
  • web应用程序安全测试-part2(原创翻译)

    2007-12-03 11:50:34




    ü  嵌入在html源码里的注释和敏感信息

    ü  服务器和http响应而产生的错误信息

    ü  应用程序错误信息












     Web Application Security Testing - Part 2


    I hope that you have already read first part of this article and familiar with the concept of how web applications are different from traditional client-server applications. If you have not, you might find it useful to read Part-1 as well.


    In this part we will explore what kind of information is available to the client? What kind of information can be gathered from the pages which client can access? How validation is important to ensure proper security for the web application? What are cookies and how web applications use them?

    It is very important in web application security testing to gather as much information about your application as you can. You need to find out how people outside your organization will access your web application and what kind of information they can access. Typical information that will be available to any person outside your organization could be categorized as


        * Comments & Sensitive information embedded in the HTML source code

        * Error messages generated at the server and HTTP response returned.

        * Application error message


    During web application development, it is very important to think about these aspects. Comments or sensitive information can be very useful for you while developing and maintaining the code, but if it is accessed by malicious user it can be dangerous. Similarly, detailed error messages given to improve usability can results in the security loophole.


    HTML source present on the client side can be an excellent source of information for the attacker. It is very easy for everyone to view HTML source code and since it is not compiled, there is no way to hide HTML comments. For testing web applications for security, you should look for the sensitive information like passwords, usernames, database names, connection strings etc. As a person responsible for security testing you need to make sure that sensitive information is not present in the HTML source code.


    In order to start attack on any web application, it is important to know how its pages can be accessed, what kind of data and parameters are passed from one page to another. You can keep an eye on the URL for this purpose and look for key-value pairs.  You should always consider creating page map of your site containing this information. You can use tool or can create it manually by navigating to all the pages and making appropriate maps. After you have created this page map, you can search HTML source for specific strings containing information related to HTML comments, Application Comments, IP Address, E-Mail Address, SQL Queries, Database Connection Strings, Hidden input fields etc.


    If you try to change parameters selected during this process and resubmit the request, you can find interesting information in error messages. Sometimes server or application throws overly helpful error messages which can give subtle hints to the attackers.  For example on supplying invalid password during login process if system throws error like 'invalid password' , it essentially means that username is proper.


    Page map created earlier can also help you in guessing file names and directory structure present on the web server. Using this technique you can access files for which there is no link present on the pages, or which is not intended to be visible to the user. You must always check for the presence of any pattern in file names and location. Files which should not be viewed by clients should be located in places not accessible to the clients. Using this technique of educated guessing, malicious users can even access admin or control panel of the website, which usually runs as a separate sub-site or run on a different port. These type of loopholes can be identified easily by tools like port scanners and other brute-force tools.


    Vulnerability of the web application can also be exposed by manipulating UI controls. For example, you might have used websites containing list boxes to take user input. Reason for providing list box is to make sure that client do not choose any other option apart from whatever is supplied in the list. It is very easy for development team to make this assumption and not do any other form of validation. What they fail to realize is that, these values can be changed by making changes in the page source even request can be tampered on transit using appropriate tools. Also if validations are present at the client-side, it is still possible to bypass those validations. This could be achieved either by disabling the java scrīpts or saving a local copy of the file and removing those validations. To safeguard from these vulnerabilities, it is essential to make sure that validations are present on the server side as well.


    Another thing that should be checked at the client side is cookies. For people not familiar with cookies, cookies are small files of textual data that a web application writes on a client's hard drive. Web application can reuse this data on subsequent visits. Cookies can be delivered by web application using either persistent/non-persistent and secure/non-secure mode.  Cookies can be used for personalization or making sure that information is not accessed after it is expired. There are many ways in which cookies can be used. Cookies are normally stored at predefined location with predefined formats. If your application relies on cookies for any functionality, it is essential for you to make sure that tempered cookies can not be used with your application.


    Hope after understanding the different ways in which security can be compromised, you will appreciate  the importance of security testing of web applications. In the next article, we will explore how data supplied by client can be tempered and servers can be attacked.


    You can read more articles on software testing in our article section. You can suggest topics of your interest here , we will try to provide information on those topics as well.

  • web应用程序安全测试-part1(原创翻译)

    2007-11-28 11:44:46






















    这篇文章也参考了我最近读到的Mike Andrews and James A. Whittaker的《怎样打破web软件》一书。那本书会给你更多关于web程序安全测试方面的知识。


  • testcomplete之回归测试(原创翻译)

    2007-11-17 03:39:37





        测试一开始回归测试就开始了。回归测试脚本随着编码重构及项目的进展越来越壮大 。很快它将包含上千个必须借由自动化软件来顺序执行的小测试脚本。


        在强大的机器和老练的测试管理工具的帮助下,一天之中我们能运行多次全部的回归测试。不管什么时候一旦程序中加入了一个新的功能,按规定对应的测试脚本将比编码更早一步加入到脚本中来。一旦编码完成,它将被编译,并且整个回归测试集合将在此编译版本上运行。测试集合的结果将自动检查,新测试的结果将手工检查,修改的编码将再次整体测试直到通过相应的测试 。这些测试脚本及其验证结果将像编码被添加进版本一样被添加进测试集合。

        这样的程序的优势是如果这些回归测试脚本中有一个发生故障 ,你知道它是由哪部分编码导致的。

        回归测试的运用是极限编程方法的中心。(参考极限编程,Kent Beck, Addison-Wesley, 或者 http://www.extremeprogramming.org/)。AutomatedQA公司跟极限编程或她的拥护者没有关系,但极限编程是基于对TestComplete来说测试自动化的有效性和软件管理的通用性。TestComplete也显著地影响其他极限编程实践。


    • 首先,执行测试脚本并进行调试。
    • 其次,在测试脚本中添加或修改。
    • 然后为新加入版本的特殊性功能设计一个测试脚本。
    • 在新版本上运行旧的和新加入的测试脚本。
    • 修改并重复执行直到所有脚本都测试通过。
    • ……



  • 访问量: 9415
  • 日志数: 11
  • 建立时间: 2007-11-17
  • 更新时间: 2007-12-25


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