圣灵所结的果子,就是仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、温柔、节制。这样 的事没有律法禁止。- 加拉太書 5:22-23

Double Trouble

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-11-06 04:50:35 / 天气: 冷 / 心情: 郁闷 / 个人分类:日记

Getting a job is good. What about getting two?
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(Z3UUQ g8f#V;W!t a6L0I am a part time table games dealer working in a casino. I do it for fun and I love that job very much. On a Blackjack table, whenever a patron gets two Aces on the first cards, they are supposed to double down on each Ace. People will say double trouble in this situation. If you don't understand anything about casino table games, you probably won't understand what I mean by the expression "double trouble". But you will know what I mean when you keep reading.
My family lives in Toronto, Ontario. I have a lovely wife, two beautiful daughters and a very naughty little son. Yes, my portrait picture is my son. I love my family. As I mentioned last week, I started a new job in Montreal, Quebec. The salary is not very good but I was still happy. I have to leave my family and came to work on my own. After my probation period, I will consider to relocate my family. I am getting training right now. It is a big company and good projects.
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This city and this company seem to me a little slow and lack of energy. A little boring. Maybe it is because I don't know French. But this is a permanent position. I can settle down if I want. I have been dreaming about it for years.
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Now here comes the double trouble. I got another offer from New York City in the US. This is a very challenging position, newer technology, better environment. The salary is very very high, more than double the salary here in Montreal. I can fly back and forth every week and still make more money than here. But that job is temporary, 6 months contract. New York is a very dynamic city and English only. After 6 months, am I able to find a job at least as good as the job here in Montreal? I have been struggling to make the decision since I got both of job offers. No final decision has been made yet! It's killing me. Too many things are involved into the consideration. Family, location, salary, experience gaining, professional growth, English, French, working environment, giving up the casino job, and so on and on and on ...
I prayed and prayed. I have been asking God to tell me the direction. Anyone here, please give me any advice after reading this! help!51Testing软件测试网Z7n;`4i|v(|

TAG: 日记






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  • 访问量: 3778
  • 日志数: 8
  • 文件数: 1
  • 建立时间: 2007-05-18
  • 更新时间: 2007-11-06


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