

  • Recorder for WATiR

    2007-11-29 10:14:01

    Scott Hanselman and Rutger Smit, improved and re-released the original WatirMaker with new name WatirRecorder++. Its a Windows Application that compiles and runs on .NET version 1.1. So to run this recorder you need to have .NET framework 1.1 installed on your machine. Upgraded version for .NET platform 2.0 will be released soon by the authors.

    You can download the tool here.
  • 如何在 Watir 中识别各种 HTML 对象

    2007-11-27 19:16:01

    The HTML Elements that are currently supported include:

    button <input> tags with type=button, submit, image or reset
    radio <input> tags with the type=radio; known as radio buttons
    check_box <input> tags with type=checkbox
    text_field <input> tags with the type=text (single-line), type=textarea (multi-line), and type=password
    hidden <input> tags with type=hidden
    select_list <select> tags, known as drop-downs or drop-down lists
    label <label> tags (including "for" attribute)
    span <span> tags
    div <div> tags
    p <p> (paragraph) tags
    link <a> (anchor) tags
    table <table> tags, including row and cell methods for accessing nested elements.
    image <img> tags
    form <form> tags
    frame frames, including both the <frame> elements and the corresponding pages.
    map <map> tags
    area <area> tags
    li <li> tags

    :id Used to find an element that has an "id=" attribute. Since each id should be unique, according to the XHTML specification, this is recommended as the most reliable method to find an object. *
    :name Used to find an element that has a "name=" attribute. This is useful for older versions of HTML, but "name" is deprecated in XHTML. *
    :value Used to find a text field with a given default value, or a button with a given caption, or a text field
    :text Used for links, spans, divs and other element that contain text.
    :index Used to find the nth element of the specified type on a page. For example, button(:index, 2) finds the second button. Current versions of WATIR use 1-based indexing, but future versions will use 0-based indexing.
    :class Used for an element that has a "class=" attribute.
    :title Used for an element that has a "title=" attribute.
    :xpath Finds the item using xpath query.
    :method Used only for forms, the method attribute of a form is either GET or POST.
    :action Used only for form elements, specifies the URL where the form is to be submitted.
    :href Used to identify a link by its "href=" attribute.
    :src Used to identify an image by its URL.

    * :id and :name are the quickest of these to process, and so should be used when possible to speed up scrīpts.

    Supported Methods by Element

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