“-------不论你能够做什么,或是在梦想什么……开始去做就是。勇敢中包含了天赋、能力和魔力。 ——歌德”

ten years(二)

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-09-16 14:36:23 / 个人分类:英语学习

8[K^C)Ld$U:TW051Testing软件测试网&o%U#Ak j

ox Z]L:^rzM0生活 Life


HYk(q-Qp9N'L%j0十年前我骑着自行车,吹着欢快的口哨,走在回家的路上 10 years ago, I rode to home whistling brightly;51Testing软件测试网!tM#N3ns9PZ Y
十年后我开着私家车,接着不断的电话,走在应酬的路上 10 years later, I drive on road bounding for social intercourse answering phones in succession.51Testing软件测试网]9k$JE$`xF;W

A'\g a$[5{*t6Ej}0十年前我渴望住进五星饭店 10 years ago, I dreamed of staying in a five star hotel;51Testing软件测试网\+b.U+s0~\ Q.}
十年后我住进五星饭店,却想回家 10 years later, I am longing to return home even if living in a five star hotel.51Testing软件测试网N4Y:x*g6V

;_'k.Z!vP3_0十年前我渴望坐一次飞机 10 years ago, I yearned for traveling by air once;
-i0V_j4xWh$S0十年后我最害怕的就是坐飞机 10 years later, I am afraid of taking plane most.51Testing软件测试网1WK)E.SS nY

0Q-uM&n6qLf0十年前我踢完球,走过咖啡屋的窗前,希望女生对面的男生是我 10 years ago, I hoped that I was the boy sitting opposite the girl when I passed by the window of coffee shop after playing football;
i,GJKJ%[Q1oNu0十年后我望见咖啡屋外走过的刚刚踢过球的孩子,希望我是其中一个 10 years later, I hope I am that boy who passes by the window of the coffee shop just now after playing football.51Testing软件测试网)G[G M3c'{ Q7q

;e#Lt7qrv%{Ay0十年前吃着家乡菜没有滋味 10 years ago, native dishes are tasteless to me;51Testing软件测试网FfH!JZw+A
十年后除了家乡菜吃不出滋味 10 years later, I have no taste for all foods except for native dishes.

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十年前我凭借自己的腰好,是排球队的主力 10 years ago, I was the main force of volleyball team due to my healthy waist;
+nR1U[ h XJ0十年后我得了腰间盘突出 10 years later, I am diagnosed as kidney basin protrusion

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十年前我们被父母和老师逼到课桌前,认真听讲 10 years ago, I was forced to sit at the desk and attend a lecture carefully by parents and teacher;51Testing软件测试网1exUnvg
十年后我想再次听讲,却找不到课桌 10 years later, I want to attend a lecture again but can not find a desk.51Testing软件测试网3_Wer {c-s?2n9@ K

}r_F^]qIl0十年前我鄙视饭店门前的酒鬼,发誓一辈子也不喝酒 10 years ago, I despised of drunkard in front of restaurant gate and sworn not drinking alcoholic all my life; 
wI%|}!]~;\w*@,Y X4W0十年后我就是饭店门前的那个酒鬼 10 years later, I become that drunkard.

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十年前我渴望有朝一日坐上自己的私家车,不再走路 10 years ago, I dreamed of driving my own car some day and no longer walk- ing on foot;51Testing软件测试网}Y%Gk)EC
十年后我渴望走路,不再开私家车 10 years later, I prefer walking on foot to driving self-owned car.

Nu a Df051Testing软件测试网 z X,X1iTE

十年前我碰女生一下,都有脸红 10 years ago, I felt blushed when touching a girl;
?C"ZD0`y!V |0十年后我成了性骚扰的控诉对象 10 years later, I am accused of sexual harassment.


)\{ v4W C,Q0n0十年前我不知道什么是小姐 10 years ago, I did not know what streetwalker means;51Testing软件测试网$Ko z7lP*w&D?
十年后小姐成了我唯一的倾诉对象 10 years later, I can only unburden myself to a call girl.


t&}N&}1C+TH'm^0十年前我希望显露出的是成熟 10 years ago, I hoped to grow up and be mature;51Testing软件测试网/hUr Y4v K3d
十年后我去美容,希望青春永驻 10 years later, I go to beauty salon fancying for perennial youth.51Testing软件测试网*Y*L6sLC0q1T


十年前我顿顿想着吃肉 10 years ago, I craved for eating meat with every meal;51Testing软件测试网#_{!q}7S
十年后我顿顿想着吃青菜 10 years later, I crave for vegetables with every meal.51Testing软件测试网3?)GUA+M.y)G7N)Tz-\
51Testing软件测试网Nf v+J`p


TAG: 流年





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  • 访问量: 20895
  • 日志数: 48
  • 文件数: 2
  • 书签数: 7
  • 建立时间: 2008-09-13
  • 更新时间: 2009-05-06


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