测试路漫漫, 吾将上下求索. 两年多开发经验, 六年整测试经验. 比较熟悉web自动化测试, especially in Ruby & Watir. 正在探讨Agile 测试, Junit testing in Agile. 联系方式

Common Sense in testing 3

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-12-10 19:36:11

{/\,]9atl0Automating what your test, this is our final goal. In my mind, if the thing can be done by machine, ok, let machine handle it. So if the new feature can be automated in short time, congratulations! Just do it.

+Cx Km,by0

1tM5go-B u]\3iz0Sometimes the automation work can not be done is short time, that's ok, we can make some semi-automation. even the semi-automation case, it can release a lot of efforts in testing. If we have time in feature testing or after feature testing, just continue your automation work.51Testing软件测试网W"vw%M_/z2b b K


Before automation, please make sure you are confident with your design, if you are not ready with the design, please don't start your automation work, or it will be hell for you to maintennance in the future.51Testing软件测试网)|pHw,}My

w k Nt$tE0What ablility need I have?Below I list some suggestion:51Testing软件测试网 N6v}2HJ2|1c

  • Domain Expert
  • Be familiar with one or two scrīpt language
  • Be good at thinking
51Testing软件测试网 B$y3y.O0t b

 51Testing软件测试网vcMr1@#g}0L q


lghss23的个人空间 引用 删除 lghss23   /   2008-12-12 11:02:46
Thanks for you reply, and I am sorry for  embarrassing you. I am clear the explanation, well, I get a long way to go. Expecting to read your new work.
测试无涯 引用 删除 frankyliu   /   2008-12-11 12:10:53
to lghss23, I am not sure which part you are interested in. Be honest, all these need practice, and different system maybe need different requirement.  And the system may touch company confiendential information. Sorry for I can't give them in detail. If you are very interested in, we can have a talk offline. Thanks!
测试无涯 引用 删除 frankyliu   /   2008-12-11 12:05:24
to biscuit, Domain Expert means you are very familiar with a field. For example, if you are testing an ERP system, as we know, there are a lot of modules in ERP, Finance, Inventory, Material Managerment, if you are very familiar with Inventory,  and reach some level, then maybe in your company, you are domain expert in Inventory.
测试坚兵 引用 删除 biscuit   /   2008-12-11 11:26:57
What's your mean about "Domain Expert"? could you explain it in detail?
lghss23的个人空间 引用 删除 lghss23   /   2008-12-11 10:54:04
Hi, frank , the articles what I read are helpful to me, I think It's better if you introduce the testing system/ product background in detail, well, I mean I could follow your steps.
regards !



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