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Can you be replaced?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-12-10 12:21:37


Today, I have discussion about whether you can be replaced or not with an intern.

,iO1d:Z2z@051Testing软件测试网*X)d bDK

I think as a test engineer, we must have our specific character. In testing, I think two things are very important:51Testing软件测试网u'lJ#D)?p!P

d(zLspM0First, domain knowledge. we should at least master one or two domains.51Testing软件测试网8{s3_^,V2QY

QcG5K e MA0Second, testing experience that is testing ablility. it includes programming ablility, test methodology, communication skills, common sense in your field etc.

!d jXZ B\6U0


Ailee_Test的个人空间 引用 删除 Ailee_Test   /   2008-12-10 17:41:26
I think you are right .And, I will do my best to be a professional testing engineer.Thank you for the advise.
测试无涯 引用 删除 frankyliu   /   2008-12-10 17:28:51
Good question. if we are not good at programming, we need to develop other area in testing, and do it perfect.
Any way, QA had better learn one or two programe script, it can help us improve test efficency.
引用 删除 megahappy   /   2008-12-10 16:25:48
but some people don't have experience in programming,they are always do function test.what do you think so?



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