
使用Python Nmap不出Https踩到的坑

发表于:2016-9-19 11:35

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 作者:屌丝归档笔记    来源:51Testing软件测试网采编

  仔细测试了好几次都是这样子。后来果断的不服气,仔细看了下扫描的参数。发现python-nmap调用的时候会强制加上-ox -这个参数
  nmap -p T:443 -Pn -sV --script=banner
nmap -oX - -p T:443 -Pn -sV --script=banner
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE nmaprun>
<?xml-stylesheet href="file:///usr/local/bin/../share/nmap/nmap.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<!-- Nmap 7.12 scan initiated Thu Sep  1 00:02:07 2016 as: nmap -oX - -p T:443 -Pn -sV --script=banner -->
<nmaprun scanner="nmap" args="nmap -oX - -p T:443 -Pn -sV --script=banner" start="1472659327" startstr="Thu Sep  1 00:02:07 2016" version="7.12" xmloutputversion="1.04">
<scaninfo type="connect" protocol="tcp" numservices="1" services="443"/>
<verbose level="0"/>
<debugging level="0"/>
<host starttime="1472659328" endtime="1472659364"><status state="up" reason="user-set" reason_ttl="0"/>
<address addr="" addrtype="ipv4"/>
<hostname name="ack.nmap.org" type="PTR"/>
<ports><port protocol="tcp" portid="443"><state state="open" reason="syn-ack" reason_ttl="0"/><service name="http" product="Apache httpd" version="2.4.6" extrainfo="(CentOS)" tunnel="ssl" method="probed" conf="10"><cpe>cpe:/a:apache:http_server:2.4.6</cpe></service><script id="http-server-header" output="Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS)"><elem>Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS)</elem>
<times srtt="191238" rttvar="191238" to="956190"/>
<runstats><finished time="1472659364" timestr="Thu Sep  1 00:02:44 2016" elapsed="36.65" summary="Nmap done at Thu Sep  1 00:02:44 2016; 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 36.65 seconds" exit="success"/><hosts up="1" down="0" total="1"/>
for dport in dhost.findall('ports/port'):
# protocol
proto = dport.get('protocol')
# port number converted as integer
port =  int(dport.get('portid'))
# state of the port
state = dport.find('state').get('state')
# reason
reason = dport.find('state').get('reason')
# name, product, version, extra info and conf if any
name = product = version = extrainfo = conf = cpe = ''
for dname in dport.findall('service'):
name = dname.get('name')
if dname.get('product'):
product = dname.get('product')
if dname.get('version'):
version = dname.get('version')
if dname.get('extrainfo'):
extrainfo = dname.get('extrainfo')
if dname.get('conf'):
conf = dname.get('conf')
for dcpe in dname.findall('cpe'):
cpe = dcpe.text
# store everything
if not proto in list(scan_result['scan'][host].keys()):
scan_result['scan'][host][proto] = {}
scan_result['scan'][host][proto][port] = {'state': state,
'reason': reason,
'name': name,
'product': product,
'version': version,
'extrainfo': extrainfo,
'conf': conf,
'cpe': cpe}
  试想下如果把 name 以及 tunnel 取出来同时匹配不就好了。于是对此进行修改。410-440行
name = product = version = extrainfo = conf = cpe = tunnel =''
for dname in dport.findall('service'):
name = dname.get('name')
if dname.get('product'):
product = dname.get('product')
if dname.get('version'):
version = dname.get('version')
if dname.get('extrainfo'):
extrainfo = dname.get('extrainfo')
if dname.get('conf'):
conf = dname.get('conf')
if dname.get('tunnel'):
tunnel = dname.get('tunnel')
for dcpe in dname.findall('cpe'):
cpe = dcpe.text
# store everything
if not proto in list(scan_result['scan'][host].keys()):
scan_result['scan'][host][proto] = {}
scan_result['scan'][host][proto][port] = {'state': state,
'reason': reason,
'name': name,
'product': product,
'version': version,
'extrainfo': extrainfo,
'conf': conf,
'cpe': cpe}
  还有在654-670行里面增加我们添加的 tunnel
csv_ouput = csv.writer(fd, delimiter=';')
csv_header = [
  然后我们import这个文件。在获取的内容里面进行判断.如果 name 为 http 的同时 tunnel 为 ssl ,则判断为https
for targetHost in scanner.all_hosts():
if scanner[targetHost].state() == 'up' and scanner[targetHost]['tcp']:
for targetport in scanner[targetHost]['tcp']:
if scanner[targetHost]['tcp'][int(targetport)]['state'] == 'open' and scanner[targetHost]['tcp'][int(targetport)]['product']!='tcpwrapped':
if scanner[targetHost]['tcp'][int(targetport)]['name']=='http' and scanner[targetHost]['tcp'][int(targetport)]['tunnel'] == 'ssl':
scanner[targetHost]['tcp'][int(targetport)]['name'] = 'https'
scanner[targetHost]['tcp'][int(targetport)]['name'] = scanner[targetHost]['tcp'][int(targetport)]['name']
print(domain+'\t'+targetHosts+'\t'+str(targetport) + '\t' + scanner[targetHost]['tcp'][int(targetport)]['name'] + '\t' + scanner[targetHost]['tcp'][int(targetport)]['product']+scanner[targetHost]['tcp'][int(targetport)]['version'])
#if scanner[targetHost]['tcp'][int(targetport)]['name'] in ["https","http"]:



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