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Common Sense in testing

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-12-10 14:41:29

51Testing软件测试网r&`R,a Rp,Pk

Before testing, I would like to think about the below three tools, whether can I create tools to help generate test data, whether can I create tools to help do data verification, whether can I leverage some automation cases to help test. Besides, I also think more about how much time there tools will take, normally the time on creating these tools should be very little, 2~3 days.

  1. Tools forgeneratingtest data
  2. Tools forVerifyingtest data
  3. Tools forautomating business flow.

*K1pH|i&Wb a&`8o+{ eX0Whyneed we think about the three tools, definitely, it can save a lot of test efforts for us. If we can make the three tools happen, then we can do a lot of ad hoc test using the saving time. Also the three tools improve test effectiveness and efficency.51Testing软件测试网[oF9@;x-rDK

,lb)edrgt"ID4z0Generating test data, it is very useful in system interface testing. for example, there is new system B, system B entry depends on system A result. under this condition, we can create tool to generate system A result, instead of going though system A to generate test data.


Note, even we have such generating test data tool, at last, we still do go through system A to generate some test data, so that we can cover end to end test.51Testing软件测试网Pg1}Hpy

51Testing软件测试网m4GuX1^-I g2S1N

To be continued...51Testing软件测试网*~3ir"u0p|A





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