珍惜现在的每一分钟,全力以赴自己的梦想。 Jump for the sun, at least you land on the moon.

On Business vs Gain

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-03-09 10:41:40 / 个人分类:小樱原创

51Testing软件测试网 PMu+Qi6a8XN

Be on business here XiaMen from last month. Even missed the Valentine's day!  

/PJUA8E/t*HQ+P051Testing软件测试网FF P,a_` Mz

Homesick, this is recent my status, miss my parent, darling, food, air, building, street, everything there. After 3-fresh days, I got homesick till now.51Testing软件测试网7d)f#Nmg#]

n3k;Y&bj0h l0XiaMen isn't a such beautiful city than I imagine. Even a 9-floors building hasn't a lift, this is almost the craziest thing to me to climb 8 stairs every day, why architech forgot it! Then, must washing, cooking myself, but I think this is not a difficult thing, I'm able to take care myself at least as the matter stands.  51Testing软件测试网&F(F[*C k5ql&\

51Testing软件测试网cF0E-e.XPF v

It is indeed fortunate that I'm learning a lot here. learn things below:51Testing软件测试网7k8C&c o:p!L

0}~1yvy0H[01. how to do secondary-develop for Quality Center, this is just a workflow configuration;

%T CTS2P/~vN0

+m}f-vty Q!A%o5w%?02. how to export a report to xls by VBS;

dBY%fq$z&d051Testing软件测试网7LeCAw2z _R d I6]

3. how to import tc in xls to Quality Center;


4. how to  coordinate test process by according regular project management process and CMMI system.

f-R Fo)r+wk2N051Testing软件测试网Lyi _Q,k.c

5. how to measure test working, such as, bug quantity etc,51Testing软件测试网"Z0F2@(ky+s0_!n l4z

ch5e-?9\8zJ06. step by step oracle

g'}Q*A3N#c2C051Testing软件测试网*KF8G sDr`7Ud







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