
  • 构建可被QTP设别的FLEX 项目环境

    2008-11-12 16:13:06

    A  Prerequisites

    Ø       Mercury QuickTest Professional 9.1(QA)

    Ø       Flex_Automation_Installer.exe (Flex Plug-in)(DEV and QA)

    Ø       Flash Player ActiveX control, version,Debug Version(QA)


    B   Installation and Configuration

    1.      Install QuickTest Professional 9.1, after installation completed restart the computer as is prompted.

    2.      Install Flex_Automation_Installer.exe,

    3.      Configure TEAFlexCustom.xml for customized component that directly extends UIComponent.

    C      Installation and Configuration

    1.        Install Flex Builder 2

    2.        Install Flex Automation Package (download from http://www.adobe.com/go/tryflex)

    3.        Copy flex automation library files to Flex Builder library

    Ø       Copy automation_agent.swc and qtp.swc files

    from C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Automation\frameworks\libs

    to    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\libs


    Ø       Copy automation_agent_rb.swc file

    from C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Automation\frameworks\locale\en_US

    to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\locale\en_US

    1.        Select a flex project you want to enable automation testing. In the menu, select Project>Properties. And Select Flex Compiler in the properties window and add the following line in the Additional compiler arguments field, to include the automation library files.


    -include-libraries "c:\program files\adobe\flex builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\libs\automation.swc" "c:\program files\adobe\flex builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\libs\automation_agent.swc" "c:\program files\adobe\flex builder 2\Flex SDK 2\frameworks\libs\qtp.swc"



    1.        Apply the changes and rebuild the project. The application is now ready with QTP test automation support. (PS: the application SWF with QTP test automation support is about 200k larger than original one. We may need to prepare two versions in order not to lose performance in production)




  • 访问量: 1161
  • 日志数: 1
  • 建立时间: 2008-11-12
  • 更新时间: 2008-11-12


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