“-------不论你能够做什么,或是在梦想什么……开始去做就是。勇敢中包含了天赋、能力和魔力。 ——歌德”

ten years(三)

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-09-16 14:39:11 / 个人分类:英语学习

爱情 Love
V fB Z2@-V"H&\J0
H9pt0Lts4D_8H"_0十年前你是我的同桌            10 years ago, you were my deskmate,
2ls6GAdL,iW]0十年后你成了别人的妻子        10 years later, you become the wife of the other guy. 51Testing软件测试网)D.e^KAL

'ho8@XL0uK0十年前我唱着同桌的你      10 years ago, I sang My Deskmate for you,
Uk+l%IF2K0J#L0十年后我想着同桌的你          10 years later, I am thinking of you my dear deskmate. 51Testing软件测试网1M @%}/gGA V

w;x#x%\4_ Rf0十年前我们面对的唯一问题是考试 10 years ago, the only problem we faced was exam, 51Testing软件测试网X.@:BP0ol Pz5E_9e
十年后我们除了考试所有的问题都要面对 10 years later, we have to face all except for exam.
十年前我在你家楼下记住了你嫣然的回眸一笑 10 years ago, I remembered your sweet smile at me at your downstairs; 51Testing软件测试网*P8h i] lx L;W
十年后我在你家楼下看到你训斥孩子的严厉面孔 10 years later, I unwittingly saw you nagging at your child with a stony face at your downstairs. 51Testing软件测试网S.Z D0qh9`%h~

f;R7P:EB1j0十年前我渴望马上结婚 10 years ago, I yearned for marriage at every moment;
`&jV s+t+z0Dbt!m6p`0十年后我渴望再谈一次恋爱 10 years later, I am longing to fall in love one more time.
十年前我们谈及爱情,总是羞涩 10 years ago, we felt shy when talking about love;
H1x)Jc3XK~C.f0十年后我们谈及爱情,却是生涩 10 years later, awkward only can be seen on our face when talking about love.
*e+p3T D.P9V%T*S0十年前我渴望爱情,但不知道什么是爱情 10 years ago, I yearned for love but didn’t know what true love was; 51Testing软件测试网qg9rBh+}"ezf
十年后我知道了什么是爱情,却不再拥有爱情 10 years later, I have know what love is but 51Testing软件测试网WN[F1Zy

Aje.K%o0十年前我喜欢漂亮女生 10 years ago, I like girls with nice appearances; 51Testing软件测试网o@a[7a6|5EG ?-]0E
十年后我家有丑妻 10 years later, I have an ugly wife at home.
T t&[j HP:^qUFQ0
l$R,X;|c$g@Y!pY0十年前我有了初恋 10 years ago, I fell in love first time;
zE |$H:oJ0十年后我有了初次离婚 10 years later, I am divorced for the first time. 51Testing软件测试网!gUJv|;z


TAG: 流年





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  • 访问量: 21104
  • 日志数: 48
  • 文件数: 2
  • 书签数: 7
  • 建立时间: 2008-09-13
  • 更新时间: 2009-05-06


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