
QA workflow for exchanged project

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-03-18 20:48:52 / 个人分类:QA Manage

Recently, I analyzed and summarized the experience on working for QA exchanged project, give a share for all.
Workflow for project testing, and clarify the responsibilities to project owner and tester.

  • Project owner should learn of PRD, clarify all requirements.
  • Review PRD with developers and PM at the beginning of the project, to figure out the issue of design, and make a common sense to the PRD
  • Project owner should build the test plan.
  • Tester responsibilities:
  1. Each tester should learn about PRD of separated different functions before testing, but focusing on different function's testing in different iterations, and expand the function scenarios.
  2. Each tester should focus on different functions testing in different iteration in the project processing, and should cover all functions at the end of the project process.
  3. Run the test case and report the bugs.
  • Project owner responsibilities:
  1. Project owner should distribute different function tasks list to testers as MS OneNote format (currently);
  2. Daily review bugs with tester;
  3. Daily report for current project testing status to Team Leader;
  4. Give iteration testing report to project group, including developer, to clarify the project status to all members, and improve the confidence of developers for the project.
  5. Report the need of testers.
  • For added new features and updated features (via email, document, or Team System task, and so on), project owner should make a collection and make an associated to the PRD with updated time.
  • Project owner should update the test cases in time, and all the testers should follow the test plan on their testing.
  • Prepare automatic test cases for Smoking testing on the project process
  • On the project process, if the develop can provide a finished task list to QA, that would make the test work in high efficiency.





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