
  • Interview Questions 221

    2010-06-23 15:17:49

    27. What do you do on the job every day? What is the first thing you go when you go to work on a day? (What is your routine job?)

    Answer: Go to work, have a cup of coffee (coffee is free in any work place), then check emails. I will check in my calendar whether there is any meeting for the day. If there is anything urgent work that needs to take care of, then I will start with that job. Otherwise, I will start what is left from yesterday on a priority basis.

    (This question was asked to one of my friends while he was attending interview in one of the companies. When they asked him this question, his answer was, he said, “I start testing”. This was his wrong answer. The answer varies in which phase of testing the application is. If the application is in very beginning state-meaning that the coding has just begun, then the tester’s job will be to analyze and read the requirement documents, write test plans and write test cases. Probably attend walkthrough meeting and so on. However, the daily routine job would be, as mentioned above, check emails, read documents, attend meeting and so on. It’s not that as soon as you enter the office, you start testing)

    What do you do if you have any questions to ask? Who do you ask?

    At the beginning, we all panic, what kind of questions to ask? What if they ask questions that I don’t know? Is it OK to ask questions? What do I do if I don’t know how to do the job I am assigned to? and so on.

  • shell命令脚本程序3

    2009-08-21 17:37:39

    比较参数比较情况0 1
    - e q 表达式相等吗? 是否
    - n e 表达式相等吗? 否是
    - l t 哪一个表达式比较小? 第一个第二个
    - g t 哪一个表达式比较大? 第一个第二个
    - l e 第一个表达式小于或者是否
    - g e 第一个表达式大于或者是否
  • shell命令脚本程序2

    2009-08-21 17:37:12

    测试参数测试情况0 1
    - d 它是一个目录吗? 是否
    - f 它是一个普通文件吗? 是否
    - g 文件的s e t g i d位已经被置位了吗? 是否
    - k 文件的s t i c k y位已经被置位了吗? 是否
    - p 它是一个管道或者F I F O文件吗? 是否
    - r 文件是可读的吗? 是否
    - s 文件中有内容吗? 是否
    - u 文件的s e t u i d位已经被置位了吗? 是否
    - w 文件是可写的吗? 是否
    - x 文件是可执行的吗?或者目录是否
    - G 它与s h e l l的拥有者是属于同一个是否
    分组I D的吗?
    - L 它是一个符号链接吗? 是否
    - O 它是由s h e l l的用户I D所拥有的吗? 是否
    - S 它是一个套接字吗? 是否

    测试参数测试情况0 1
    - n 是非空字符串? 是否
    - z 是空字符串? 是否

    比较参数比较情况0 1
    - n t 哪一个文件比较新? 文件1比较新文件2比较新
    - o t 哪一个文件比较旧? 文件1比较旧文件2比较旧
    - e f 它们是同一个文件吗? 是,它们是同一个否,它们不是同一个

    比较参数比较情况0 1
    = 字符串与模板匹配吗? 是否
    ! = 字符串与模板不相同吗? 是否
    < 按照字母表顺序,前一个字符串是否
    > 按照字母表顺序,后一个字符串比是否

  • shell命令脚本程序1

    2009-08-21 17:35:41

    1) 首先,决定把命令脚本程序解释器运行在哪一种s h e l l环境下。
    2) 在开始编程之前,首先需要确定在命令行提示符完成这个工作通常都会用到哪些命令。
    1. 直接赋值
    variable = value
    2. 通过命令给变量赋值
    variable = ' command '


    在命令脚本程序中你可以提示用户输入不要的信息。先使用e c h o命令(请阅读1 8 . 2 . 1 7节
    中的内容)显示提示信息。然后按照下面的格式使用r e a d命令:
    read v a r i a b l e _ n a m e
    r e a d命令告诉命令脚本程序暂停执行,等待用户的输入;用户按下回车键结束输入后命令

    i f 这类语句的开始部分是
    f i 这类语句的结束部分是
    t h e n 如果i f语句为真的话,需要执行的任务是
    e l s e 如果i f语句为假的话,需要执行的任务否
    e l i f 意思是“ else if”。如果第一个i f语句否
    为假,开始假如接下来的这个i f语句

    测试参数测试情况0 1
    - a 文件存在吗? 是否
    - b 它是一个块设备文件吗? 是否
    - c 它是一个字符设备文件吗? 是否

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