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Email check automation solution

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-12-16 23:20:31 / 个人分类:Ruby & Watir

If you have a lot of emails to check in testing, believe you are sick of do the contect check day by day. If the machine can help you to do the email check, that will be great news for you. How could let machine help you do that? We should think about below steps:
  1. Email trigger, emails should be automated trigger out
  2. Construct mail content expected result, meanwhile contstruct regular expression that will be used to fetch the real email content.
  3. Compare expected content and real content
  4. Log the compare result.
In the implement, we abstract an email checker to help us do email compare, the logic of the email checker:
  1. Download email from pop server, it may be mail list
  2. Get the right email by time stamp
  3. Decode mail content, normally mail content is encoded
  4. Using regular expression to fetch real email content
  5. Compare real email content and expect content
  6. Log the compare result 
After that, an email check automation solution comes out. It seems very simple,then maybe someone askes what technology we use to implement this, --Ruby. 





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