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Formal Technical Reviews

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-04-19 13:18:22 / 个人分类:Testing

Formal Technical Reviews

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SV%KWT-|@ ^0Formal Technical Reviews (FTR) are processes used to improve work products through team effort. Any deliverable that is produced during the development life-cycle is eligible to be reviewed and should be at an early stage, beginning in the specification stage and recurring at each identifiable milestone.
5|6k+{p-w!ZLWc$q0A descrīption of the review process as implemented at Fermilab is available as well as a list of reviews that have been held. Many additional references are available. Unless otherwise stated all Fermi FTR documentation will include the symbol shown at the top of this page to distinguish it from outside information.

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The following guidelines should help in setting up an FTR:51Testing软件测试网7Q%@$F F q m?*t[#r
1. Choose the work product to be reviewed.
&a Q5Ga)r02. Determine the type of FTR to use.51Testing软件测试网Xt-A A;c
3. Follow the descrīption of the specific FTR in question.51Testing软件测试网/wk.L1{t`


It is important to remember when determining the type of FTR to use that no process will work for every organization. Feedback to the review process is an important part of having a process. The process evolves as experience and participant comments are folded back into it. In some sense it is not only the work product which is being reviewed but the review process as well. What is important is to develop an FTR process that works for your organization and to stick with that process when performing a review.51Testing软件测试网0gd[ I:o Hk

TAG: Formal Technical Review Testing





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  • 更新时间: 2007-12-31


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