick question because in most cases it is not possible to completely test software even in stable environments1. The essence of this question might be to ask, "Is it possible to test effectively during rapid change?" Can we expect to make the best use of people and other resources to test software? Can we expect to find the expected number of defects?

By observing projects using RAD, I have observed that a process for testing is essential to finding defects with any degree of effectiveness. Since the norm is to have no repeatable processes for most of what we do in building software, many people test in a RAD environment the same way they do in other environments - try a few cases here and there and look for problems.

Which Strategies Can Be Used?

It takes time to learn what works in each unique environment, but here are some general strategies that can be used for testing during rapid change:

First of all, accept the fact that you do not have the luxury of performing a six week test on software that changes every day. This means you will need to define a testing process that can be performed quickly and efficiently.

Perform a risk assessment. Knowing the level of risk is crucial, since you will need to prioritize your testing efforts to fit within a short window of time. The higher the risk, the higher the testing priority.

Automate your testing. Capture/playback tools help you perform repeatable tests in an unattended session. Good tools require a significant investment in software and training, but it beats working 24 hours a day. Some things to consider before automating:

You must have a working baseline version of the software to perform comparisons with future tests.

You must define business requirements, test cases and test scenarios. The tool can only record and playback based on what actions the user performs.

Data is a key consideration. How will you maintain the test data? For example, if you use a capture/playback tool to add a record, a reply of the scrīpt will get a "duplicate record on file" error.

It takes time and a whole lot of spending money to integrate the tool into your organization. People need to be trained in how to use the tool. In addition, people need to be sold on the long-term benefits as compared to the short-term work required to setup the test scrīpts and test cases.

Testing during rapid change is not impossible, but it does require rapid response, working smart, and keeping track of changes. Organizations that have been unwilling to consider new technologies such as automated testing tools will not be able to effectively test during rapid change. It is like building a house with hand tools - sure it can be done, eventually.

Testing during rapid change also requires a new mindset of organization and processes. Tools alone are not the answer. There must be a process that can be executed quickly and makes the best use of people and time. It is arriving at the optimal combination of tools, processes, and people that is the challenge. To find out more about training and approaches for user acceptance testing,e-mail Randy Rice.

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作者:Randall W. Rice, CSTE, CSQA


















在快速多变开发环境中同样也需要一个对于机构和过程的新观念。单独使用工具并不是最终的答案。必须有一个能快速执行并且充分有效的利用人力资源和时间的操作程序。要达到工具使用、操作程序以及人力的完美结合,必将是一个很大的挑战。如果你想得到用户验收测试相关的更多的培训及方法,可以通过以下的链接联系e-mail Randy Rice.



Predicting the Future ofTesting

By Harry Robinson

Summary: As the end of the year approaches, psychics and pundits alike will start making their predictions about what's in store for us in 2004 and beyond. In this week's column, industry veteran Harry Robinson gives us his forecast on the future of software testing.

"It is tough to make predictions, especially about the future."—Yogi Berra

Every December, tabloid fortune-tellers reveal what will happen in the coming year: “Madonna will fly on the space shuttle,” “the U.S. capital will move to Wichita, Kansas” and so forth. I’d like to jump on that bandwagon and make a few predictions of my own about where software testing is going in the next few years. And I can only hope my prophecies fare better than those of my esteemed tabloid colleagues!

My main prediction is that software testing in the future will look very different than it does today. My reasoning is straightforward: Software testing largely stinks today. It comes into a project too late, contributes too little, and costs too much. If we care about the quality of our products and the health of our bottom lines, we need to re-think our approach to testing and quality.

I will even go out on a limb and say that better methods, better training and a better appreciation for testers will revolutionize the software industry. To be specific, technologies such as executable specifications, model-based test generation, bug prevention, and system simulation will play important roles in the unfolding drama.

Here are some scenes we will see in the industry over the next few years. In fact, some of these trends are starting to emerge already.

Testers, Spec Writers, and Developers See Themselves as Partners

Testers Help Spec Writers 

Testers work with spec writers to review and understand the spec as it is being written. Early review and modeling exposes many consistency, completeness, and ambiguity bugs while they are still cheap to fix.

Spec Writers Help Testers

The test team creates models to generate tests of its applications' behavīors. Spec writers review the models to ensure that they adequately cover the feature set. The resulting test model becomes an "executable spec."

Testers Help Developers

Because the spec is clean and unambiguous, the developers understand better what their code should accomplish. Testers provide lightweight models that developers can run against their code before they officially hand it over for testing. 

Developers Help Testers

Proceeding on a feature-by-feature basis (to avoid the late-in-the-cycle, product-pounding approach of the past), developers and testers ensure that the code is easy to test with automated methods. Developer's code is now full of testability hooks, making errors more detectable.

Testers Help Testers

Tests are now modeled in a high-level language, so teams working on other features (and even other products) can help review and improve the test models. This creates a community of test generation experts.

Methods and Metrics Get Better

Bug Prevention and Early Detection

Because the emphasis is now on the quality of the deliverable (and not on how many bugs you found along the way), prevention practices and detection tools, such as static analyzers, are mainstream.

Simulation in Testing

Simulation tools become common, making it easy to “fake” computer environments. Testing for exceptions and error paths now happens early in the development process. After the code has stabilized, real environments verify that the simulations were accurate.

Just-in-time Test Cases

Massive test case management systems are a thing of the past. Most tests are generated on the fly. Test cases are no longer stored away like rotting inventory, so it is easy to keep tests up to date. 

Positive Metrics

Misleading metrics, such as bug counts and test case counts, are dead. Useful metrics, such as spec coverage, model coverage, and code coverage, drive the projects.

Fewer Testers, Better Testers

Machines now perform much of the mundane work that testers previously did creating tests. Teams require fewer testers, and the testers who remain are more highly trained. Their work is more interesting to them because they are focused on bigger issues in their tests rather than slogging through grunt work.

More Tests, Better Tests

Testers can now generate millions of tests on any day, so the challenge becomes how to run the most useful tests first. Combinatorial tools allow testers to prioritize their testing and aim their test runs at the areas most likely to have significant bugs.

Roles Will Change for Testers

Distinctions Blur in Testing

Work in the testing field blurs the line between people who only specialize in hands-on testing and those who only create test tools. A new specialty emerges that encompasses both "testers who like to break things via programs" and "programmers who like to create programs that break things" – people in newsgroups debate endlessly about what to call the new specialty.

Boundaries Blur Between Testing and Development

Testers and developers work in tandem to produce testable, high-quality code. Testers help iron out spec issues to make the developer's job easier, and developers create cleaner, more testable code to make the tester's job easier.

Feedback from Customers Becomes Integrated with Testing

The quality of deliverables becomes higher. Testers routinely conduct root cause analyses. We ask questions such as "How did we miss this bug?" and "How can we prevent this type of bug in the future?" We work to delight our customers.

New Challenges Emerge

The sophisticated and interconnected environment of the computing world guarantees that new problems such as security testing continue to keep testers running hard. This is OK—testers find these challenges invigorating.

Testers Get Respect

Testers are no longer called in at the last moment to "pound on the product." They provide a visible, vital, value-added service throughout the software development process. People realize that testing can be rewarding, interesting, and even fun. 

Testing Gets Trendy

Software testers start to hold their heads high. And, because breaking stuff is at least as much fun as building it, people begin to rotate between positions in development and testing. Everyone learns more about what makes good code.

Adrenaline Junkies Move On

The new process works so well that spec writers, developers, and testers end up having lives. This is disconcerting to some who were raised in the adrenaline-charged world of late-night, last-minute, firefighting sessions. These people gravitate to companies that remain out of control.

Elvis Presley Is Discovered Working as a Software Tester

The giveaway is his conference paper titled “Software Quality: It’s Now or Never”. 

Prepare for the future today

Whether or not my predictions come true, the future is on its way. Here are five ideas for how you can prepare to meet it:

1. Get Actively Dissatisfied

Don't accept the current state of testing. Look around and think, "What are we doing that makes no sense?"

2. Push the Envelope

Figure out how to test better and share that knowledge. Overall quality will improve only if everyone seeks to make the code they are working on the best it can be.

3. Learn More about Testing

At this moment, the industry is exploding with innovative software testing ideas. Go to conferences, join mailing lists, and scour the Web to see what is happening on the cutting edge of testing.

4. Learn More about Development

Take a programming class. Even if you don't plan to write significant amounts of code, view the class as a reconnaissance flight over bug territory.

5. Change the World!

As PC pioneer Alan Kay said: "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

For more info:

On executable specs: “Executable Specifications: Creating Testable, Enforceable Designs”

On model-based testing: “Intelligent Test Automation”

On system simulation: “Software’s Invisible Users”

About the Author Harry Robinson is Test Architect for Microsoft's Enterprise Management Division. In addition to his day job, he teaches classes on advanced software test automation and is a driving force behind Microsoft's model-based testing initiative. He has been at Microsoft for five years and has a Bachelors and Masters in Electrical Engineering. You can reach him atharryr@microsoft.com.




   摘要:一年将尽,心理学家或者一些博学者们,又将对2004年或者更久的将来作出预测。在这次的周末专栏中,Harry Robinson将向我们讲述他对测试未来的预测。

 “预测是件很难的事情,尤其是预测未来” —Yogi Berra

   每年十二月,小报的“未来预测者”们会向大家切揭示即将到来的一年将要发生的事情:“麦丹娜将要乘坐航天飞机”,“美国将迁都 Wichita”,等等。我将加入这个潮流,对软件测试何去何从做一个我自己的预测。并且我希望,我的预测费用能够比我的那些值得尊敬的小报同事更高些。


















   因为现在把重点放在产品交付的质量上来了(而不是在于找到了多少BUG), 预防实践和静态分析仪这样的检测工具将成为主流.


























    Elvis Presley是一个软件测试员













    正如PC先驱Alan Kay所言:“预测未来的最好方式就是开创未来”




TAG: Testing change during rapid

引用 删除 uyin1243   /   2011-05-05 08:53:55
引用 删除 dhy   /   2007-06-19 18:29:39
Thank you!I just need a paper about Software Testing in english.Thank you very much!




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