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如何使用FireFox 登陆QC8.2

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-03-05 11:52:38 / 个人分类:学习笔记

Recently, one of my customer has met such problem:
He is trying to use FireFox to login QC8.2. as we all know that QC8.2 only support for IE6, and fortunately, we had found a add-in for Firefox2.0, here is the way to solve it:
1,download the file “”
2,then rename the file as this format: “mozactivex-ff-15.xpi”
3,open FireFox, and then input “about:config” in the URL.
4,drag the file “mozactivex-ff-15.xpi” into the browser FireFox, browser will ask you whether you want to install the file. just install it.
5,find the Preference named “security_classID_allowByDefault” under list, then double click its status from false to true.

6, You can log on the QC8.2 By FireFox now.


TAG: FireFox 学习笔记

ryanfortest的个人空间 引用 删除 ryanfortest   /   2012-01-08 14:56:02



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