
Bitnami Redmine备份升级步骤

发表于:2016-7-15 11:09

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 作者:LustForLife    来源:51Testing软件测试网采编

  Follow these steps:
  Stop all servers using the shortcuts in the Start Menu or the graphical manager tool.
  Create a compressed file with the stack contents. You can use a graphical tool like 7-Zip or WinZip.
  Stop all servers using the shortcuts in the Start Menu or the graphical manager tool.
  Bitnami stacks are self-contained, so to restore a stack, you only need to uncompress the backup file in the same location. It is important to use the same path that was used when the stack was originally installed.
  Follow these steps:
  Uncompress the backup file to the original directory.
  Install services by launching a new command prompt and executing the following commands. Administrator privileges are required.
  $ cd installdir
  $ serviceinstall.bat INSTALL
  You can now start or stop servers using the graphical manager tool.
  未完整安装redmine 3.3.0,完整安装里包括了mysql、apache、phpadmin等模块,实际只下载安装了Redmine模块,安装时需要选择原来的安装路径,安装完成后设置用户名和密码,登陆进去后所有数据信息全在,自定义字段也支持Drag and drop,That's great!



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