
上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-02-16 15:21:30 / 个人分类:求职我最牛

One thing you should do, immediately after the interview, is send a thank you email or letter. Send it the same day or, at the latest, on the following day to the person or persons who interviewed you; remember to ask for business cards before you leave the interview. It is a good idea to do this even if the job doesn’t really interest you. In it you should show your appreciation for the employers’ interest in you and stress your interest in them.
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Pds)t}h8G(HCM\8M\0It’s possible the company may have specifically asked you not to contact them but to wait for them to come back to you. In this case ask when you can expect to hear from them. If you have heard nothing, wait a couple of days and then call the interviewer. Ask politely about the status of your job application.
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Your follow up phone call depends on the time frame. you deduced from your interview question. Let’s say five days after the interview you decide to call. Ask to speak with the person who interviewed you. You should be polite and professional, restate your interest in the position but don’t sound desperate! Ask if they need any further information and if you are still under consideration. Find out when you can expect a final decision.51Testing软件测试网5p GE%y$b [+w
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