Android vnc server 安装

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-06 14:38:22 / 个人分类:手机

想通过PC来控制G1 phone(android), 在 MARKET找了半天,没有找到VNC server,只有VNC viewer,在网上搜索了一下,发现了一个叫做ANDROIDVNCSERVER的东东。以下是安装过程。
名称:Android VNC Server on G1 (PC 远程控制 Android 手机) I found a vnc server for G1.

1. Original vnc project

This one could not be used on G1, because it need build a special keyboard driver into kernel

2. Forked vnc server

Forked from android-vnc project on google code.

The original android-vnc need build a special keyboard driver into kernel. It's not necessary. Also the touch event support is added in this version.

First download and install the binary

If you have adb on server:

#adb push androidvncserver/data
#adb shell
Or you can just copy the downloaded file androidvncserver to the /sdcard,
Then umount the sdcard and launch the terminal from your G1, then type
# su    <-  I have root access, I'm not sure whether the following steps work without root access.
# cp /sdcard/androidvncserver /data/
# chmod a+x /data/androidvncserver
# /data/androidvncserver &
And finally:

Run vnc viewer from hose PC.

Here I use 

make sure the connection address with port 5901 :

Now, I can remote control my phone from host pc.

在安装的过程上,遇到了以下问题, 在使用chmod命令时,总是提示,permission denied,在chmod 命令后添加了权限 777(即可执行又可读写的权限) 就可以了。

另附图:通过 ADB启动VNC SERVER时的图

TAG: Android PC Pc




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