你是属于哪个测试School的, Analytic, Standard, Quality, Context Driven or Agile?


  • 从小测试员到测试总工程师的英文名称

    2008-12-04 08:28:44


    Junior Tester    初级测试员

    Senior Tester    高级测试工程师

    Testing team lead/Testing Manager 测试组总管或测试经理

    Test Architect   测试总工程师

  • [转载]比较watir 和 selenium --- Bret Pettichord

    2008-12-04 01:15:47

    Watir and Selenium

    By Bret Pettichord 

    Two excellent open-source tools for testing web applications are under
    development: Watir and Selenium. I?ve been contributing to both. Why?
    Wouldn?t it be better to just have one good tool?

    Both tools run tests directly in a browser, and both do it in a way
    that allows the browser to be minimized while the tests are running,
    which means you don?t have to dedicate a machine to running tests. And
    both have been used to test significant web applications under
    development. But there are also many differences?which ultimately stem
    from the different goals they were originally designed to meet.

    Watir was developed as a consequence of the scrīpting for Testers
    class originally developed by Brian Marick and me. We conceived the
    class as a way to help get testers over the programming hurdles to do
    automated testing. Ruby?s simple syntax and interactive shell (IRB)
    made it a simple language to teach. Of the various automation tasks we
    originally presented, we found that the students were most interested
    in driving a browser. And the class has come to center on browser-
    based testing. Watir is but the latest version of the web-browser
    driving library used for that class. Watir was designed both to be
    easy to learn, without making any assumptions about the application
    being tested. For example, it allows page elements to be identified by
    index, name, ID, value or adjacent text. However, the technical
    approach we used for the tool restricts it to only working with the IE
    browser on Windows. As a tool originally intended for instructional
    use, we were willing to live with this limitation. Well, actually, I
    was more willing than Brian, who has since become a Mac user.

    Jason Huggins, the creator of Selenium had very different objectives.
    His foremost goal was to create a tool that would allow him to test
    for browser compatibility. He was developing the time tracking system
    used inside ThoughtWorks. For in house applications, most IT groups
    pick a browser, test the app on it, and then tell their users what to
    use. It?s not that easy at ThoughtWorks, however. Our developers are
    an ornery bunch and don?t like people to tell them what tools to use.
    Although the company provides Windows laptops, many even use Macs or
    Linux as their preferred platforms. So it was important to Jason that
    he be able to test multiple browsers on multiple platforms. As other
    developers at ThoughtWorks have adopted and developed Selenium, they
    have also been willing to adapt their web applications to the
    requirements of the tool.

    In short, Watir was designed for ease of use?but with the expectation
    that its users will be programming (rather than recording). Originally
    intended as a teaching tool, it was acceptable for the tool to be
    limited to IE and Windows. Selenium was designed for breadth of
    coverage. It was expected to be used by the same developers who built
    the application, so it?s biggest requirement?that it be installed with
    the application under test?was acceptable.

    Many Watir users report that they are able to quickly get up and
    running and productive with Watir even if they don't know Ruby. The
    public reception of Selenium is that it's a cool idea that shows

    The biggest complaint with Watir regards it being limited to IE and
    Windows. The biggest complaint with Selenium is the requirement for
    server-side installation. The other major difference between the tools
    is with the novelty of the architecture used. Watir has an
    architecture that has often been used before; it benefits from the
    experiences of many people who have built similar tools before.
    Selenium, on the other hand, represents an original invention. As far
    as i know, no one has ever built a tool like Selenium before. This
    brings with it some growing pains as people get experience using its
    unique approach.

    Technically, Watir is a Ruby library that wraps the COM interface to
    Internet Explorer. COM is a long-standing Windows-based technology for
    making libraries accessible to various languages. (OLE and ActiveX are
    other names for approximately the same thing as COM.) Like most
    languages, Ruby can access COM interfaces. The COM interface to IE
    allows access to the browser?s document object model (DOM). By
    directly accessing the DOM, we don?t have to worry about screen
    locations or whether the element we wish to access is currently
    obscured by another window. Using the DOM allows Watir-based tests to
    run in minimized browsers. Many people have built tools to access the
    DOM via IE?s COM interface; i call these tools COM/DOM drivers. Samie
    and Jiffie are two other open-source COM/DOM drivers, written in Perl
    and Java, respectively.

    The main thing that distinguishes Watir from other COM/DOM drivers is
    the way Paul Rogers and i have designed it to meet the expectations of
    non-technical users. Unlike Samie, it automatically anticipates when
    it should wait for the next page to load in the browser. It also
    provides several commands intended to be used with Ruby?s interactive
    shell (called IRB), a language feature found in Ruby?and Python? but
    not many of the other popular programming languages. Being able to use
    these commands from the interactive shell helps understand the
    structure of the web pages they are writing tests for. Watir also has
    benefited from a growing community, contributing features and

    Selenium uses a unique mechanism for driving browsers. Selenium?s
    automation engine is written in Javascrīpt and runs inside a browser.
    All modern browsers support Javascrīpt, and therefore can be driven by
    Selenium. The automation engine, called a browser bot, is embedded in
    a page that accessed the application under test in a separate frame.
    There?s one snag. Because of something called cross-site scrīpting,
    Selenium?s browser bot has to be served from the same site as the
    application under test. Thus it has to be installed on the server.

    Although Selenium is written in Javascrīpt, Selenium tests are not.
    Rather, Selenium supports a command language, called Selenese. Tests
    can take one of two forms. They can be embedded in an HTML table,
    which will be read in by the browser bot and then executed. These
    tests look a lot like Fit-based tests, with the Selenese commands
    amounting to a set of action words.

    You can also express Selenium tests in a programming language, taking
    advantage of language-specific drivers that communicate in Selenese to
    the browser bot. Java and Ruby drivers have been released, with dot-
    Net and Python drivers under development. These drivers allow you to
    write tests in Java, Ruby, Python, C#, or VB.net.

    The idea that Selenium has to be installed on the server has turned
    off a lot of testers. One called it ?scary.? Developers don?t seem to
    mind. One practical concern regards ease of installation. Developers
    who are used setting up servers don?t seem to have much trouble
    figuring out how install Selenium on their particular server
    configuration. With time and experience we?ll see more documentation
    on how to install Selenium with typical web application architectures.
    And we?ll see Selenium packaged to be easier to install. But the
    testers? resistance seems to go beyond the practical concerns with
    installability. Some testers are reluctant because they don?t
    regularly have direct access to the servers they test. I think others
    are scared that it will somehow contaminate the validity of the test
    results. I don?t share this concern.

    I also won?t be surprised if we eventually see a method for installing
    Selenium off the server. Prototypes have been built for mechanisms
    that fool the browser into thinking the web app is hosted with the
    Selenium server even when it?s really somewhere else, but these
    haven't been released yet.

    With time, we?ll also see Selenium support more browsers, such as
    Safari and Opera. Although the browser bot can run in these browsers,
    it needs to be customized for different browsers, because they all
    seem to expose their DOM slightly differently. The nice thing about
    Selenium is that this customization is all in the browser bot itself;
    Selenese commands work with any supported browser.

    My plan is to provide multi-browser and platform testing capability to
    Watir by allowing it use Selenium?s Ruby driver to drive browsers in
    addition to the IE/COM interface that it currently uses. One challenge
    will be that IE/COM provides a much more fine-grained interface than
    currently provided by Selenium. I anticipate this project will require
    new Selenese commands as it progresses. It?ll take a while.

    In the mean time, users must choose between a tester-friendly tool
    that is limited to IE on Windows and a tool that works with most
    browsers but isn?t as easy to use or install.
  • 自动化测试常用的工具 --- 开源WEB篇

    2008-12-03 09:05:16


    1 测试 WEB

    SELENIUM 可以说是测试WEB最全面的开源自动化工具, 它可以在WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC 和 SOLARIS 上运行, 而且可以几乎用任何一种编程语言进行构建, 你可以用你熟悉的语言包括 JAVA, C#, PERL, PHP, PYTHON 和 RUBY。 它可以测试的浏览器有IE, FIREFOX, OPERA 和 SAFARI。
    GOOGLE 每天都要在他的TESTING FARM上跑几万个SELENIUM测试CASE,现在也些会更多,你如果想学习SELENIUM, 可以从这里开始 http://selenium.seleniumhq.org/

    WATIR 是另一个在国外非常流行的自动化测试框架, WATIR 是 WEB AUTOMATION TESTING IN RUBY的缩写, Bret Pettichord 是这个开源项目的主要开发人员, 相信大家读过他的著作《Lessons learned in Software Testing》。 经过一段时间的开源开发, 现在BRET 和他的合伙人PETE开一家公司叫WATIR CRAFT, 提供商业支持, 就像UBUNTU 背后有公司Canonical一样。 WATIR 和 UBUNTU 都是开源的,不过如果你需要特殊的商业支持和功能, WATIR CRAFT 和 CANONICAL 可以为你量身定做。 怎么写着写着,觉得自己在打广告, 呵呵, 不好意思!还是介绍一下WATIR 的功能吧, WATIR 一开始只可以在WINDOWS 上运行,而且之可以测试IE, 不过现在好象是可以测试FIREFOX 和 SAFARI 了。WATIR 只可以用RUBY 来写。

    WEBDRIVER 是另一个GOOGLE 正在用的自动化测试软件, 语言是用JAVA, 你可以在这里了解WEBDRIVER, 


  • 今天开通了 51TESTING 的BLOG

    2008-11-26 19:01:03

    今天很高兴, 在国内测试门户网站开通了自己的BLOG, 希望和大家多多交流关于测试方面的技术和知识。

    WAYNE T.


  • 访问量: 6020
  • 日志数: 4
  • 书签数: 1
  • 建立时间: 2008-11-26
  • 更新时间: 2008-12-04


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