Interview Questions 221

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-06-23 15:17:49 / 个人分类:shell脚本基础

27. What do you do on the job every day? What is the first thing you go when you go to work on a day? (What is your routine job?)

Answer: Go to work, have a cup of coffee (coffee is free in any work place), then check emails. I will check in my calendar whether there is any meeting for the day. If there is anything urgent work that needs to take care of, then I will start with that job. Otherwise, I will start what is left from yesterday on a priority basis.

(This question was asked to one of my friends while he was attending interview in one of the companies. When they asked him this question, his answer was, he said, “I start testing”. This was his wrong answer. The answer varies in which phase of testing the application is. If the application is in very beginning state-meaning that the coding has just begun, then the tester’s job will be to analyze and read the requirement documents, write test plans and write test cases. Probably attend walkthrough meeting and so on. However, the daily routine job would be, as mentioned above, check emails, read documents, attend meeting and so on. It’s not that as soon as you enter the office, you start testing)

What do you do if you have any questions to ask? Who do you ask?

At the beginning, we all panic, what kind of questions to ask? What if they ask questions that I don’t know? Is it OK to ask questions? What do I do if I don’t know how to do the job I am assigned to? and so on.





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