Interview Questions 51

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-06-23 14:51:41 / 个人分类:Interview Questions

Have you written Test Cases?

Answer: Yes.

What is a Test Case? What does it include?

Answer: A Test Case is a document that describes step-by-step process how to test the application. A Test Case includes Test Case ID, Steps Description, Expected Output, Actual Output, Pass/Fail, and Remarks. (Remember, this is NOT a part of Test Plan. It is a separate document written using Excel. In some companies, they use Rational TestManager or TestDirector. But for companies, who do not have these tools, use Excel sheet. In t he example below, it is in the Excel sheet)

Did you use any tools to write Test Cases?

Answer: Yes. I have used TestDirector (now called QualityCenter) and Rational TestManager to write Test Cases. However, in most of the companies, I used Excel sheet. See a sample Test Case.





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