
  • TestComplete 学习笔记3_Stores_CheckPoint

    2008-09-22 23:59:01

    Region CheckPoint的例子:
    Sub RegionCompareExample
    If (Not Regions.Compare("Logo", Sys.Process("iexplore"). _
    Page("http://www.activefocus.net/").Table(0).Cell(1, 0). _
    Link(0).Image("nav_r1_c1"), False, False, True, 0)) Then
    Call Log.Error("The regions are not identical.")
    End If
    End Sub

    File CheckPoint的例子:
    Sub FileCompareExample
    If (Not Files.Compare("Sample1.txt", "Sample2.txt", 0, True)) Then
    Call Log.Error("The files are not identical.")
    End If
    End Sub


    Sub FileCompare
           If Files.Compare("TestData1.txt","TestData2.txt", 18471005,True) then
                 Call Log.Message("The Files are diffrent in hashvalue=1847010015")
          End IF        
    End Sub

    Sub FileCompare
           If not Files.Compare("TestData1.txt","TestData2.txt", Files.CalculateHashValue("TestData1.txt","TestData2.txt") ) then
           Call Log.Message("The Files are diffrent in hashvalue=1847010015")
          End IF        
    End Sub

    Object CheckPoint的例子: 比较实际Object的属性与Stores下的Object的属性是否一致
    Sub ObjectCompareExample
    If (Not
    Objects.Compare(Sys.Process("iexplore").Page("http://www.activefocus.net/").Panel(0), "Panel", True)) Then
    Call Log.Error("The objects are not identical.")
    End If
    End Sub

  • TestComplete 学习笔记2_Data-Driven Testing

    2008-09-21 23:32:43


    1 CVSDriver is used to read text file such as comma delimited (default) or tab delimited (using a schema.ini file). By default the first row is the header information (or column names) for the driver.





    2 ExcelDriver is used to read an Excel spreadsheet. The first row of the sheet is the header information for the driver.

    3 ADODriver is a generic driver to read in ADO compatible data source. DDT中几个常用的方法和属性:

    ColumnCount: The number of column in the data source.

    ColumnName: The name of a given column from the data source.

    Name: The Name of the Driver.

    Value: Returns the value of a column based on the column name or index.

    EOF: Indicates if the driver is at the end of the data source.

    DriveMethod: Iterates through all the records of the database, and executes a scrīpt routine for each records. Next: Move to the next record in the data source Example_1:

    Dim DDTObject

    Sub Main


    Set DDTObject= DDT.CSVDriver(Files.FileNameByName("TestData.txt")) DDTObject.DriveMethod("Unit2.Test1")


    End Sub

    Sub Test1

    Dim w1

    Set w1 = Aliases.mainForm

    w1.WinFormsObject("trackBar1").wPosition = DDTObject.Value("Iterations") w1.WinFormsObject("checkBox3").Checked = DDTObject.Value("Greedy")

    w1.WinFormsObject("comboBox1").ClickItem(DDTObject.Value("Strategy"))  w1.WinFormsObject("comboBox2").ClickItem(DDTObject.Value("Stores"))  w1.WinFormsObject("button1").ClickButton

    End Sub


    Sub Main





    End Sub

    Sub Test1

    Dim w1

    Set w1 = Aliases.mainForm

    w1.WinFormsObject("trackBar1").wPosition = DDT.CurrentDriver.Value("Iterations") w1.WinFormsObject("checkBox3").Checked = DDT.CurrentDriver.Value("Greedy")  w1.WinFormsObject("comboBox1").ClickItem(DDT.CurrentDriver.Value("Strategy"))  w1.WinFormsObject("comboBox2").ClickItem(DDT.CurrentDriver.Value("Stores"))  w1.WinFormsObject("button1").ClickButton

    End Sub


    Sub Main


    Set DDTObject= DDT.CSVDriver(Files.FileNameByName("TestData.txt"))

    While not DDTObject.EOF

    Call Test1()



    End Sub

    Sub Test1

    Dim w1

    Set w1 = Aliases.mainForm

    w1.WinFormsObject("trackBar1").wPosition = DDTObject.Value("Iterations") w1.WinFormsObject("checkBox3").Checked = DDTObject.Value("Greedy")  w1.WinFormsObject("comboBox1").ClickItem(DDTObject.Value("Strategy"))  w1.WinFormsObject("comboBox2").ClickItem(DDTObject.Value("Stores"))  w1.WinFormsObject("button1").ClickButton

    End Sub


    Dim MyDriver

    Sub Main

    Dim SQLStatement

    Dim ConnectionString

    ' Start Notepad


    ' Limit to 100 records

    SQLStatement = "SELECT TOP (100) CustomerID, FirstName, LastName FROM" & _ " Sales.vIndividualCustomer"

    ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _ "Persist Security Info=False;" & _ "Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Data Source=.\SQLExpress"

    ' Create Driver

    Set MyDriver = DDT.ADODriver(ConnectionString,SQLStatement)

    ' Call Method 100 times


    End Sub

    Sub Test1

    Dim p1

    Dim w1

    Dim w2

    Dim KeyStr

    Set p1 = Sys.Process("Notepad")

    Set w1 = p1.Window("Notepad", "*")

    Set w2 = w1.Window("Edit") w2.VScroll.Pos = 0

    ' Create String with Customer Information

    KeyStr = MyDriver.Value("CustomerID")& "," & _ MyDriver.Value("FirstName")& "," & _ MyDriver.Value("LastName")& "[Enter]"

    Call w2.Keys( KeyStr)

    End Sub

  • TestComplete 学习笔记1_Namemapping

    2008-09-21 15:12:13

    1. TC没有像QTP一样的对象库以及对象库管理功能,但是对于那些“又长又臭”的代码行,可以通过Named Mappings 和Aliases 来缩短代码行,并且让测试对象的命名更加有意义,从而让录制和编写的脚本更加清晰、直观易懂。
      TestComplete provides Named Mappings and Aliases to tame extremely long object identifiers that have meaningless default names. For example:


    Clearly there are numerous issues with this identifier, its long and awkward not to mention we have no clue about the purpose or identity of "Container1", "Container2" or "button1". Named Mappings allow you to rename Panel1, Panel2, Container1, Container2 and button1 to useful names like MyPanel,myInsidePanel, myTabs, myPages and btnSubmit. The issue here is that you still need to type:

    TestComplete lets you create an Alias to represent this long string. If you create the Alias "btnSubmit",you only need to type:


    1. Mapping an object with TestComplete’s dialogs and panels
    • To map an object’s name via the Object Browser:
      1. Switch to the Object Browser panel.
      2. Choose the desired object in this panel and select Map the Object Name from the context menu.

    -- or --

    • To map an object’s name directly using the Tools toolbar:
      1. Press the Open the Tools Window button on TestComplete's toolbar or choose the menu item Tools | Tools. This will bring up the Tools toolbar.
      2. Activate the application's window that holds the onscreen object you want to map.
      3. Click the Map Object From Screen button (the mouse cursor will turn into the Finder tool glyph ), hold the mouse button down and drag the glyph over the screen. As you move, the red frame will surround onscreen objects which are under the glyth. Release the mouse button over the desired object.


    2. Map an object from scrīpts

    To map an object, use the AddNamedChild method of any mapped object (this method is added after the object was mapped). This method uses four parameters:

    obj.AddNamedChild(SysNode, ChildName, Descrīption, Properties)

    • SysNode - Specifies the object to be mapped.
    • ChildName - Specifies the desired mapped name for an object.
    • Descrīption - Specifies the mapped item’s descrīption.
    • Properties - Holds an array of object property names that will be used for object recognition.

    By calling the AddNamedChild method of a mapped object, you make its child object a child mapping item.

    The following scrīpt code maps the Sys object and then all process objects (children of Sys). We assume that the Sys object has already been mapped to sys2:

    Sub TestNameMapping
      ' Creating the property array
      Arr = CreateVariantArray(0, 1)
      Arr(0) = "ProcessName"
      Arr(1) = "Index"
      ' Mapping objects
      For i = 0 To Sys.ChildCount - 1
        Set ProcessObj = Sys.Child(i)
        If ProcessObj.MappedName = "" Then
          ' Generating the mapped name
          s = ProcessObj.ProcessName + CStr(ProcessObj.Index)
          ' Checking if the mapped name can be used
          If IsValidIdent(s) Then
            ' Mapping the object
            ' We assume that the Sys object is mapped to sys2.
            NameMapping.sys2.AddNamedChild ProcessObj, s, "The process object", Arr
            Log.Message "Cannot map the object " + ProcessObj.Name
          End If
        End If
    End Sub   




  • 访问量: 2609
  • 日志数: 3
  • 建立时间: 2008-08-27
  • 更新时间: 2008-09-22


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