Interview Questions 201

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-06-23 15:12:23 / 个人分类:Interview Questions

23. What is Backend Testing?

Answer: It is a test to check whether the data displayed in the GUI front-end matches with the particular data in the backend.

24. Have you done any Backend Testing and/or if you did, how did you do it in your last project?

Answer: Yes. I have done backend testing. When I was working in my last project, this was my scenario of backend testing:

I was working on Reports. It was the scenario of testing one application used in the bank, where a customer comes to a bank’s front desk, the bank teller is requested to open a Checking Account. The associate then asks for the personal information about the customer, which, are the primary data, such as: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Address and Social Security Number. The associate then puts these primary data of that particular customer into the computer, which then afterwards batch-processed (normally happens in the middle of the nigh).Now, after the batch process, the information of that customer goes into the central database in the XML format. The data now from the database goes to ETL (Extract-Transform-Load).





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