

发表于:2021-1-04 10:08

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 作者:dongfanger_    来源:博客园

  【Airborne】: an API automation testing tool used for testing Rest APIs.
  【API Science】: allows monitoring the health, availability, and performance of web APIs.
  【Apigee】: a cross-cloud API testing tool. It allows the user to measure and test API performance, supports and build API using other editors like Swagger.
  【APIpray Inspector】: allows monitoring the API during the design phase by capturing both request and response.
  【charles】: an HTTP proxy / HTTP monitor / Reverse Proxy that enables a developer to view all of the HTTP and SSL / HTTPS traffic between their machine and the Internet.
  【CRAP-API】: 完全开源、免费的API协作管理系统。
  【Eolinker】: API管理平台。
  【fiddler】: a free web debugging tool which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet.
  【Hippie-Swagger】: a tool for testing RESTful APIs.
  【HttpClient】: providing an efficient, up-to-date, and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent HTTP standards and recommendations.
  【HttpMaster】: Practical and easy-to-use software tool for testing http applications and services.
  【HttpRunner】: 面向 HTTP(S) 协议的通用测试框架,只需编写维护一份YAML/JSON脚本,即可实现自动化测试性能测试、线上监控、持续集成等多种测试需求。
  【httpwatch】: integrates with Internet Explorer and Google Chrome to provide unrivaled levels of HTTP monitoring, without the need for separately configured proxies or network sniffers.
  【Insomnia】: Design and debug APIs like a human, not a robot.
  【mitmproxy】: your swiss-army knife for debugging, testing, privacy measurements, and penetration testing.
  【Poster】: Firefox浏览器的一个插件,主要用来模拟发并HTTP请求。
  【postman】: a collaboration platform for API development. You can use Postman to design, build, and test APIs in conjunction with your teammates, and to support developer adoption.
  【Postwoman】: A free, fast and beautiful API request builder (web alternative to Postman).
  【Pyresttest】: a Python-based REST API testing platform.It supports tests in JSON or YAML config files.
  【requests】: an elegant and simple HTTP library for Python, built for human beings.
  【ReST Console】: A simple ReST console for IntelliJ.Create and test network calls using OK HTTP.Supports import of requests in Charles Proxy XML format, and DHC Json format.
  【rest-assured】: Testing and validation of REST services in Java is harder than in dynamic languages such as Ruby and Groovy. REST Assured brings the simplicity of using these languages into the Java domain.
  【Robot Framework】: a generic open source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation (RPA)。
  【SOAPSonar】: an API testing and diagnostics platform for SOAP, XML, REST-based web services.
  【Soatest】: a testing tool that is used to validate the API-driven application.
  【SoupUI】: SoapUI is the world's most widely-used automated testing tool for SOAP and REST APIs.
  【Spring Cloud Contract】: an umbrella project holding solutions that help users in successfully implementing the Consumer Driven Contracts approach.
  【Taurus】: It makes sense to automate anything you repeat 10+ times.Taurus improves experience of JMeter, Selenium and others.
  【Tricentis】: a robust web services testing tool.
  【vREST】: An effective online tool for automated REST API Testing. It also provides automated recording of REST / RESTful / HTTP APIs.HttpMaster
  【WebApiTestClient】: A simple Test Client built on top of ASP.NET Web API Help Page.
  【YApi】: 高效、易用、功能强大的 api 管理平台,旨在为开发、产品、测试人员提供更优雅的接口管理服务。




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